The Betrayed's Reaction: An Excerpt from Harboring Hope

Rick Reynolds, LCSW
by Rick Reynolds, LCSW
Founder & President, Affair Recovery

Today, I'd like to share an excerpt from our Harboring Hope course.

As you may or may not know, all of our authors, contributors, therapists, and vloggers have personally survived an infidelity crisis. When we say “we get it,” we really do. We understand your pain and frustration and desperate need for clarity and direction. We've felt your struggle personally and have lived to tell about it. We are here to help guide you through it.

This article is not just for the Betrayed individual. Reading the material below will prove extremely beneficial for the unfaithful individual in terms of gaining a better understanding of the betrayed's road ahead. While it's not an easy journey, it is a possible one and with the right help, we can minimize unnecessary collateral damage for all parties involved.

The Reaction Task

betrayeds reaction

The goal of the reaction task is to allow yourself (the betrayed spouse) the time and space to experience the pain of the loss. Infidelity involves many losses, and it may take a while before you realize just how many you've undergone. The challenge of this task is to experience the feelings that accompany the losses. As tempting as it may be to circumvent your emotions, it is important to let yourself fully feel them.

Countless feelings are experienced after the initial shock and numbness wear off. As you know, these feelings include but are not limited to anger, sadness, fear, guilt, loneliness, shame, embarrassment, confusion, and isolation. It is challenging to accept the reality of the loss, and the pain can be overwhelming. The emotional roller coaster can last for quite some time. That is normal and to be expected. Your feelings and thoughts will move up and down, back and forth, and all over the place for a while as you try to accept all your losses and the hurt that accompanies them. For instance, you may be having a day that seems better than you've had in a long time, and then boom, seemingly out of nowhere, you are hit full force with all the feelings, all over again!

Be patient with yourself, remind yourself that this journey is not linear or stepwise and can last a long while. Recovery is very much an individual journey which is deeply affected by the circumstances of the betrayal. Factors can include length of time, the type of betrayal, who was involved, and the history of betrayal in the relationship. Your personal recovery is also influenced by other variables, such as your own personality, your history of loss, the culture/family in which you were raised, the support you receive, your religious beliefs, and any past trauma you experienced. Recovery feels more like a roller coaster than it does a journey. It's a roller coaster that eventually advances, but not before looping up, backwards, and around, perhaps many times, causing you to lose your orientation.

Important components of the reaction task that you need to keep in mind are:

  1. Achieve full disclosure.
  2. Recognize the multitude of losses.
  3. Commit to working through your feelings.
  4. Allow yourself the time and space to experience your feelings.
  5. Do not set aside your own recovery while you wait for your spouse to be safe and committed.
  6. Realize you are in a vulnerable position.

In the reaction task, as you think of questions or request details about the betrayal, we recommend a twenty-four hour waiting period before asking.

Achieve Full Disclosure

People react in many different ways after finding out their spouse has been unfaithful. Some people tend to be ostriches and ignore what is happening. Others become volcanoes, erupting all over everyone and everything. Most fall somewhere in between. We believe it is important to know how long the infidelity occurred, what it included, and with whom it took place. While you should (and have the right to) seek all this information, how much information you need may vary.

In the reaction task, as you think of questions or request details, we recommend a twenty-four-hour waiting period before asking. We call it the "24-hour rule." It can be helpful to jot your question down in a safe place and then pray about it for twenty-four hours. Ultimately, it's best not to ask a question at all until you are sure you are ready for the answer—whatever it is. Another way to keep your motivation in check is to ask yourself - what possible benefit will you receive from the answer.

Quite often, a woman or man in your position unintentionally finds out too much too quickly and may be flooded with details and images of what happened which becomes a detriment to their healing process. However, if you both are considering working toward reconciliation, it is important that your mate answer any question you ask. The burden of protecting you from too much information is yours, not theirs. The betrayed spouse must first decide how much detail they really need, and the wayward spouse must commit to honesty.

