I found out my husband had an affair with a coworker from the coworkers boyfriend who called me to tell me. I suspected something was off before I found out and asked him and he said no. Acted like why would I even ask that. After finding out I feel like everything was a blur. I attacked the affair partner. I attacked my husband. Kicked him out brought him back in multiple times. Sought out a lawyer and 3 months later I’m here. We are still together working on things. It seemed to be going well we talked about the future and planned vacations and then He gets like a bought of what seems to be depression and withdraws. We were having great sex frequently now the past three days we haven’t even touched. He says he’s tired and doesn’t know what’s wrong with him. I feel so lost and confused. I don’t think it’s fair that I am left so confused. He says nothing is going on but after what he did I get so anxious and scared. We have a therapy appointment next week. I just wish I had the answers.
Feeling confused
I found out my husband had an affair with a coworker from the coworkers boyfriend who called me to tell me. I suspected something was off before I found out and asked him and he said no. Acted like why would I even ask that. After finding out I feel like everything was a blur. I attacked the affair partner. I attacked my husband. Kicked him out brought him back in multiple times. Sought out a lawyer and 3 months later I’m here. We are still together working on things. It seemed to be going well we talked about the future and planned vacations and then He gets like a bought of what seems to be depression and withdraws. We were having great sex frequently now the past three days we haven’t even touched. He says he’s tired and doesn’t know what’s wrong with him. I feel so lost and confused. I don’t think it’s fair that I am left so confused. He says nothing is going on but after what he did I get so anxious and scared. We have a therapy appointment next week. I just wish I had the answers.