Going through this.. again

My husband believes he "slipped up" because he wanted me to find his affairs because he is so good in the technology world that there would be no way for me to crack the passwords and find what I found. Well, one thing is I have experience all this before with my ex-husband, in addition to abuse. But this marriage had no abuse and I felt God tugging at me to not give up and fight for this marriage. After very close to 3 years, I have discovered my husband to be unfaithful. Every time in the past 3 years that I discovered his deceitfulness, I still stayed and fought for my marriage. I don't know why, but I have the loving support of my church family and my strong faith & trust in God that keeps me strong. I needed the affirmation that although I have my flaws, I have made great strides in becoming the daughter of my Heavenly Father that I know I am... and THAT is enough for me. My husband, I believe is beginning to finally understand this. I refuse to be manipulated (thinking it was my fault for why he is unhappy), I refuse to condone his behavior and they will have consequences and I refuse to allow myself to feel I am not enough or unworthy for him. That is his issue not mine and he has to stop lying to himself, to God and to me. Now, for the first time, he is actually going to our church group for healing and restoration.