Rick Reynolds, LCSW
by Rick Reynolds, LCSW
Founder & President, Affair Recovery

20 Most Common Mistakes of the Unfaithful Spouse

mistakes of the unfaithfulAfter the revelation of an affair or other sexually inappropriate behavior, it's easy for the unfaithful spouse to make a series of well-meaning mistakes which only complicates the situation. Listed below are some of the most common mistakes we see in our practice.

We hope that this information will help guide your actions. Navigating your relationship in the wake of infidelity is overwhelmingly complicated. But you're not the first to experience these tumultuous circumstances. We have seen these missteps time and time again. If you can avoid them, your road to recovery will be smoother. If you've already committed them, it doesn't mean you should give up hope. In recovery, we learn from our mistakes.

1. Naively believing that if you and your affair partner decide to do the right thing and return to your marriages, that the affair is indeed over.

Just because you decide to end the affair doesn't mean the other party will honor your decision, or even that you will. The "break-up, make-up" cycle is a common part of an affair. However, you cannot begin to heal your marriage until you take a stand and absolutely refuse contact. Even then, don't be naïve; the next attempt or temptation to contact is bound to come, and denial of this impending reality will only leave you vulnerable to relapse. Prepare yourself for having to firmly and definitively refuse contact. Taking our Affair Analyzer can help you understand your situation and the dynamic between you and your mate.

For more information on ending an affair, read "Ending an Affair" - a 6 part series.

2. Leaking out information over time.

The revelation of an affair or sexual addiction is a frightening process, but one of the worst mistakes is trying to hold back the whole truth. Spinning the truth so your mate won't be so upset is just as damaging. Studies report that it is easier for a betrayed spouse get over what their mate did sexually than the level of deception that was involved.

The problem with leaking information is that it delays the restoration of trust with your mate. If your mate believes that you've laid out the whole truth, only to encounter multiple "oh, by the ways" or other discoveries, it will eventually destroy your mate's ability to believe a single word you say.

For that reason, it is best to lay it all out on the front end. It is never a good idea to try to control your mate through the flow of information. They deserve to make their own choice based on the full story.

Do you crave stability? Take our free First Steps Bootcamp and find a constructive way to share and discuss information. Days three and four, in particular, provide must-read guidelines for disclosure and safety.

This is your best chance to display integrity by disclosing what's been hidden. Don't miss it.

For more information regarding full disclosure watch the video: "Reaching Ground Zero - the Importance of Full Disclosure"

Also, you can read our 4 part series: "A Crucial Step to Surviving Infidelity: Discovery."

3. Being defensive.

The antidote to defensiveness is taking personal responsibility. Defensiveness is the number one thing to avoid when talking with your hurt spouse. If you become defensive, your mate will only assume you don't understand, and they will begin to turn up the volume.

During this period in our lives, one of my wife's favorite questions was, "How loud am I going to have to get before you hear me?" I always knew when I heard that line, it was time to listen.

Defensiveness, in a nutshell, is highlighting what you see as wrong.

What does defensiveness look like?

  • correcting your mate mid conversation
  • giving explanations, excuses, or reasons for your behavior
  • blaming others
  • bringing up your own grievances in the marriage
  • arguing the details


  • agree with what you hear that is correct
  • say, "I will try to find the answers to your questions."
  • admit to things that are true
  • validate their feelings and experience: "You have every right to feel that way."
  • address misinformation in a separate conversation

4. Believing everything your mate says.

When people are hurt and in pain, they may say things they don't mean. Things change constantly. If your mate says, "I want a divorce," don't assume you're going to be divorced. If your mate resorts to name calling or trying to hurt you by threatening to take your kids, don't overreact. After all is said and done, there will always be a lot more said than done.

Warning: While you are taking your mate's words with a grain of salt, do not minimize the emotions behind what they are saying. Listen empathetically, let your mate know you heard what was said, and validate their feelings.

5. Living life as normal.

You can't go on living life as normal if you want to bring healing to your marriage after a betrayal. Pretending things were normal is what got you into this. Changes need to be made to give your mate assurance that you are taking responsibility for your actions and being proactive to prevent relapse.

We have had clients who continue to go to the bar or stay out late without informing their spouses where they are or who they are with, saying things like, "What are you worried about? I'll never do it again." Change comes from living differently. Don't just say you'll never do it again: take steps to make sure you never do it again. Show your mate your commitment to permanently altering your patterns by taking the Hope for Healing online course. This proactive step toward change can also provide hope to your betrayed spouse.

6. Trying to defend the affair partner.

It may seem to go without saying, but don't argue with or try to correct your mate's view of the person, people, industry, or anything related to your acting out. That will come across as defensive. If you defend the affair partner, your mate is likely to feel that you are more loyal to the affair partner than you are to your mate and your marriage.

