
My husband had begun his own business and was working...A lot. He spent a total of 20 days with me and our daughter in 2011. I never dreamed he was having an affair. But little things started happening to suggest such. I asked him about those things and he always had an answer. I never even went digging for information. It just showed up. So there it was one day. The other woman. He had told her I was his ex wife. That he had found me in bed with someone else. He sent her pictures of our daughter. He brought home gifts that SHE had bought for our daughter. He took her on vacations and trips with his clients. She knew all the codes and business information. He told her he wantednher baby. He took her ring shopping and beggedbher to marry him. Then He began to get violent with me. He was even arrested for family violence. I found out he was also violent with her. He even told her he had stomach cancer. Needless to say my world has come crashing down. I hate him. I hate his lies. But he is remorseful. He says he was in a bad place. At rock bottom. I just can't find any instance of someone's husband who didn't even like his other woman and treated her poorly. He says he hated her and just wanted someone to hurt. I don't know what to do with this. Is he lying? I don't know. All I know is I look at him and see nothing but rage and sadness at the same time. And I feel like I will never ever look at him with anything but. I feel like living is just pointless but I'm trying to fake it for my daughter.