Rekindling Desire After An Affair Physical intimacy after an affair is challenging under the best of circumstances. But how do you rebuild intimacy if you don't know what you're doing? I still remember the confusion in our marriage about how to move forward after the affair. Was it okay to be physically intimate if Stephanie wanted, or was she enabling me? I wondered why she would ever want to be with me again. What did I need to do differently to help her feel safe? Where had we gone wrong the first time around? If I'd understood anything about intimacy, maybe I would have known where to start. Relational incompetence and emotional constipation left me utterly clueless. Sad to say I wasn't even sure of the objective. Up to that time in life, my need for sex had far outweighed my commitment to love and cherish my wife till death do us part. The fact that Stephanie didn't want sex like I did seemed to confirm I'd married the wrong person. I was no longer sure I even knew what sex was all about. Join other betrayed mates on the path to healing with our life-changing Harboring Hope online course and start a better, brighter chapter. Learn More | Harboring Hope Thankfully Stephanie's emotional maturity far exceeded mine. I had always mistakenly believed that intimacy consisted of nothing more than orgasms. I didn't understand how to make love to her heart; I only wanted to use her body. I was shocked the first time Stephanie and I came together after discovery. That's when I learned there was a lot more to sex than using someone as a vessel for self pleasure. It may be hard to believe, but after the affair, Stephanie and I entered a new world of love that I never knew existed. Making love to her became something far more profound than I'd ever imagined. Recovery is about more than learning to be monogamous; it's about finding a better life of purpose and meaning. At Affair Recovery, we believe that severe crisis leads to radical transformation. I was certainly in need of some radical transformation when it came to knowing how to love Stephanie. Thankfully, our marriage crisis precipitated a change in my understanding of love. I'd like to share an interview with an expert in the field of sexology, Nancy Houston, LPC. Her extensive work with couples who've taken Affair Recovery courses uniquely qualifies her to speak to the challenges of couples dealing with betrayal. Nancy and I spoke for an hour on topics such as rekindling sexual desire, bringing physical intimacy back, repairing sexual wounds, and much more. Take the time to listen to this interview; you'll be glad you did! Resources mentioned by Nancy & Rick in the recording: Building Intimate Marriages by Michael Sytsma Restoring the Pleasure: A Celebration of Sex by Clifford and Joyce Penner Intimacy Ignited: Conversations Couple to Couple: Fire Up Your Sex Life with the Song of Solomon by Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus Sections: NewsletterFounder's LaptopFree ResourcesHot Off the PressRL_Category: Find HopeRecovery FundamentalsSexual HealingStrengthening MarriageWhy Marriages FailRL_Media Type: Audio