Q&A If My Mate has Lied about the past, Will They Lie about the Present and Future?
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It has been 10 months since our original D-Day with too many other discoveries since then to count! My main concern is that along the way there has not been any detail of countless acts of infidelity and lies voluntarily given... everything has been discovered by me and then finally admitted to once I have had proof. When I asked about these things prior to digging up the proof myself, my husband has lied straight to my face... until he was staring at the proof I have found on many different occasions... There has been no new infidelity, but the lies about our past leads me to have serious doubts about his ability and willingness to be truthful about our present and future. After the last time he lied and I uncovered the truth I finally had enough and drew a line... one more lie and I'm done... I can handle the infidelity but I can't live with lies... and yesterday a new lie about our past was uncovered: A big one that I specifically asked him about just a week before. So now I have told him I'm leaving. He is begging me to stay... saying he isn't lying about our present but was too afraid to admit to our past for fear I'd leave.... will do ANYTHING I want if I will just stay. My question... are my instincts accurate that if he will lie about our past, he's likely to lie about our present and future?