Emotional affairs

I don’t think many marriages would survive an emotional affair. Once that action has been embarked on, whether discovered or continued on, irreparably damage will have already have been inflicted. Modern communication technology has made it so easy to contact someone any time of the day or night and in complete privacy, perfect way to build up emotional connection and let’s face it , at the risk of sounding sexist, women love to communicate, sometimes to an excessive degree. In many marriages that level of positive communication can and often does decline over a long relationship leaving a vacuum that can be filled by a fresher, newer, more eager to please suitor. All marriages have peaks and troughs, but like many things, if the circumstances are in place, the emotional affair will develop reasonably quickly and equally quickly turn physical given the opportunity. I think most people realize very early on what they are entering into and don’t love or respect their primary partner sufficiently to want to stop.Basically, it’s betrayal of the highest order, thoroughly cruel and dishonest and difficult to justify in any way. If there are problems in a marriage that can’t be worked on and solved do the honourable thing and leave it, don’t sneak behind someone’s back and debase yourself.