Recognize Your Losses

A betrayal is not one loss; betrayal is a whole group of losses both partners must work through. The betrayed partner must meet the challenge of adjusting to how the betrayal affects their sense of self, their sense of the world, their sense of their mate, their feelings about the past, their vision of the future, and even their beliefs about God. Remember, your spouse has known the truth for much longer than you have. They have a difficult and humbling road ahead of them but wrapping their mind around the betrayal event(s) is not one of them. It will take some time for you to experience your emotions and thoughts regarding all of your losses.

Work Through Your Feelings

We should point out a few things about one emotion in particular: anger. Despite its potentially negative power, anger is a secondary emotion. Hurt, fear, and inferiority are often the feelings that fuel anger. It is easy to let them build up until we explode at someone. On the other hand, anger turned inward can become depression. Journaling can be extremely helpful for those who are prone to keeping it all inside. After you emotionally spew on the paper, go back and look for the hurt, fear, and any other identifiable feelings that you can express without wasted and destructive energy.

Please do not misunderstand. We are not encouraging you to ignore your anger or avoid expressing it, but you need to be as intentional as possible in identifying it and then work to express it without destroying others or yourself in the process. Please do not push aside your feelings and tell your spouse that “everything is okay” because you believe you must act perfectly in order to keep them and fix your life together. Your partner needs to hear that you are hurt and afraid and that you feel demeaned by their actions, lies, and infidelity.

It also may be useful for you to rant to a friend when your anger is building or raging. This person needs to be a "safe friend," not just anybody. If you desire reconciliation for your marriage, choose a friend who will listen to you without judgment, one who will support your reconciliation efforts and turn you back toward peace. It is important to cling to the right help, not what you or your friend may have heard on television or read in a book. Experience your feelings but do not make decisions based on them.

Do not push aside your feelings and tell your spouse that “everything is okay” because you believe you must act to perfectly in order to keep them and fix your life together. Take time.

You must carve out and protect the time and space to grieve. Everyone grieves differently, but feelings cannot be avoided. If you try to circumvent your emotions, they will only resurface later, perhaps at a time when your spouse has more difficulty expressing empathy. Taking time for yourself is not selfish. It may feel that way because you have grown unaccustomed to it. It is imperative to allow yourself time to be alone with your thoughts and your feelings, even if it is only for thirty minutes a day.

Understand Your Separate Paths of Recovery

You and your spouse have separate paths of recovery, and it is quite normal for you both to come to a place down the road where the unfaithful person is puzzled that the hurt spouse is not doing better. As we mentioned previously, the betrayer will likely feel much relief relatively soon after disclosure and wonder why their spouse does not feel that same relief. They may try to tell their betrayed partner how well they are doing and that they are confused by their partner's inability to see and believe that they are both being truthful and doing well.

Several factors can influence the time frame of the extreme difference in feelings. One factor that can affect the length of recovery is the type of betrayal, whether it is a long-term, emotionally entangled affair, a behavior connected to a sexual addiction, or something entirely different and unique. It is not uncommon for individuals involved in sexually addictive behavior to begin to feel better quite soon after disclosure, after they are no longer terrified that they will be “found out” and instantly lose their marriage and family. Typically, the more emotionally entangled the situation, the longer it will take to recover. It is necessary for the wayward partner to disengage from the relationship, grieve the loss of the relationship (as hard as that may be for the betrayed to acknowledge), and reengage in the marriage relationship.

Recognize Your Vulnerabilities

Betrayed spouses, you are vulnerable right now, whether you realize it or not. You are hurt and have perhaps feel ignored and maybe even misused. Your anger and resentment are understandable, but I want you to realize that you are extremely susceptible to slipping into an inappropriate friendship yourself, one that includes emotional and/or sexual intimacy.