7. Trying to avoid talking with your mate about their feelings.

One of the ways betrayed spouses deal with trauma caused by infidelity is by talking about their feelings. In fact, they may need to restate the same thing or ask the same question multiple times. Those of us who have strayed tend to feel that our betrayed mates are bringing it up just to make us feel bad or shame us. That's not the case; it's just part of how they heal. Answer your mate's questions and make room for their feelings 20 times if need be. In the long run, they will appreciate your openness, and you will have helped them heal while also working to create a ‘safe' climate for you both to heal.

To create a safe climate where both of you can heal and be heard, take the EMS Online course or attend an EMS Weekend.

8. Pointing out your mate's faults and failures.

Deficiencies certainly exist in every marriage, but now is not the time to address those. First, you have to establish the fidelity and stability of the relationship. Then, after the breach in the relationship is repaired, you can address other issues. Early on, the unfaithful spouse must learn to embrace the spotlight being on their own life before most issues within the marriage or with their mate can be discussed.

9. Taking your spouse to the same places you frequented with the affair partner.

One of the most difficult battles the betrayed spouse fights is the one of reminders. On any given day your spouse might have more than 100 reminders. Each time, your spouse has to calm themselves and regain control of their emotions. Taking your mate to a place where you took the affair partner will cause your mate serious pain. Honor your mate by showing you are being protective and care for their feelings.

10. Telling a lie (of any sort).

Giving your mate good reason to feel safe is one of your goals. Telling a lie, even a small one, only reinforces the belief that you're untrustworthy. As difficult as it may seem, tell the truth. In the long run, your mate will at least know you're being genuine with them, even if they don't like what you're saying. In the beginning of recovery, honesty can be substituted for trust, because you can be honest immediately; building trust takes time.

11. Not supporting your mate's recovery.

The psychological damage created by betrayal trauma impacts both partners, but is far more significant for the betrayed spouse than for the wayward. Typically, the wayward spouse will feel a certain amount of relief, after disclosure because the discomfort of living outside their own morals, values, and integrity has been lifted. Meanwhile, the betrayed spouse has been buried under a truckload of rubble.

Often, the wayward spouse desires to move on from the situation, but the betrayed spouse needs to continue to process in order to understand what's happened. This can be interpreted as an attempt at punishment and cause the wayward spouse to quit supporting the other's recovery. At some point, it may be very tempting to tell your mate to "just get over it." These words invalidate your mate's reality, even if you believe it will help you move on. If the initial period of recovery doesn't run its course, it can result in major future problems.

Betrayed spouses experience shame, isolation, and powerlessness. For most, it will take 18-24 months for them to stop experiencing triggers that hijack the better part of each day. Recognizing this fact and supporting them in their recovery not only helps them feel understood, but also helps facilitate in their healing. Let them know you appreciate the difficulty of their journey and tell them daily that you're grateful they are still with you. Encourage them to connect with others, and find support in a Harboring Hope group.

If your mate fails to get support, represses their feelings, and doesn't finish processing what has happened, then the feelings will likely begin to surface again in about five years. You are far better off supporting your mate's recovery at the time of the betrayal than living five years with a mate who is hurting and who will eventually blow up.

12. Failure to create and follow a recovery plan.

Your behavior and choices have brought shame and dishonor to both you and your mate. Your mate will likely also experience social shame because of the affair. If you never want something like this to happen again, you must be proactive.

In a survey conducted by Affair Recovery, 84% of betrayed spouses said the primary thing their wayward mate could do to restore their honor was working a solid recovery program. The program we highly recommend is the Hope for Healing course for wayward spouses. It will help you set boundaries to protect your marriage and also strongly support your individual healing. You'll find guidance, accountability, and growth.

A strong recovery program such as Hope for Healing:

  • Creates safety and honor for your mate
  • Provides an honest, judgement free environment
  • Provides structure and support to stay the course
  • Helps you make peace with your past and provides a way forward
  • Restores your sense of self respect
  • Demonstrates your resolve to be safe, change, and grow

Consistency and a strong commitment to your recovery will help establish safety, trust, and honor in your relationship.

13. Not keeping commitments you make with your mate.

After a betrayal, there is an obvious problem with trust. To re-establish trust, an unfaithful spouse has to be consistent in what they say and do, especially regarding commitments with their mate. It may seem easy for you to think a minor inconsistency is no big deal because you know your heart's condition and your intent, but your mate does not.

