Rick Reynolds, LCSW
by Rick Reynolds, LCSW
Founder & President, Affair Recovery

Why Couples Fail After an Affair | Part 1 - Not Knowing What Happened

Why Couples Fail After an Affair: A Four Part Series

Part 1: Not Knowing What Happened
Part 2: Not Getting It
Part 3: Denying Your Reality
Part 4: Failure to Grieve

"What's left in darkness is under the power and control of that very same darkness"


How to Practically Obliterate Any Opportunity for Restoration

When a spouse is kept in the dark regarding the details of their spouse's affair, it's similar to feeling trapped in darkness, trying to find their way out. People naturally try to understand the events of their life. Until we are able to make sense of these events, a part of us continues trying to solve the mystery. If a spouse withholds information regarding their secret life, how long do you think someone who's been devastated by betrayal will spend trying to find the answer to their questions?

Solving this mystery is a key factor for success in re-establishing trust and surviving infidelity.

Without understanding what has happened, there is no way for the betrayed spouse to assess the level of damage and the probability of future success. Until the unfaithful spouse extends trust to their mate by sharing what happened, it is difficult for the betrayed spouse to rebuild trust. People are more than capable of getting over a betrayal, but continued deception leaves no path for trust and obliterates the opportunity for restoration.

Consider joining Hope for Healing where you'll find community for isolation and healing for shame —and that's just the beginning.

Learn More | Hope For Healing!

A Coherent Story: How To Calm Emotional 'Flooding'

A substantial difficulty for couples recovering from infidelity is the emotional flooding created by the trauma after an affair. Infidelity creates a pain like no other, and difficulty regulating the ensuing emotions is not only common but to be expected. Emotional regulation and stability are created through what is called a coherent story. Up until the point where "what has happened" makes sense to the betrayed spouse, emotions run rampant, confusion rules the day, and the heart of the betrayed remains frayed. Understanding what happened provides a safe foundation on which they can eventually begin to rebuild. (Please keep in mind, this step in the process takes a significant amount of time and cannot be rushed). Empathy from the unfaithful spouse (which we'll address in a moment) is necessary to encourage healing.


To move forward, couples need to come to a common understanding of their history. Regardless of the type of infidelity (e.g., emotional affair, one-night stand, pornography addiction, etc.), the story of what has happened needs to make sense to both husband and wife. As I work with couples who are stuck, not knowing what happened seems to be the number one culprit.

I appreciate the work done by the late Peggy Vaughan in her e-book Help for Therapists (and their Clients).

She hypothesized: A couple is more likely to stay married after an affair when they thoroughly discuss the whole situation.

55% of those who discussed the situation very little were still married (living together).

78% of those who discussed the situation a good bit were still married (and living together).

86% of those who discussed the situation a lot were still married (and living together).

She concluded that the amount the affair was discussed with the betrayed partner was significantly associated with present marital status.

A second hypothesis stated: A couple is more likely to stay married when the unfaithful spouse answers the questions of the betrayed spouse.

59% of those whose partner refused to answer questions were still married (and living together).

81% of those whose partner answered some of their questions were still married (and living together).

86% of those whose partners answered all their questions were still married (and living together).

She concluded that the extent to which the partner answered questions was significantly associated with present marital status. Understanding what occurred allows both parties to rally around solutions.

Combating Self-Deception

Not only does the hurt spouse have a need to know what happened, that need is just as great for those who were unfaithful. Speaking from personal experience, I can attest to the benefit I received from discussing the events of my infidelity. There is a strong tendency to be self-deceived when facing a side of ourselves that we'd rather keep in the dark. When we feel shame, we betray ourselves as well as others. Exposing what has happened has a unique way of providing clarity, not only for one's mate but also for those of us who've been unfaithful.

After my affair ended, I was not capable of thinking clearly and, consequently, I made many poor decisions. It wasn't just my mate discovering what happened; I also began to understand things I had not seen. Though it is a process, it was a necessary step in my own safety and healing journey.

When Is Enough Detail, Enough Detail?