You are also vulnerable to proving to yourself that others still find you attractive and appealing. Please do not re-victimize yourself by falling into this trap. We believe putting yourself in vulnerable positions, flirting with others, or engaging in other emotionally risky behaviors will only reinforce your feelings of being a victim all over again. Don't put yourself in a position to attract attention from someone about whom you know nothing. It will complicate your life in the most inopportune way. It is difficult enough to work through the pain of betrayal without adding more confusion to the situation. Seeking and finding attention from others is only a temporary solution to a long-term issue. It is also potentially dangerous. Please honor and respect yourself enough to not engage in any activity you would want to lie about to your children, closest loved ones, or spouse. Though the temptation for revenge is palatable (and understandable), it will only damage yourself and add to the already excruciating pain you are feeling.

There is one last, and often overlooked, warning about vulnerabilities. You are at risk of withdrawing from all meaningful relationships. Who could blame you since those friendships are constant reminders that your life is currently upside down! The tendency is understandable, but it is important to seek trusted friends for connection and also to seek expert help. When you are left alone to process your feelings, it is too easy to feel guilt or shame that does not belong to you. We've yet to find a situation where walking this journey alone is a good idea, yet as we said before, it's important to choose those you share with carefully and prayerfully.

If you're a betrayed spouse, I hope you'll consider enrolling in the next Harboring Hope course, where you'll find a broader and deeper presentation of material and ideas mentioned in this article. Regardless of whether the unfaithful spouse is supportive, unsupportive, or gone, we want you to feel hope again. We also have a course designed just for the unfaithful partner called Hope for Healing and one for couples to take together called EMS Online.

While your own personal journey may seem and feel impossible, it doesn't have to be, and you're not alone in your struggles. You can find help and healing by connecting with others who can walk with you through this unfolding saga, as you journey toward personal restoration.

Harboring Hope registration opens soon. Subscribe to be notified.

Harboring Hope is our online course for betrayed spouses to heal after infidelity. It often sells out within a few short hours. Don't miss it!

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He thinks everything is fine.

'Please do not push aside your feelings and tell your spouse that everything is okay because you believe you must act perfectly to keep from losing them'
This is exactly what I did. It's been two years and I feel I have no value, if I share a feeling it's ignored, if I trigger I am ignored or worse -told I am just trying to make him feel bad. I have no voice in the relationship and I am scared all the time he will do something to hurt me again.
I dont know what to do to go back and fix it so that he can realize how bad what he did was, which isn't my goal, I just want to be valued.


Dear Joyce,
I think he has to see your pain. I know how it feels to be used and manipulated and not valued at all. It's not as if my husband doesn't know what he has done is wrong but right now he doesn't care , he has no compassion or empathy for me because he does not value me. How do you make them value you without leaving them . In spite of everything sadly I still love him and cannot think of a life without him . Am I a sucker then ?

So sorry that you can relate.

So sorry that you can relate. I do believe in loving them and praying for change. If you have hope than I don't think you are a sucker.
I have a friend who is really holding me to stand up for myself and hold some boundaries (not dismissing what I say mostly). I have just started this process, so we'll see how it goes. But that only helps for the future things not back for him to see what pain I have been in and why I trigger.
I hope you can find a way to value yourself and stand up for fair treatment.

He thinks everything is fine

I completely understand how you are feeling. It has been almost three years and I am constantly reminded that I am the one who wants to continue with problems and "not let it go." I feel as though I am invisible and he doesn't care what I am feeling. It was HIS mistake but yet he makes me feel like I am the one to cause a problem because I have a question about his cheating behavior. I disclosed to him early in our relationship my fears of instability and ability to fully trust. His actions have caused me to feel unwilling to trust him or someone else. I feel as though my thoughts, feelings and hurt are just an irritation to him. Why can't he see ME? I am not him. I do not process things the same as him. I am someone who analytically looks at situations and he HATES that! He hates the fact that I ask questions and am not over it. I just want you to know that there is someone else who understands and is experiencing the same pain.