If you said you'd be home at 6:00 p.m., be home at 6:00 p.m. If you said you'd go by the store, go by the store. If you tell your spouse that you'll go to counseling together, then go to counseling together. If you said you'd make dinner reservations, make the reservations. If you tell your mate that you will not eat lunch alone with the opposite sex, then don't eat alone with the opposite sex (or same sex if that's where your temptations lie). Failure to keep these types of agreements, though small in perceived impact, will cast doubt on your integrity as a whole, making it difficult for your mate to trust you. Do what you say you will do!

It may feel like you have no margin for error, but that is simply the situation until you support your words with consistent, trustworthy actions. The only thing a betrayed spouse can build on your new behaviors.

14. Telling your mate to forgive you.

As a general rule, never tell someone to forgive you. You can ask them, but don't tell them. Forgiveness is a process your mate will have to work through. In many ways, it has little to do with you; forgiveness is a gift your mate gives themselves. It is far better to tell your mate that you hope they will be able to forgive you, and ask if there is anything you can do to help them heal and make forgiveness possible.

Do not push your mate toward forgiveness using religious arguments, telling them now that you've asked forgiveness, forgiveness must be granted. If you demand forgiveness, it will lead to resentment. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

15. Failing to answer all of your mate's questions.

This is a tricky one. How much information a person needs to heal is best determined by personality type. Some individuals need little information before they come to the point where they believe they have enough information to understand what has happened and move on. Others need massive amounts of data before they feel they understand what has happened. For these individuals, what they don't know truly does hurt them. Usually, what they imagine is far worse than the reality.

One of the greatest gifts you can give is the gift of transparency. Tell your mate you'll answer their questions, however, you want to keep the conversations constructive. We have tools that enable productive conversations and create the space to stay emotionally regulated, such as the 24-hour rule and Time-Outs. Go to the First Steps Bootcamp for more information on these tools and many more.

For your mate to trust you, you must first trust them with the information. Giving your mate the information they feel they need is important because they must gain clarity around the history of your relationship. Moving on will be difficult if not impossible until this task is complete. Don't withhold the information that your spouse needs to move on.

16. Not talking to your mate.

There is more than one way to hurt your mate, and stonewalling (refusing to talk) is certainly one of them. If you feel your mate's reactions have been inappropriate, don't respond by disengaging from them and not talking. Asking for a pause is one thing, but shutting them out is another. Avoidance and indifference return hurt for hurt.

Both aggression and passive aggression are intended to punish. Both reveal an absence of love. Give your mate the gift of communication in order to help them to heal.

17. Trying to get your mate's friends and family on your side.

Approaching family and friends to intervene on your behalf in an attempt to influence your mate is counterproductive. Some of your friends may come on board, but taking sides is not going to support healing or reconciliation. In fact, it's very common for this strategy to backfire, increasing hostility and resentment towards you.

Rather than creating adversarial teams, we recommend you speak with people who are committed to supporting both of you on your journey.

18. Believing Recovery is Linear.

The journey to healing has many twists and turns. Each individual and each couple has their own set of challenges, traumas, and hurts to address. Believing recovery is linear will only lead to frustration and despair.

19. Threatening your mate.

The only reason for threats is to decrease your own discomfort and control the consequences of your actions. If your mate complies with your wishes, any result is only temporary and generates fear and false motivations.

Be supportive and tell your mate, "I hope you choose to stay with me, but I want you to do what God is telling you to do." Ultimately, coercion will drive your spouse away.

20. Using your children as pawns.

This mess has nothing to do with your children. They are innocent bystanders in this situation. Do not attempt to control your mate, or redeem yourself as a parent, by using them as pawns.

Trying to be the fun parent, buying your children's loyalty, relying on them for affection you are not getting from your mate, or treating them as confidants are all inappropriate behaviors. Not only will this alienate your mate, but it will also harm to your kids.


Einstein says, "No problem can be solved by the same consciousness that created it." If you've committed any of the mistakes above, you know the truth of that statement. Failing to seek help and naively believing you can handle this on your own will only prolong your confusion and pain. Trauma does not resolve itself.

It isn't just seeking help, it is seeking the right type of help. Relying on social media, inexperienced advice, or influencer opinion will rob you of the opportunity for lasting healing. Compassionate, experienced survivors who understand are here to help.

Don't piecemeal your recovery. The Affair Recovery program provides a holistic, flexible approach that integrates recovery for the betrayed spouse through Harboring Hope, the wayward spouse through Hope for Healing, and the marriage through EMS Online or EMS Weekend.

In recovery, we found that each mistake is simply another opportunity to amend that behavior, and show we can do it differently. There is always hope.

More articles like these are available in our extensive Recovery Library, and we hope you'll join us for our introductory First Steps Bootcamp or a leader guided course.

To healing.




