Harboring Hope Online Course For Betrayed Spouses. Regardless of whether the unfaithful spouse is supportive, unsupportive, or gone, we want you to feel hope again. Whole again. Home again. Harboring Hope is specifically designed for betrayed spouses by professional counselors who are also betrayed spouses. We know the pain. We have been there. We want you to know that you are not alone, you are not crazy, and you are not destined to grieve forever. Harboring Hope can help you discover what you need to heal and help you find hope in your circumstance. We want to rebuild your confidence and give you room to thrive. “The pain of infidelity is overwhelming and all-consuming. Harboring Hope is a gift. For me, Harboring Hope is people who truly understand my pain and what I'm living through. Without them, it feels as if I would have no hope.” - A, Armenia About the Online Course This faith-based course joins you with other betrayed spouses of the same gender in a private small group. The group communicates via a weekly telephone conference call as well as an online small group wall that is accessible 24/7. Your small group is a safe, intimate place where you receive support from others while on your path to recovery. Harboring Hope includes: Course Details: Length: 13 weeks Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per week Weekly calls are approximately 90 minutes Designed For: Betrayed Spouses Format: Online Small Group + Weekly Phone Call Group Size: 4-6 participants + Group Leader (men's and women's groups) Price*: $495 or 3 payments of $173 (plus shipping**, and sales tax where applicable) *Charges will appear as "Hope-Now" on bank statement **Package will arrive in a discreet box from “Hope-Now” with no branding. Harboring Hope includes: Workbook written by experts Streamed lecture videos Weekly small group conference calls When will my small group meet? Monthly Q&A Broadcast with Harboring Hope authors Leslie Hardie and John Haney Small group wall for support throughout the week. Complimentary six month Recovery Library membership “Harboring Hope gave me the structure I needed to be able to work through the darkest time in my life so far.” -R, Texas How does the healing process look in my day-to-day life? Each week, you’ll start by reading the workbook chapter and watching the lecture video of Leslie and John. As you read the chapter, you will complete homework exercises, some of which you will share during your small group call. In addition, during your 13 week course you’ll be able to submit questions to Leslie Hardie, LCSW and John Haney, PhD, LPC, the authors of Harboring Hope. Each month, we film their answers during a Q&A session and post them for you to watch online. You’ll also gain access to a library of past Harboring Hope Q&A sessions. Please estimate 3-4 hours per week to complete your coursework. What else is included? Complimentary 6 Month Recovery Library Membership As soon as you make your purchase, you’ll receive 6 months of free access to the Recovery Library. The Recovery Library gives you access to over 700 Expert Articles, Podcasts, and Videos that were authored by professionals who also have lived through and recovered from infidelity. If you don’t know about the Recovery Library yet, you can learn more here. Answers From Experts: Monthly Video Q&A with Leslie and John Have a question about the curriculum that your Group Leader or fellow members can’t answer? Do not fear. You can submit your question to Leslie and John during your 13 week course. We film Leslie and John reading and answering questions in the AR Studio once a month. Then we post those videos for you to view as a participant. How’s that for an answer? 100% Money-Back Guarantee We are confident in the Harboring Hope course and we take pride in its quality. If you are not satisfied with our services and have attended at least ten out of the thirteen group meetings, a 100% refund will be provided. Learn more about the refund policy here. FAQs What day and time will my Small Group's conference calls take place? What day and time will my Small Group's conference calls take place? Below are the current available Group Days and Times for the upcoming registration. Please note: All times are listed in U.S.A. Central Time zone. Time Zone Converter All women's groups for April 2025 Registration: Groups start between: April 16th - April 27th *SOLD OUT* Sundays at 8:00 PM Central Time (women only) Mondays at 11:00 AM Central Time *MORNING* (women only) Mondays at 8:00 PM Central Time (women only) Tuesdays at 9:00 AM Central Time *MORNING* (women only) Tuesdays at 2:00 PM Central Time *AFTERNOON* (women only) Tuesdays at 8:00 PM Central Time (women only) Wednesdays at 10:00 AM Central Time *MORNING* (women only) Thursdays at 9:00 AM Central Time *MORNING* (women only) Thursdays at 7:00 PM Central Time (women only) All men's groups for April 2025 Registration: Groups start between: April 16th - April 27th Mondays at 7:00 PM Central Time (men only) Tuesdays at 6:00 AM Central Time *MORNING* (men only) When you checkout, you will be able to select the groups that work for you. Please select all the groups that work for you. This time and day will be when your small group meets via conference call each week for the 13 weeks. Please note that our system does not rank your selections, so please