It has been 3 1/2 years and I still fluctuate in and out of even staying with my cheating husband. Now unfortunately I am the one hiding feelings. After 30 years of marriage, my understanding of who he really is has been drastically changed. I still have nightmares about it all, but he is recommitted and doesn't even want to know or hear that I am not OK. If I try to talk to him he gets very mad at me and just tells me to move on that it is all over and everything is OK. So glad everything is OK for him. His unfaithfulness spanned three years with multiple women. I am now acting like everything is OK, but it is not. I am being "perfect" to keep the peace, but it haunts me every day. First thing I think about in the morning and still revisit multiple times throughout the day due to flashbacks and triggers. Living a "perfect" lie.

Triggers and the Lie

I am praying for you
I just finished Harboring hope
and am the betrayed also
I thought after two years since D day I would be in s much better place
Not so
I still hate what my husband did , and who he has been
I feel also that 32 years of marriage was a lie
I have to keep leaning hard on God
Divorce still sounds like a good option

KPD, oh I so relate to you!

KPD, oh I so relate to you! Yes, it does feel like now we are the ones not being transparent. If they only knew how hard it was and how we choose each day to smile and be ok. My only hope is in trusting God that he has said it will be ok. But yes, I would have thought that 2 years later would be a triumph! But it is still hard daily, much more so because I feel more distance from him than I ever have.
I cope through the day talking to my real friends and scripture. I hope you find peace.

I so relate to you two !

It has been sense Oct.24,2013 that I found out my husband had a 2 + years affair. Time line is still in question and so is a lot of other important dates that are shoved under the carpet. It appears that if its not something he cares to figure out it will not happen. Why is this when he says that he is willing to do what ever it takes, well to me he is not willing by his actions in finding out the answers for me... I have had 4 disclosures all had so many lies that made it had to figure out what really was going on. It makes me think he does not want me to know the real truth. I wonder how all this fits with being honest, transparent and wanting your marriage. What this means to me is my husband still wants to carry on the way he has for the last 35 years of marriage, have his cake and eat it too. I know today I have a choice in what happens in my life, most days I feel strong against the evil all this has caused me and my family. I have witnessed what this has done to my husbands relationship with his kids and they are adults with values and integrity and all I can say is I would of never wanted this to happen to them. They tell me he changed there reality to what they thought their childhood was to what is hard for them to believe now. They will never have the respect they once had for the person they loved and adored a man they called DAD he changed that nobody else and now he lives with that. Really was all this sex, lies, secrets, different women worth what he has lost and continues to loose by his dishonesty and lack of empathy towards the family. Sometimes you have to let go and let god take care of him because I know today I cant control any part of decisions and I'm thankful for this. I pray for all of us and our families to walk in peace and know that we can hold our heads up in the darkest of times... Cherie

infedility over and over again

My husband had a on going affair that lasted 2 years.I had found clues ongoing only to get lied to by both parties.Only to be set up by both parties.I had kicked him out 3 times over 2 years and had seperated each time for 2 to 3 months.Only for him to return each time and say it was over but continue.

I will never forget

I found my husband in bed with his coworker on Easter of 2017. Easter is forever ruined for me.. I was devastated. He wanted a divorce and I refused it for a long time then I gave in but on grounds of adultery. He refused but the night before court January 28, 2019, Nearly two years later,after I had subpeoned both he and his coworker at work, he agreed to grounds of adultery. I still grieve over him but the worst thing is I have no closure because after I found him he blocked my phone, refused my letters and made me talk through his attorney. I’ll never have closure. I’ll never lose this despair I feel which is two years old now. My last words to him in court was I LOVE YOU as I walked out the door...I still cry and hurt and have depression I cannot get over. I don’t want to hear about a psychiatrist or meds. I had a psychiatrist and I don’t believe in meds and I’ll not discuss that. I need to know how to refocus my mind and my life and how not to think of the memories of him everything drudges up.

Grieve the loss?