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How do I do it “right” if he refuses to work with me

Im a 41 yo highly educated ambitious woman, in a relationship for 15 years, of which 12 y of marriage to a real alpha male who was a college dropout. Together we started a business, which he runs mostly, in quite a successful way, while Im doing my job as a medical specialist. We have 2 kids 8&11yo. Our relationship has been a very good one until last year, except for the fact that he is not able to share his feelings or deeper thoughts and is also not really willing to listen to mine. He’s a quite dominant type of man, with rough talk, somewhat controlling behaviour. But As I am a quite demanding wife myself, it compensated each other somehow. Im not trying to justify the situation, as I myself believe that it cant be justified in any way. But it definitely is the result of some deeper problem concerning emotional desolation.
The past two years have been rough, especially for me, as I was unsatisfied with the growth possibilities in my field of expertise, where I had the feeling of not being able to reach full potential. I had some major life events as well, like remigration, dead of a loved one, sickness of father. I also somehow had this in-satisfactory feeling of not being able to be myself and freely do things I like to without counting in kids, work or “permission” from my husband.
I cheated on him when on a businesstrip alone (which usually never happens) with an old acquaintance who is a very soft, understanding and emotional type of guy. The mostly emotional cheating had been going on for a couple of months (from long distance) of which 2 weeks were non long distance with a sexual affair. Its about 6 months after Dday.
After finding out my husband first clinged to me as if he was scared to let me go for some weeks with lots of excellent sex and promises from his side that we will make it and he will stick by me. That phase lasted for about 1 month. after that there was real hurting with crying most of the day for nearly 6 weeks, depression. Afterwards there were 5 months of verbal aggression (denigrations, rage, accusations) and isolation from (stonewalling) me, with his own ideas of how everything went running wild. Since a couple of weeks he is calmer ( started because my health was seriously deteriorating) but not really constructive towards me or the relationship. He keeps stonewalling, neglecting me saying that he is done with it and stays only for the kids, but as soon as I ask to file for divorce he kicks back and tells me to start the process, as he is good in the current situation. He can be very mean, verbally abusive and after some hours he’ll hold me tight and can come a bit closer in a good way. He demands from me to tell everything, has access to my phone email and everything, and literally gets crazy if I decide to go out, while he is away every night, without telling where and with whom. He refuses couples therapy, makes up stories about other women he is seeing and refuses to do anything fun with me. When I tell him that this is not the way of working on a relation, and revenge will not bring him happiness or satisfaction, I believe thats the only thing he is in need of. he says that he needs to do it at his own pace, on his own way and that I have the option to take that or leave it, because it is his way of dealing with it. He says to be in need of distance and time, and doesnt exactly know what he wants, or where this goes to. He also cannot promise me faithfulness in the future.
What do I do in this case. Go or stay? And for how long and which boundaries to set? Please give me some real advice.

I am in the same situation but with my wife

Please if you have gotten any advise or suggestions since this posting I am in desperate need of some sort of direction I should be going in?

Betrayed will not speak to me

I have waited to long to begin to do the right thing for the process of recovery. My spouse will not speak with me know. We are enrolled in EMSO starting the 27th of Feb. I want her to know I am committed to this process. I have been committed to the process just not keeping the focus on the recovery at all times. My biggest mistakes are not following through on my commitments and getting defensive (biggest problem). How do i get my spouse to know that I am her for her and want to fix our marriage, and get her to speak to me again.

Early stages following six week Physical affair. Video and sexti

My husband has been very guilty of dripping me information. Just when I think I’m healing from that I find that he sugarcoated it and lied. None of the information was true. Now I have to start all over every time it’s been a month I’m finding it difficult to hang on why should I be hanging onto a liar

Wife's affair - scared about the future.

Found out almost two weeks ago that my wife, the ONLY person I thought would never lie to me, has been in an affair for years and with the one guy she knew I can not stand. She has always been a flirt, as I am too, but I made it clear I can not stand this guy. I never thought she had time because we work together, are almost always together. I found out while we were away from home by accident and yet when I confronted her she denied it, said it was just talk, nothing real. She has spent most of our vacation time sending him messages and videos/photos. After hours of pushing from me she admitted they had been together once, but that was years ago, but days later after more pushing found out it was still going on with their last time together being last summer, although the messages were still going on until two weeks ago. She says even though the messages said they would get together when she got home, that she missed him more than he missed her, that it really was not going to happen. She claims she has no real feelings for him, yet in the messages she told him that certain outfits were for him only. I am sure she has feelings for him, yet she says she does not. I feel if she is lying about caring for him, she must be lying about caring for me too. She has cut off contact with him, not hiding her phone from me, but I wonder does she have another name for him that is allowing them to stay in contact. One minute I want to save our marriage, another not sure I can, that I will ever be able to trust her. We are still away from home, so scared as what happens once we get home. I do love her, but not able to forgive her, not able to trust her and without that what is the point of trying to save our marriage. Just the idea that to get to one of our customers I must drive by his business or home, no other way to that business makes me sick. Good customer, but feel I need to drop it to avoid his home area, where apparently most of the time together happened. For those that pray, really need prayers now.

