I don't know if anyone will

I don't know if anyone will read this but hopefully I receive something from it or it helps someone else. I cheated on my gf, mother of my child, over the last 14 years. I really can't give a reason for it except that it was for a selfish pleasure. In doing this, I have destroyed a family, moved out of the home I lived in with my family, and have exposed myself to way too much alcohol. I thought if I did this it would all be good, well its not. I cant tell you the pain your ex is feeling,  but I myself am devestated. I am finally starting to forgive myself, and only through Gods grace. I still breakdown and run in a bathroom to cry, but I know the healing has began. I don't know what the future has in store, but keep your head up. Let yourself forgive, you dont have to forget, if you cheated forgive yourself. I dont know if anyone else is going through this torment, but it is  aliving hell. I wish everyone the best.