I chose to tell noone in my personal circle and now that time has passed, I am thankful for that decision. I am sure there are people who know but since the AP lives in another town, she can deal with that. I really believe I am better off venting to this blog or to my counselor or the lawyer I consulted with. I am thankful that our situation happened far away. It helps when the Ap is a stranger. I cannot imagine the pain that would come from the betrayal of a female friend. I pray doubly for those wives because women should never betray other women. This I know for sure: My marriage is forever changed and I no longer believe in forever marriages. However, I refuse to carry shame for someone else's mistake.
I chose to tell noone in my personal circle and now that time has passed, I am thankful for that decision. I am sure there are people who know but since the AP lives in another town, she can deal with that. I really believe I am better off venting to this blog or to my counselor or the lawyer I consulted with. I am thankful that our situation happened far away. It helps when the Ap is a stranger. I cannot imagine the pain that would come from the betrayal of a female friend. I pray doubly for those wives because women should never betray other women. This I know for sure: My marriage is forever changed and I no longer believe in forever marriages. However, I refuse to carry shame for someone else's mistake.