20 Most Common Mistakes of the Unfaithful Spouse

Wow, such wisdom. Thank you

there is a child

how can an unfaithful spouse cut off contact when there is a child? Also the constant communication keeps her in his mind so there is no room for us. it is a constant reminder and although I am hopeful, I cannot see him letting her go while the child is young. he pretty much has us both in his life.

The unfaithful is not always and eternally wrong

What about an instance where the unfaithful is not only remorseful for what they have done, and has bent over backward to do work on self, make things right, be transparent, yet has spent many years in a marriage where the betrayed has been emotionally unavailable and distanced, and most efforts to make a healthy relationship, reach out to the distant spouse, and nights spent crying to sleep because the distant spouse won't reciprocate have been highlights of the marriage? I am definitely sorry for what I've done, but I can't pay for my transgressions forever. I am loving, kind, gentle, patient, putting of my own healing topics with my spouse, and have done everything in my power to own up to what I've done, but we are 19 months out and my spouse still wants to divorce. I won't give up. With all my being I am spending all my efforts showing my spouse that I've changed, am not the same emotional, depressed, and anguished person I was. I am seeking God, we are attending congregation together for the first time in our lives, and my spouse still wants to be "roommates" (we haven't shared a bedroom in over 15 years except very sporadically, have had sexual intimacy 3-5 times per year for most of that time, and since D-Day - April 2018 - there has been absolutely no intimacy or physical contact other than I begrudgingly get hugs if I initiate and I get a pat on the back occasionally). I don't know how to proceed with a mate who hasn't wanted to get help nor therapy since all of our problems started nearly 2 decades ago, and I've been at the end of my emotional rope for so many years. I won't leave my marriage for any reason whatsoever, and I think it's important to know that in some instances, the unfaithful is not always the stereotypical bad guy that he or she is typically made out to be. I've done everything I can to save my marriage, and now it's just a waiting game. Can anyone shed light on this? I have owned my part of this, and our situation has gone on long enough that it's time for the betrayed to do some work and taking responsibility for their part. Emotional neglect for decades is not okay, and refusing to work on the relationship to the point where the desperate-for-attention mate spirals downward and becomes desperate for some kind of reciprocation. I understand that the betrayed doesn't want therapy because it will damage them further since there is a probability that the counselor will make them uncomfortable (I watched the video from this site on this topic from Samuel), but at what point does the betrayed need to admit they've done things to contribute to the demise of the relationship and participate, and get help? I'm still waiting.

Sounds like my BS

It sounds like I could've written what you said about my BS. It's only been 6 months and we've had some good moments, but he acts the way your spouse does when he is mad.

What if she is not talking to me at this point.

I had sent a picture to someone an got some as well, my girlfriend found out an broke up an blocked my number. We are still friends on Facebook an other social media. I’ve told her I will keep fighting to be with her again an show her that I made a big mistake by doing what I did. She did txt me back saying she was happy with me an that she was an still is very much in love with me but we aren’t meant to be. Do I keep trying to show her that we are meant to be?

My betrayed spouse keeps haveing images

My spouse has images when we make love of the guy I cheated on him with, how do I help him overcome this trauma

Eye opener

We both read these today and since the first day i found out about his betrayal, this is honestly the first day i haven't been built up with hate and resentment towards him. Glad we got the chance to read. Thank you

I wish my husband cared enough.

When my husband finally confessed to cheating on me for our entire 12 year marriage, I'm the one who suggested meeting with the pastor. I also found the marriage counselor. I bought the books. He repented to God and to me. He read the books. Now he feels he's done his part. I have no one to talk to because I've kept his dirty little secret. He's not interested in hearing my pain. I suppose he feels it's my responsibility to heal, and I must heal alone. He did the crime and I get to do the time...... totally alone. Tonight I told him that I had a lot on my mind. He never even asked what was bothering me or if I wanted to talk about it. I'm in the bedroom crying and looking for things like this to help me heal while he's in the living room reading a horror book. Tonight is the night I'm taking my life back. I'm calling a lawyer Monday morning. All I needed was for him to show some sort of care or empathy, but he just doesn't care enough.

Not having the courage to talk

For me. The reason I have avoided asking how my wife is, spending time with her is shame. Fear of the reaction. Inability to take the pain anger and rage I have created.

It may be your husband, he (we) never learned how to sit down and talk, share and express empathy.

Instead the approach is to avoid. As a child will run away and hide if they know they have done wrong. He (I) is acting childishly. He hasn't got the skills. Or maybe he doesn't care.