At the same time, knowing what happened isn't the same as knowing every detail about everything that happened. Too much detail creates additional problems with intrusive thoughts. The betrayed partner might want to know what happened, where it happened, how often it happened, if there are potential health risks, and when it began and ended, and they have a right to this information. Questions comparing themselves to the affair partner, however, serve little or no benefit.

Comparison questions ultimately create intrusive thoughts and complicate the healing process. While it is enticing to ask these questions, too much information only creates more reminders and more triggers.

For those who want to help their mate feel safe and heal by sharing their story, here are some words of advice.

  • Begin by asking your mate if he or she wants to know. If the answer is yes, then tell them the story. I find that carefully telling the story from beginning to end is the best way to relay the information. Far too often, the story is told piecemeal, i.e., drip-feeding or trickle-truth, as the betrayed partner asks questions and the unfaithful partner tries to answer. This, unfortunately, starts the clock over every time new information is brought to the surface.
  • When you finish telling the story, please don't say, "That's everything." You're far better off realizing that you've told everything you remember at that moment, but there's always the possibility that other memories will come to mind and/or your mate may not have heard everything and will later be devastated if more information comes to light. Tell them that you're committed to honestly answering their questions and exploring what happened.
  • Oftentimes, in the disclosure process, an unfaithful partner will resort to, "I don't remember,” when the truth is that they may not want to share the information as they are convinced that if the betrayed knows the details, they are done and gone. Other times, they genuinely may not remember the information and may need time and even help to remember what transpired. However, "I don't remember," is not the best answer—even when it’s truthful. A better answer may be, "I don't remember the exact information right now, but I'm committed to getting the right help and the right process in place so that I can remember the details. I also commit to sharing any and all information I do remember as we get immediate help to start this healing process."
  • Ask what author Esther Perel, MA, LMFT, calls Investigative Questions, especially if your mate says they can't remember. Not being able to remember certain answers won't prevent them from answering the questions below, and it will create the opportunity for the unfaithful spouse to share what they are feeling. You can read a full list of these questions here: Esther Perel's Investigative Questions for Couples Experiencing Infidelity. I've posted just a few below:
    1. What did the affair mean to you?
    2. Did you feel entitled to your affair?
    3. Why do you think you could not express your needs to me: emotional, intellectual or sexual?
    4. Did you ever get to a point where you felt you were losing yourself or felt torn and confused?
    5. Did you ever worry that your affair would destroy our relationship?
    6. What was it like for you to lie?
    7. Do you think I have a say in it?
    8. Did you want to leave me or was the affair just an addition to us?

A word of caution, the WHY will be much more difficult for both of you than the WHAT. Therefore, we've written a series called Why Did They Cheat?. As you are working through why the infidelity happened, it is important to remember the necessity of safety in the recovery process. For the betrayed party to feel safe, there must be signs of genuine empathy. Without truly working to understand the depth of your mate's pain, all attempts at reconnecting will appear hollow or self-serving.

Rebuilding trust after such a heavy blow will never be easy, but the good news is you don't have to have trust to rebuild a relationship. In the meantime, you can replace trust with a whole lot of honesty and a whole lot of empathy.

Unfaithful partners, these two gestures will go further than you may realize to soothe the deep soul-wound that infidelity has inflicted on your mate. If you are not sure where to start or how to develop empathy, please consider joining a group in Hope for Healing, our course for unfaithful partners. You'll be in a safe, encouraging atmosphere with a group leader and several other unfaithful partners who will walk the 17-week journey with you. There is hope for healing!

  1. Vaughan, Peggy. Help for Therapist and their Clients: Report of Survey on Extramarital Affairs. Dear Peggy. n.d. Web. 07 July 2014.



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He "doesn't remember"

I have always had a problem with the timeline and when the affair started. My husband says he doesn't remember. Today he said I need to accept that or leave him. Those are my choices? Not very satisfying. I wish he understood that I am hurting, even though it's been 10 months. I really want to move on and have closure. I don't know why this is so important to me.

I get a whole lot of "I don't

I get a whole lot of "I don't remember" as well. That doesn't help me feel secure or trusting. I know he doesn't want to remember because it is his pain as well.