only select groups that will work for your schedule. Once we’ve finalized the groups, we will email your group’s start date to you. If you are not available for any of the listed day/time options, we open registration each month, so check back next month for additional groups to select from. You may also sign up to receive monthly registration reminders. I don't reside in the United States, can I still participate? Yes, you can participate! People from all around the world have participated in Harboring Hope and are now thriving from the experience. Our Group Leaders are worldwide as well. The weekly conference call will NOT be a toll free number. It is a USA landline number and your calling plan rates will apply. If you are calling from outside the U.S. and do not have an applicable International calling plan, we suggest you use a VoIP system (i.e. Vonage, etc.). Purchasing VoIP credit is typically much less expensive than calling rates. How soon will I be placed in a group and start the course after the registration deadline? Typically, groups start about two weeks from the first day of open registration. However, you will immediately have access to your course materials and all of the Recovery Library resources while your group is being scheduled. Do I have to come from a place of faith to participate? You do not have to come from a place of faith to participate in Harboring Hope. Harboring Hope is a faith based program, however, we’ve had hundreds of people who are not Christian greatly benefit from the course. Many have found it helpful to replace references to God with a word that works for them such as “love” or “higher power”. Does it matter how long I’ve known about the infidelity? No, the course is proven helpful to those who discovered the infidelity recently, and also those who have been struggling with it for years. What is most important in a betrayed spouse’s recovery journey is that they seek expert care to address the specific aftermath of infidelity. Harboring Hope offers you expert curriculum and a supportive community to begin and continue your healing. Who are the Group Leaders? Group Leaders are carefully selected. Almost all of our Group Leaders are alumni of Affair Recovery’s programs who are several years out. After experiencing incredible healing themselves, they feel a calling to help others who are where they once were. They have the compassion, desire, and talent that’s required to lead groups through this process. Our Group Leaders have more than just book-knowledge because they’ve personally experienced infidelity. They don’t just have sympathy; they have real empathy. We’ve found that people who have walked this path before and who have completed our Group Leader training program are able to provide incredible support, leadership, and encouragement during this difficult time. They are a light to others in darkness. What can I expect out of the weekly group phone calls? You will attend a call each week for about an hour and a half with others of the same gender also seeking healing from infidelity. You will have a group leader who will facilitate conversation around the weekly curriculum and questions. Your group leader is there to provide an open and safe space to truly come as you are without shame or judgement so that you can share what you are learning throughout the 13-week course. Your group leader will not function as a therapist or counselor but a person that provides safety, encouragement, and structure.. What have participants said about Harboring Hope? “Harboring Hope provided me the opportunity to receive the excellent support and resources I desperately needed to heal. It literally provided me a way out of the isolation that the despair of infidelity can bring and into the fellowship of hope found through shared experiences of recovery.” – L, New Mexico “My Harboring Hope time was just that MY time. My time to heal. My time to receive encouragement and hope. It was exactly what I needed to begin navigating through this nightmare to a hopeful tomorrow.” –D, Kansas “When I joined HH, I thought I was the only person experiencing the pain I was going through. Then I was connected with 5 other guys from Alaska to Austin. All of a sudden, I heard my story through their mouths. The same hurt, anger and frustrations were all expressed by these men. I'm so thankful for not only Harboring Hope, but for the other men that were able to work with me through our betrayal. I wasn't alone in my pain, these men were here to support me and mourn with me. Thanks for bringing hope back into my life.” -J, Arkansas “Harboring Hope helped facilitate healing and personal growth during the most painful time in my life. I have gone from numbness, deep sorrow, and sadness to living with hope and confidence.” –M, Texas What are the payment plan options? Pay in full: 1 payment of $495 Installment plan: 3 monthly installments of $173 Installment plan payments for Harboring Hope are not a subscription. They are in the place of one single up-front payment. Please note: Services offered by Affair Recovery are not therapy or counseling. Affair Recovery services are educational. Scholarships are available. Apply Here Enter the Monthly Drawing for a Free Harboring Hope Course. Learn More Payment Option: Harboring Hope (3 payments of $173)Harboring Hope (1 payment of $495)