Separation and Divorce When should divorce be an option? Learn when to consider divorce and how to move forward after a divorce or separation. Must Reads more less Healing After an Affair: How do I Address Unmanageability? How Could You? Part I: Why We Commit Betrayal With Infidelity The Seven Mistakes Churches Make When Dealing With Infidelity The Problem with Forgiveness Does Time Heal All Wounds? Healing After An Affair Surviving Infidelity: The #1 Challenge to Recovery Ending an Affair - Step One: Make the Decision Why Did My Spouse Cheat? A Crucial Question In Healing After An Affair Rebuilding Trust After An Affair Discovery: Part 1 - How to Handle Discovery Social Shame: Understanding the Paralysis of it How Long Does It Take to Recover From An Affair? How Could You? Part IV - Doublespeak and Distorted Comparisons Pimping Tenderness & Grooming Behaviors Affair Recovery Timeline for Healing After Betrayal 20 Most Common Mistakes of the Hurt Spouse Dealing with Infidelity: How to Get You Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling) 31 Reasons to Stop an Affair: Part 1 Why Couples Fail After an Affair | Part 1 - Not Knowing What Happened Coping with Infidelity: The 2 Stages of Pain Infidelity Counseling: How Effective Is It? Ending an Affair: Lock the Door Part 1 Bedside Forgiveness: When Death Coincides With Infidelity Surviving Infidelity Part 1: What Do You Need to Know? How to Survive Infidelity 20 Most Common Mistakes of the Unfaithful Spouse Why People Cheat: The Fog of Self-Deception (Part 1) The Power of Small Groups Untransformed Pain will be Transmitted Surviving Infidelity: What Do We Tell the Kids? 363 Resources Type Title Posted Q&A My Husband Isn't Taking Action. Should I Leave? 12/19/2014 Q&A How do I Deal With my Anger and Emotions? 12/16/2014 Q&A Can I Heal Without Full Disclosure? 12/16/2014 Q&A My Husband Refuses to get Help and Give me Disclosure 12/11/2014 Q&A Why is the Unfaithful Blessed While the Betrayed Loses it All? 12/11/2014 Q&A Do I Run or Reconcile? 12/10/2014 Q&A What's the Difference Between a Boundary and an Ultimatum? 12/05/2014 Q&A Can a Narcissist Change? 11/24/2014 Q&A When Will This Nightmare End?! 11/24/2014 Q&A What do I do Since my Unfaithful Spouse Will Not be Honest? 11/24/2014 Q&A What is the Best Way to Disclose my Wife's Affair to Our Kid's? 11/14/2014 Q&A Unfaithful Spouse Continues Contact with Affair Partner: When is Enough, Enough? 11/05/2014 Q&A My Unfaithful Spouse Wants me to Forgive and Forget 11/04/2014 Pages« first‹ previous12345678