what next

I found out 5 day's ago that my partner had had a 2 week affair 4 weeks before our wedding.
The day after our wedding i was contacted by a woman telling me he had been having relations with her. He lied still untill he was convinced i knew the truth it all come out he had only had sex with her once but met her a week before on a dating site.

2 weeks before our wedding i found out we are pregnant we had been doing fertility treatment for a while and it come as a shock but such a beautiful point in our relationship so it seemed...
Before i knew it i was pregnant a day into our marriage on our honeymoon dealing with an affair.
It's a week today that we have been married and im REALLY struggling with finding how he could have done this to us when i thought all was fine.
He expressed that weeks before he had thought i was interested in another man and acted out of insacuritys and fear of not feeling like enough...

I'm pregnant and just married i have never ever felt so low about life and where i have ended up... i love him with all of my heart and i REALLY want this to work but I'm just not sure how im going to be able to cope with it. All the questions thay run through my head he is trying soo much we have packed up and moved from the town we lived in even quit our jobs.
But at the end of the day he hurt me and our marriage.

I really want to get through this...
I'm struggling really hard...