I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your blog posts. They are a source of strength to me. My husband had a one night stand back in October - very out of the blue and very out of character. He was/is terribly ashamed and guilty of his actions. This has now turned in to what can only be described as a midlife crisis. We have two children, 9 and 2. He is ambivalent, says he loves me as family but can't be intimate with me anymore. He is vilifying me, for sure. To say he has changed is an understatement. The other woman is no longer in the picture. He lost his father in Feb which has only fuelled his dispair. We are sleeping in separate rooms. I just wondered what your thoughts are surrounding midlife crisis and an affair initiating a downward spiral especially when shame and guilt were initially such a huge factor.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your blog posts. They are a source of strength to me. My husband had a one night stand back in October - very out of the blue and very out of character. He was/is terribly ashamed and guilty of his actions. This has now turned in to what can only be described as a midlife crisis. We have two children, 9 and 2. He is ambivalent, says he loves me as family but can't be intimate with me anymore. He is vilifying me, for sure. To say he has changed is an understatement. The other woman is no longer in the picture. He lost his father in Feb which has only fuelled his dispair. We are sleeping in separate rooms. I just wondered what your thoughts are surrounding midlife crisis and an affair initiating a downward spiral especially when shame and guilt were initially such a huge factor.