I'm the unfaithful, and I'm very much struggling with my sins and behavior. I've caused so much pain I feel that I may never understand how much damage I've done. Even after discovery I continued to hide and lie and talk to my AP. I tried going to church, talking to God and surrendering to His will. I was only doing it half-way since I wasn't fully giving up my wicked ways. It wasn't until recently that I finally decided to give it all up and fully surrender to God and trust entirely in Him. However, up to this recent decision I have done nothing correct. I couldn't even properly end my relationship with my AP. I do know that I don't want to go back to my AP no matter what happens--even though my wife has showed me the petition for divorce. She's in so much pain, and I'm in so much shame I feel as though hope is lost. I feel I've come to this realization and turned to God too late.
Please pray for our healing and God's will.
In Detox