Samuel, I think you just voiced what I have known for months but just didn't want to face. No, I don't feel safe with him. That is why I moved out. When we see each other at family events, we speak politely about just ordinary things. I have been waiting so long for him to say"Let's talk about this" and I now feel like its time to give it up. He won't change. He might for a short while, but I have seen that many times throughout our 35 year marriage. It never lasts. So thank you for voicing what I really needed to hear and see. This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done in my up a man who was my high school sweetheart, the father of my boys, and who used to be my world. But with God's help, I know I will get through it. I am taking the Harboring Hope class in a few days and I' m sure it will help me heal, along with tons of prayer. Your blog responses and posts have opened my eyes and helped so much. I appreciate you.
thank you