But fear and shame and the lack of emotional maturity has meant I have made most of these mistakes. Now my wife (ex) does not see a future. With or without me.

Charitably, if your husband is like me he cares but does not know how to show it safely.

# 1 rule is so true. I could

# 1 rule is so true. I could not understand why my ex-wife was staying in touch with a married man she worked with 20+ years ago, she said they were 'good friends" but when the truth came out, when she was single, she had been in an affair with him, he was her boss and they worked side by side with his wife. They kept in touch and she even had as she described "lunch only" a few times, she had been lying about him our entire marriage.

This is my life right now

My husband had an affair recently that lasted about 6mths before I found out about it and he has devastated every aspect of our lives. Almost everything that was mentioned here has already happened, my husband thinks that we don't need to talk about it because the affair has been found out and that it is over. That only makes me feel that he has so much more to hide and he is actually hindering our rebuild of trust. What do I do with this?

Dealing with mistrust, lies and uncertainty.

Wow, this article has some in depth stuff in it. A really good read and something that can help a lot of people in all sorts of situations when trust has become an issue, I am currently dealing with issues of trust and this has shed some light on the mindset of both parties and why and where the reconciliation fails (when/if it does). Thank you for such insight.

20 mistakes of an unfatithful spouse

Thank you so much, this is very helpful.

Recovery from the unfaithful view

I work 2 jobs. I constantly keep my wife updated on my movements and actions due to the nature of my jobs. There have been 2 times where 2-4 hours have gone by where I did not text her. I did not change location/company/tasks etc, but I did not text. To her this is a huge “inconsistency” and does not understand why I can’t just text. Yes the actual action is simple but she wants to k ow that I am thinking about her all of the time. Am I wrong at being frustrated with her anger over my “not texting her” while I am working. Side note, yes all of my infidelities came from work situations. Please advise on my course of action so that I am not being defensive or giving off the “cold heart” feeling.


I have really done most of this things, while trying to fix my mess, when ever we try to talk about it we end up in arguments, some times I feel I have told him the whole truth I know but he keeps on demanding that I open up fully and I feel I have nothing else to tell him yet I don't want to loose him.

Giving it a Go

Well tonight I have offered to my wife full disclousure. I'm anxious to see how this goes. She is in Vengence and justice mode so I feel like I am placing myself and livlihood in harms way, I'm going to trust in the process and do what I have NEVER done before...Answer her questions. She's not going to like the answers (I've been very bad), but I owe it to her, so she can make a decision as well. ...One, Two, Three.. here we go..

What is she won’t respond

So, I’m happy that we should keep communicating it what if they don’t respond back?

Cheating Spouse/Father of My Son

My youngest father and I got together while he was 9married. (I was under the impression he was single). Come to find out, he was living a double life. I was young and naive. He was 46, and I was 28. He was so GOOD at hiding stuff. But make a long story short, I made the mistake of trying to make it work with him after they divorced-for my son. I thought he would change- nope. This last time he got his best friend pregnant even though he says they never had intercourse. Anywho. He begged me to give him one more chance, to prove he wanted to change(he did for like 3 weeks). We had a relationship repair book by Dr. Phil that he only worked with me on for a week. I had given him boundaries about me allowing him one last chance(he agreed to give me his phone passcode, etc. He was ok with it for 2 days, then logged out of everything and changed all the passwords so he could hide shit. I had even offered to do the same for him, and let him go thru my phone-which he did. But I was the ONE at fault because I had to factory reset my phone(cheap government phone) cos it just sucked, and I didn't regain all my messages, and the ones he was upset about were ones from a guy that I chatted with for literally two weeks, after I had broken up with him, and had informed him I was talking to someone. But that's me cheating. Like the hell?? Some cheaters will always be cheaters. And come to find out, I'm more tech savvy than he is(and I accessed his secret vault file and come to find out, he had been cheating on his wife YEARS before me even. Sick. They had been married for 18 years. She just looked the other way to keep the family together. I didnt. His presence just makes me naseaus. I threw in the towel and learned to respect myself and my son. I still let him be apart of my sons life, but no way will I let him back in.

Caught my husband looking at his affair partner on Facebook

I caught my husband having his affair in April 2022. He then claimed that he was fully committed to making our marriage work. It seemed like we were making progress but then 3 days ago I caught him looking at his affair partner on Facebook while he was closing tabs on his phone. He apparently unblocked her to look at her page and had to wait 48hrs before he could block her again. I’m in such a state. He insists he has had an epiphany and is determined to make it work now. How in the world must I believe him? He confessed during marriage counseling but honestly the chances of him doing this again are surely higher? How do I trust again? Please give me some guidance. I feel hopeless.