"Doesn't Remember Either"

I get the same line in addition to being told that "I'm just dwelling on all the negative instead of trying to move on". I want to understand it and move on, but how do you move on when your mind is creating the story for you instead of the unfaithful spouse? The lack of empathy gives me very little hope too.

Don’t remember either

I understand what you are saying. Some information that came out recently about a possible affair that my wife had 33 years ago has come out. Needless to say I am devistated finding out about it just now. We have been to a couple of therapists and the answer that they give is to think about the good times and let the past go.

I can’t forget and feel lost, I don’t know what to do.

wife affairs

I knew of my wife's one-night stand 33 years ago, confronted her, which at that time she supposedly stopped the affair. Two years ago, I mentioned in a conversation with her of the telephone calls I was getting with nobody on the other end. This also took place 33 years ago. After a couple of days of agonizing, she told me , that back then, she had a long-term affair ( 8 months ) with a different person . This was also stopped when I caught her after her one-night affair.
I am still with her. The reason why is because in the mid-'80s Texas was in terrible shape, it was very hard for me to make a living. I felt she strayed because happiness was in very short supply and I had let her down. Those economic conditions were never repeated for me. However,
although we went to a marriage counselor, we never really discussed what happened in a one-on-one conversation or were there other affairs that I did not know about. I am constantly thinking of what I did wrong but afraid to approach her to have the honest conversation that we need to have. I love my wife and would never leave her, but I would like to know the whole truth. Its is time.

Did you ever have those conversations with her?

You definitely do deserve to know whatever details you request. You sound like a very reasonable man and the fact that she took a couple of days and then came clean about something that took place 33 years ago tells me she is 100% devoted to you and your marriage. It had to have been very hard for her and she could easily have said nothing. If you are willing please tell us how it went. Best wishes!

He "Doesn't Remember"

My heart goes out to you,for I am dealing with the same exact thing myself. Today makes 1 year to the day he was last with her. Last night I cried as I watched a video message I sat and made at 4:11 am on my iPad. The video was me in a frantic state asking him "WHY" because he wasn't home and after calling and going to his friends looking for him I knew there was only one place he could have been. Of course when he made it home after 1:00 in afternoon he told me he went to a friends house (a friend that I didn't call of course) and drank, passed out and didn't have a phone to call me! It didn't take long to find out the truth (from the other woman) that they spent the evening watching fire flys and the night together!
I still feel like it was yesterday, the pain is just as bad, my heart broken.
He noticed the last few weeks my staring off, getting snappy with him, and my eyes red after coming out of the bathroom that I use to sit and silently cry hoping he don't know.
Last night I told him I deserve to know the truth about it all. That I love him and that's why I chose to stay although after a year to the day now I DESERVE the truth. The whole truth that I want/need from him, not the other woman.
He looked at me and told me he wants to move forward and I won't let us, I am stuck in a rut because I like it. He looked me in my eyes and told me that I am a crybaby and he is sick of hearing me cry and wine, that I need to grow up. He continued with "I can't and won't continue to live like this so get over it as of right now or move on"! He said me being such a crybaby after this long is making him miserable!
I have not said or asked any questions today even though it's what I call D-day. (Dooms day anniversary)
I feel different after hearing him say the same things last night that he has been repeating every time I try to talk or ask questions since the beginning. I realize I have been cheated again (not with another) but cheated out of a year that I struggled alone, cheated from the real love I have given him and the respect of the truth. I chose to stay because I love him and want to be with him till death makes us part, but I didn't chose to be hurt so badly with cheating along with name calling and ultamatioms! I see things differently today on D-day... I truly love and stayed to make it work but it's time to accept the love he has for me is not nearly as deep or real because if it was he would help me heal not making it harder. I am going to walk away still heart broke but I won't carry any regret on my shoulders when I go. I stayed, I tried, and truly loved him. He couldn't show me the same by just telling me the answers to questions I asked only " I forget" " I don't remember when ect"
I wish you luck and hope you get the answeres you deserve...

“Just get over it already”

Oh my word this sounds so familiar...14 months past d-day..same,same attitude!

