Expert Q&A Preview: How Can We Stay Out of Our Old Ruts? Question: We are 3 months past D-Day and are currently in an EMSO group. We have been married 37 years. Do you have any suggestions for how to begin connecting in new and different ways? As we begin walking through recovery in earnest, I fear that our old habits and ways of connecting will become a detriment rather than an asset to help us walk through this mess. We have a lot of entrenched ways of thinking and acting and need to be very intentional about approaching our relationship with new eyes. What are some specific things we can do to stay out of our old ruts?Sections: Q&A SnippetRick's Q & A timeRick's QuestionsRL_Category: Find HopeFor The Hurt SpouseFor the Unfaithful SpouseQ&A Recovery LibraryRebuilding TrustRecovery FundamentalsStrengthening MarriageRL_Media Type: Video