I am so tired of hearing about how they *need* to do this. That is completely abusive to ask a betrayed spouse to be okay to watch their spouse grieve the loss of a Proverbs 7 person who just intentionally destroyed their marriage. That is not normal or appropriate to ask an already hurting spouse to do. Please stop doing this and making it seem normal.

If a spouse has to detox from the poisonous person and begin to see the harm they have done and has to “grieve” I’d leave. That is abuse on top of abuse. I take offense that AR makes this seem like a betrayed should be okay with it and just “take” it. That is not healthy at all.

Yes, grieve the loss

It may not be normal or appropriate ... but what choice is there? The fog from an affair is very real. When an unfaithful is in it, they, themselves are inflicting abuse upon abuse. They are blaming their spouse for cheating ("If you did this or that, I wouldn't have cheated"). They are manipulating, justifying and deflecting. Science teaches us that their shame is so great, they are fighting to push it down and not accept responsibility because they can't handle it. It's all part of the fog. Until that fog is 100% clear, they are not in their right minds. It's literally like a person strung out on cocaine. That person, high out of his mind, is going to hurt you. They aren't thinking rationally. They do need to detox. It's God-awful to experience but eventually, you realize your spouse was never in love with someone else, just attached. It's sick, yes. And no, they should never have cheated ... but have you ever made a gross mistake and begged forgiveness? God would show a murderer mercy if he repented.

Leaving isn't healthier either. You're still in enormous pain no matter what. Science proved that the pain a betrayed feels comes from the same brain center as physiological pain. And if there is anything I've learned thru the Harboring Hope course, the greatest gift we can give ourselves is the gift of time. Meaning ... don't immediately react on pain and anger. You can move out, sure. But that will disrupt your life further, compounding your suffering, as well as disrupting the lives of your children. And if you leave, there is nothing stopping your spouse from running off with the AP entirely. He will justify that you left, so it was fine. And believe me, that will hurt you even worse. If you stay, the unfaithful remains stuck between doing what's right and their addiction. They are in conflict with themselves.

If you stay, it gives time for the fog to start dissipating ...

Look, I'm the betrayed. It sucks. No doubt. I didn't deserve this. My emotions overwhelm me some days. And when it first happened, I lost 20 lbs. I couldn't take care of myself, let alone children. My anxiety was unreal. And yes, I could have left. But leaving wasn't going to heal me. I HAVE to deal with every aspect of what happened no matter what, like it or not. I have no choice but to come to terms with reality. It can't be undone. The difference is ... if I left, I would be trying to heal alone with additional losses added on - never getting more answers from my husband, never seeing clarity and remorse. Instead, I gave my spouse time to detox ... and when clarity came, it hit him like bricks. He is incredibly remorseful. He has cried and thanked me for my patience repeatedly. That remorse, believe it or not, is helping me heal. How can you move onto forgiveness when someone hurts you and they aren't sorry? And now, by his actions, he is helping me heal. He is taking steps to make me feel safe, he's in therapy. He takes every opportunity to remind me how badly he screwed up and how grateful he is for me. I see a man, broken by his mistake. Repentant and determined to make amends.

We have been living a familial nightmare for the last few years, broken by stress. We were separated emotionally when he fell for the "friendship" of an immoral woman... that doesn't justify anything. A difficult marriage does not excuse cheating. I still never imagined he would do what he did and it tore me apart when I found out.

But as a Christian ... if I commit adultery, is God going to turn away from me, just leave me? He hates my sin, he loves me. I hate what my husband did, I love him.

AR helped us so much, I cannot even explain the depths of it. Once you learn the truth about the science of affairs, how fake and deceiving they are ... it's amazing. That, in itself, helps with healing. Knowing my husband wasn't looking for what he found. He thought he made a new friend. Unfortunately, she started to validate him as a romantic interest, not as a friend and the fog began. The rest is painful history. He sees her clearly now and what was once attachment, is repulsion. She reminds him of the worst mistake of his life. And now he realizes how he will never out himself into a vulnerable situation again.