Doesn't remember

My situation was a little different, but similar. My need to know was so great that I told my husband that he had to leave if he continued to lie to me. I sent him the name of my lawyer, told him to make an appointment at his convenience and that he could have anything in the house he wanted for his new place. Granted, this was 5 months after D-day. I was not able to get past a certain point because his story wasn't adding up with me. We had even seen two different marriage counselors and I felt like while we were civil to each other and enjoyed some good times together, that him not being totally honest (to my satisfaction) made no point in trying to rebuild a marriage on a foundation of lies. That was my deal breaker. Don't get me wrong, I did worry he would call the lawyer, but at the same time I had made up my mind that whatever the outcome I would win. Win by being free of a lying cheater that had no remorse for his actions and only considered his own pain in all of this. Or win by being free to work on myself, go where I pleased without question and find myself again. The burning question, " did he disclose ?". The answer is yes. I wrote down all my questions beforehand, just in case he would disclose and I went down the line and wrote the answers down. I didn't judge and I thanked him afterwards. He had to admit that he even felt better after being honest. Things are getting better slowly, but as long as I see progress it's doable. My advise to you would be to not torture yourself. I felt like my husband owed it to me to at least come clean. Find out what your deal breaker is and decide if you want to push the button or continue to be in so much pain. Either way, good luck and take extra good care of yourself. Believe me, focusing more on yourself let's them see that life does not revolve around them. Take back your power! Love yourself first.....


Can i ask.... did it liberate you after he answered all the questions? Did you keep thinking of more questions over time? I feel like i am never going to get over his affair. He has answered all my questions but i think of new things i need/want to know, and now he gets angry and really annoyed and i dont know if its bc hes lying or bc i should truly just be over it all and moved on from even thinking about it all. Its been almost 2 years!!

You are brave

I don't know you, but I am so sorry for your pain. I can feel it through your words. I too was betrayed. I think you are very brave and have fought to save your marriage, but I'm glad that you have realized that you don't deserve the bad treatment from your spouse and have decided to leave him in order to be at peace. Perhaps you walking away will make him understand that your needs are legitimate and will finally give you what you need or perhaps he won't. But at least you will be free and can start to remake your life. I wish you the best.

Did you end up leaving?

Hi, I came accross your story today and I'm going through the same thing. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut and I was wondering if you ended up leaving him after all and how it's been?


I have been feeling like I am losing my mind, reading this though has made me realise that what I am feeling is normal and I’m not crazy, my partner also refuses to tell me what happened even simple questions as to when it started and ended? I now realise it’s not for my good but his own good.
I don’t know if I have as much strength as u have to leave as for me it has been 2yrs and I am so more dependent on him as my anxiety and depression increase from the lack of communication and healing. I now feel guilty having these thoughts and feelings still as I have been told countless times to move on and get over it as in my partners words the affair is over. How is life for you now, did u go back have you been able to heal better without you partner?

"If thats what she said happened"

Okay, mine's a little different... Supposedly, nothing ACTUALLY happened. Left my husband at a friends party (they have a guest room) He attempted, my friend says she shut him down. She's the one who disclosed. I confronted him, but have always been bothered by how it all went down. He says he doesn't remember anything and when I relayed the details I was told, his reply was "If that's what she says happened" . No admission. No details. But his easy acceptance of, what I would describe as out-of-character behavior, coupled with his immediate proposal of going to therapy... makes me think he does, in fact, remember quite a bit. Does that seem like a normal response? or does that seem fishy to you?

He doesn't remember

We're the same, how could they not care of our feelings. I'm still with her, and still love her more than anything.. I hope I can survive this stress it has caused.. sometimes, I can't even recognize green from red light when I'm driving to work.. and the thing is, it happened to me on my first girlfriend my second one and now my beloved wife..

