Still waiting

I've been watching and learning from your videos for a long while. Simple and condensed story, I discovered my husband's affair Sept 23 2017. He was cold but wanted to reconcile. He however reached out less than a month later (we worked thru that) and again a month after that. After 5 months of no contact, I found him behaving odd and asked him if he was again in contact with her. He told me he was. There are so many things I dont understand. I've asked many questions during that time from original dday and he gave me answers. However since then, other truths have come to surface. So I asked him over ten months ago for his entire full disclosure - his affair story. He has yet to do this. I feel very uncared for and so many emotions of anger/rage/sadness/grief/depression/loneliness (the list goes on as you can imagine). He always tells me he "wants to tell me" but never takes the initiative while makes me feel worse if possible. I'm losing hope and I don't feel taken serious. Which in part is my own undoing since I dont enforce my own boundaries. Why can't I just get thru to him? He seems depressed and upset that I am now becoming more detached but I just feel as though each time I begin to trust in him, he let's me down. I dont even know what to do anymore, totally losing hope in recovery without being able to hit ground zero. Which make me feel even more unworthy - am I just not important enough??