Thank you

Wow. Thank you, Jen. Thank you for validating what I have been feeling for so long, in so many ways. I have been trudging through this “thing” alone for what seems like forever—like practically 5 years now. We share several similarities in our situations (unfortunately, more than I care to count). But there was something in your recent article that really hit home. It sounded like “my words”; words that could come right out of my mouth if I had chosen to tell anyone about my husband’s infidelity.

Your sentence that read, “I have sat on the sidelines of my own life for too long, feeling like nothing more than collateral damage of other people’s choices”. — that is me. Exactly. That very well could’ve been my sentence. Right out of my mouth, and my heart.

I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for writing that. Thank you for validating my feelings and making me not seem like a crazy person. Thank you for affirming that even after fighting this thing for so long, there’s someone who seems to have some of the exact the same feelings and struggles as I do. That simple sentence has helped me tremendously. It has helped me for today. Just today. Today I feel a little more positive. I don’t even know if it’ll carry over until tomorrow, but I’m thankful for this good feeing that’s starting my day off right today.

Thank you! Just sharing your words has done this seemingly simple, but monumental thing for me. Thank you!