Q&A What Can We do to Reconnect and Gain Happiness?
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Hi Rick. I am in Harboring Hope and my husband is in Hope for Healing. He was the unfaithful and we are 2 years 4 months past the first D-day. He used the trickle truth method for disclosure and continued to lie and deceive for the first year and a half or so. We are in a much healthier place now as far as we are not arguing like we had and the intensity of the fall-out from his affair is much less now. I do share some of what I'm learning with him, but him, not so much. When I share he normally patiently listens but then has little to no response and walks away. It seems he wants to move forward in love and closeness, but I am struggling emotionally to meet him in that same place. It seems he prefers not to talk about healing now, just as he preferred not to talk about his affair all along. I am hurting and feel very alone in our marriage and I think he feels the same way. My worst fear is that now he has a reason to stray or leave me due to our disconnection and I don't know what to do to repair that. We both feel some relief now from the betrayal, both still love one another, but neither of us is truly happy. What can we do to reconnect?