I definitely agree with

I definitely agree with number 6 and number 16 of the advice. My husband became defensive of one woman that I now suspect was an affair partner.
I made an innocent comment about her hair color (she is a bleach blonde) and he acted like I said something terrible. In hindsight, that was another red flag among several that I've noticed.

As to number 16...when I confronted him about the lies and possible cheating, the silent treatment started. This is why I am feeling bitter towards him now.
It's one thing to cheat, but to act like I'M the problem and not talk to me? Or acknowledge my presence in a room? When a cheater does this, you can bet that they don't feel guilty.
It's more that they want to justify their actions (that we deserved to be cheated on somehow) and their silence is our "punishment". Because we dared to confront them, to say that lying/cheating is not OK.
That is narcissistic behavior.

I have been with him since my early 20's. I am now almost 40. He lied about wanting children from the start. Turns out, he never really wanted a family.
He pretended to be this devoted husband the whole time. And you know what? It has all been an act. A sham. A twisted game where he can outwardly do and say the "right" things...but behind my back, it was Internet porn and online chats and telling coworkers things that aren't true and (worst of all) I now believe that during our marriage he has visited escorts.

If divorce were a possibility, especially before it reached this point years later, I would have divorced him in my late 20's or early 30's. I still love him despite this...but my eyes are open now.
If you can't trust your spouse to be loyal, it's over.


I discovered my husband’s infidelity 7 weeks ago. He did most of the common mistakes when confronted even when he admitted to what he has done initially. I feel so stupid that I ignored little sign’s I saw these past 5 years because I trusted him unconditionally for over 16 years of our marriage. I’m stuck, feeling anxiety, fear, pain and anger.

I don’t know how to accept or if I can accept the fact that he had sex with over 20 women - a different prostitute each time he went - over the course of close to 2 years if you combine the time he continuously went nonstop. He started pre-pandemic and only stopped in the middle because he was forced to stop for 1.5 years due to Covid.

Every marriage has some issues - no one is perfect even myself but that doesn’t justify looking for prostitutes. What’s worse is he’s a doctor so he’s confident of not getting STDs because he ‘knows the signs’. Can a professional be this stupid thinking he’s not going to get STDs?

He says he’s stopped and is committed to fixing the marriage. Can someone like this be trusted again? Has anyone experienced their husband going to so many prostitutes? How do you move on from this?

How can it get any worse

I found out on our 9 year anniversary my husband cheated on me, twice. I had some suspicions 7 1/2 years ago, caught him in lies and being sneaky. I never knew he actually slept with her. Then again 2 1/2 years ago, I found a naked picture from a girl he worked with. I was devastated, he said nothing ever happened. It haunted me and I would cry in the middle of the night begging him to tell me if he slept with her. I said I just wanted the truth and to start healing. He always denied it. Well two months ago, I found an inappropriate text from the first girl. She made a comment about breast milk and my husband “joked” about getting it directly from the tap. I was angry and crying. I began texting her from his phone, she was suspicious and called. I made my husband say hello then hung up. I texted her, I can’t talk but I can text. With my husband next to me, I was texting her. Saying I have to come clean to my wife. At first she was denying it but then said don’t tell her, we promised. It will ruin both our marriages. I found out he slept with the first girl 4 times. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant. He said they mutually agreed to stop because it was wrong. But they stayed in touch via text. I feel like if he truly regretted it, he wouldn’t have stayed in contact. And out of everyone to text, why her.
I made him come clean about the second girl. He said they were drinking as a group at a bar and they were the last ones left. They got in the backseat of her car and tried to have sex, but he couldn’t get it up. He went back to work that night, he said he felt too ashamed to come home to me. She moved to a different state. A couple weeks after she left I found messages like thinking of h, I miss u, and a naked picture. So now, two months ago, I found out the man I loved so much, cheated on me…. twice. I feel so stupid. I suspected things but was naive and too trusting. I believed him when he said there was nothing. He said he was too ashamed to tell me and didn’t want me to leave him. Which he obviously didn’t care while he was cheating on me. I think he just didn’t think he would ever get caught. We had normal little marital issues. But for the most part I thought we were so happy. We had an amazing marriage, two beautiful little girls. We are so much alike, we do so much together. Our sex life was great. I truly thought we had a great marriage and were so happy. He never seemed distant. He was always so loving. He has apologized. Said he doesn’t care if he never talks or sees either of them again. He loves me, he always has. He regrets it, he doesn’t understand how he can do that to me. He says he loves me so much, I am the only one he wants and he will do whatever it takes. I am the type who needs to know a lot of information to process and forgive him. He has been good about answering my questions. But I obviously don’t trust him. He says there isn’t more. I definitely think it’s a possibility. On top of that devastation. We found out 4 months ago that he has terminal cancer. They gave him 6-12 months to live. I was already struggling with his cancer diagnosis, then had to find this out on top of it. It’s too much. We are trying to work through it. And I do love him so very much. I take such great care of him but constantly think. Why would he risk all this. He knew it would ruin our marriage and did it anyways. I am not a 10, but I am pretty, thin, smart, athletic. I know I am not perfect but did strive to be a great wife. And breaks my heart because that wasn’t enough for him. It wasnt enough for him to say no. He says I am enough, I am all he wants. But it’s hard to understand because he is enough for me, he is enough for me to say no. I feel like I don’t get the proper amount of time to grieve, because I don’t have time. I don’t want to feel guilty about how we spent the last of his time. But I am so incredibly hurt. I know I have to stay strong, not only for him, but also our two beautiful little girls