I have been watching my

I have been watching my husband grieve the poisonous ap and listened to him talk about her incessantly for over 2 years. It's awful and the pain is unsurmountable. But it appeared to build trust between us, he can talk about his affair safely with me. In return, I can see the gradual return to our relationship, and I can show empathy for him. My husband is a sensitive man who knows he destroyed himself and us. I know we are on the path towards recovery together

It’s interesting to look back

It’s interesting to look back at this with different eyes now that we’re in a good place of healing. It’s been a long 11 months of working through everything in this article. The pain of multiple disclosures (the details of which took weeks to fully acknowledge), the bewilderment and pain of the losses as each one was realized, the search for help, the long nights of weeping and questioning are all behind us now. We’ve reached a phase not mentioned here, and that’s the phase where we are joined together as one to fight a common enemy - and that enemy is infidelity. Neither of us wants to go back to the place where this became possible in our marriage. We were limping along, distant from each other, each wanting a better marriage and true intimacy, but clueless as how to achieve it. I chose isolation, he chose affairs. We’ve learned so much about the depth of our love and commitment through all of this. This past year we fought for our marriage and we fought for each other. It took this stunning blow to our relationship to jolt us into reality and thrust us into marriage battle mode. Our recovery became possible because we fought side by side. We now know each other better, we accept each other more; we looked into the abyss and God pulled us away from the edge and set our feet on the heights.
Psalm 31:7-8 captures this well:
“I will be glad and rejoice in your love,
for you saw my affliction
and knew the anguish of my soul.
You have not given me into the hands of the enemy
but have set my feet in a spacious place.”


I see you on the forums continuing to share your message of hope and redemption, and how you handle setbacks, the peaks and valleys with such grace. I hope I can learn from your journey, and travel mine with even a fraction of the grace you show.

This article

“Achieve Full Disclosure” There’s the rub! After 6 years of our “recovery period”, I still don’t feel I’ve ever gotten to “Achieve Full Disclosure”! The first 2 1/2 years after D-day (he was discovered), several courses, videos, marriage retreats, classes, etc., he continued to swear that he told me everything. He even swore on the blood of Jesus! About midway through his Affair Recovery course, Hope for Healing, he revealed an omission that he’d been hiding. This event came crashing down on me as a second D-day but worse! I had grilled him for 2 1/2 years to come clean so I could heal and he lied to my face over and over again! We’ve been in betrayal trauma couples therapy for over two more years with no improvement. He has never been able to attempt any kind of repair or to establish any trust or to be “safe” enough for me to want to move forward. Now, I believe that he’s a narcissist and this is a game of his to keep control. After 6 years (and 35 years of marriage) of blood, sweat and tears on my part, I’m over it. I don’t want to be avoided, abandoned or ignored anymore. I don’t believe I’ll ever “Achieve Full Disclosure”.

“Achieve Full Disclosure”

I can feel your pain. It's only been 3 months since D Day for me. The actual affair was 10 years ago but that didn't make it any easier. At disclosure I got minimal answers and was met with "I don't remember" and "it's been too long to recall, it was a long time ago". But during the affair period I can remember so much stuff, like the "I love you" notes or phone calls saying how she missed me when I was away for work. I even went back through our photo album and it just spawned more memories, which were all tainted by her actions. Any time I try to bring the issue up or say something related to the affair, she clams up or walks away. I'm hoping she'll come around with honesty and openness as we move forward. I am giving her articles, stories and comments to read from AR. I hope you find peace.

full disclosure

My husband had a 20 year sexual relationship and 13 year emotional relationship because of prostate cancer. It has been nearly 4 years for trickle truths. The affair was with a friend he grew up with and I thought platonic. We have been together 42 years. He has agreed to a polygraph to show me he has been truthful with what he remembers. He says he never even told her he loved her. She was a divorcee and really had no other relationships. The polygraph is the last resort after so many years of lying. I hope PEACE for me. We do it tomorrow.