The Truth Will Set You Free

I know the article claims to keep religion out of it & I agree because I am not a religious person however am a spiritual one & I'd like to explain my testimony.

I've been with my wife since we were 13. I'm now 43 & she's 42 were exactly 6 months apart. As I like to say God created me 1st & then her for me. I moved from Cali to Texas at the age if 13 & she was the 1st female I met & we became best friends for the 1st 3 years before it got serious. Now here we are right at 30 years later & I'm battling to save my marriage as the faithful man.

I've never been a religious or aporotual person in my life all though I knew there had to of been a God & a creator and I've attended churches several times growing up I was never truly dedicated to it. I raised my kids from birth I own my own business & take care of my family's wants & needs even to this day all though they are all grown I still give it my all oit of love for my family.

Anyhow I knew my wife had cheated on me in the past 1 time when she convinced me to go to jail to sit out some traffic tickets & fines so we wouldn't have to pay them howevwr she used that as a way to get me locked up & away where I couldn't do anything so she could go & get her back tattooed by another man at her job at his house while I was locked up. I told her before I didn't want him touching her & I didn't approve of her getting the tattoo. However she figured out a way to manipulate & deceive me into placing myself in a position where I couldn't do anything a out it. Not to mention when she did thei she wore a very expensive pair of white booty shorts I had bought her that she would never wear for me at home but not only worse them to go see him but completly destroyed them getting ink all over them to rub it in my fave just a little more than lied to me about it & said she didn't sleep with the man. Just to come out 20 years later and admit that yes she did sleep with him she just didn't want me to leave her for it.

Well we stayed together & I forgave her 20 years prior so I wouldn't have to carry the burden of what she did to me but whay I didn't realize then was in her mind she was now comfortable with doing this to me.

So about 18 years later from the original incident she did it again. Except this time I went to jail for a petty crime while she was working with "my so called best friend" at a car wash and we'll we all know where I'm going with this from here. She ended up sleeping with my best friend and to tope it all off it gets even better.

This is where the story starts getting spiritual & Good. It was on May 16th 2019 @2:30 am I was dead asleep in my bed next to my Wife when I was awoken by the Holy Spirit the spirit of God himself & he spoke audible to me and said "wake up my son & follow me" and every since that day I have been on this spiritual journey for truth but little did I know it was going to get so much deeper than that.

I went from a normal guy to preaching the gospel overnight & never read the Bible in my life but his holy spirit was now living in my body. From.this point on the holy spirit begain to remove the lies that kept me blind to the truth about the things that were really going on in my life that I was blind to this whole time. One kf them being that my wife has been in act cheating on me our whole relationship with multiple different people throughout our 30 years which is very heart breaking for me to know these truths but it's the truth none the less. What it also revealed to me was how broken she was to the point the only way she could feel any validations was to get it from anyone willing to let her seduce them unto her giving them a good time which in return gave her a since of peace & comfort. This was caused in her from her dad rapping her as a child which the holy spirit also revealed to me.

I won't go into to many details otherwise I'd be here for a very very long time however I'm trying to lay a base story for people as well so they can relate.

I have now been struggling to save my marriage and I am the betrayed in this situation. She has left me 10 times in the past 5 1/2 - 6 years for months at a time and even up to 1.5 years at one point and I keep taking her back thinking she's finally going to open up & let it all out & let God's word be the judge as it is in court and let's work on this together. However what I've come to figure out it she is so emotionally broken & damaged from her last sexual abusers which caused all of this main uproar that she takes it out on me instead of allowing me to help her through it.

So idk what to do anymore. I have nobody but her when she is around I mean since childhood at the age of 13 my whole life basically and here I am at 43 with nothing but my business & a woman who hates me for exposing the truth instead of loving me & letting the truth set her free from all those heavy burdens she carries & rages out against me with.

Whay is there for a 43 year old man like my self in 2025?


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-D, Texas