He doesn't Remember

Hi Eduard, I feel the same way.. I for 2.5.years am struggling every second of everyday no exaggeration. Mine won't even admit it but thos all happened only one year in, and we fell in deep love. Right out of my 15 year marriage I ran into her as someone I used to know from 20 years ago... I even have enough proof but I onow I stayed and now I am so insecure with myself it's devestating. I don't even want.to be around my family anymore or spend anytime with my kids from previous marriage... This is beyond your average story because it's not only just a one time thing, it looked seriously 100 % planned and dark and discreet... All the while HER seeing me hurt over my divorce and not seeing my kids as much, and sje is so it seems in love with me and never goes out woth anyone only to work. Its sad truth but it seems she never trully was into me at all from her reactions and thinking back, it really and it's sad she is a decent girl and I can see she feels bad for me and justifies that she is there for me and we have a great life. I know she isnt sexually into me and again she doesnt want to feel bad for telling me so! I feel like there's something extremely wrong with me! The first time in my whole life I fall in real love for someone and for any of this to happen I don't get it... I will never get anything out of her i know this for a fact and she has shown very dark and mean ways towrds me that i know any person would walk away so that's when I am in denial... At least you hear someone getting cheated on, the unfaithful will still want to initiate sex and be sexy for her man.. Nope not this one... Any suggestions please? I am in my last leg and cant get help even though I reached out to therapists.. Thanks!

Just get over it

Today is 3 years for my D-day. Unfortunately he has not been honest, upfront, or even truthful. I have heard that I need to get over it more than I can count. He says he doesn’t want to be punished his whole life. But he still won’t tell me much of anything. Everything is I don’t know. Or he gets angry with me for asking and leaves. There’s never been any type of closure. It still gives me anxiety and panic attacks. I hope it gets better for you. But the truth is you have to decide if you can live without knowing or if it is a deal breaker.


I also had to know the timeline, he said 1 yr, but then admiitted 2 yrs 8 months. I was so devasted . For me knowinf the timeline told me how involved he was with her. We are in therapy.

Months and years

I am impressed how so many are sticking around months and years later still asking why. We are 35 days from D day and I am ready to end it. The unwillingness to give the timeline and frequency is bad my itself but to find out he lied about certain questions has pushed me over the edge. How do you hang on so long? Nothing left.

Months and Years

I'm sorry for your pain. I held on so long because of hope. My hope was he would learn from his mistakes. I now realize it's not a mistake but a choice to cheat. Not only did I get zero support and empathy I got "You have to get over this". I put that affair behind us no more questions asked only to have a second and third d day at the same time. My advice don't hang on but run. They don't change they just get better at lying. So my marriage of 24 years now that I'm almost 50 has collapsed because of another affair. Fool me no more I am also done but I can say I does get better. Wishing you happiness!

2 months in...

I understand everyone's pain. He had an affair that lasted 2 years. I found out about it 1 month ago. I also found out 1 year after it ended. He's answered some of my questions, he ommits alot. 2 days ago I told him that I needed the whole story. I wrote him an email, told him that in order to move forward I need to have closure. I was kind in my email. I clearly told him that I am not "just going to get over it". I explained that this a crucial time and his honesty and transparency is the only thing that can help look towards the future. I sent him many articles on the importance of oppening up. I promised no anger, no judgement, maybe some tears.

We are going to talk tommorrow evening. I am nervous if he is going to lie, ommit or water down the truth. I feel like this one conversation will define if this marriage continues or not. If he is dishonest, I will have leave and find my own healing.

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Very nice article, totally what I was looking for.

Sorry I have no words of

Sorry I have no words of advice. I’m currently in the same situation. I want answers. I need answers. I don’t actually know why because I know the answers will actually make me feel worse I just know I need them no matter how big or small. But he tells me to either drop it or go. He shows no remorse, no guilt, no empathy and I’m sat here day after day, night after night being sick, a complete mess, torn apart, devastated ect and he tells me to just drop it. That it’s my own fault I’m upset because I should sort my head out and just drop it. It hasn’t even been four weeks.

It will take a while

At the time you wrote that there is a good chance it was not over. Which of you read this blog and watch their YouTube videos is 100000% normal. It’s actually abnormal in most cases for it to be over as soon as you know. That’s why he may have been acting that way. ( been there )he may have been in the middle of trying to end it with the other woman and his head was not in the right space to start rebuilding your life together while that is going on ... I see it’s been a few months now for you. As unfair as this will sound ...He needs time to process that he did this, time to really let it sink in that you know, that you’re in a type of pain that he cannot understand. He may say hurtful things about getting over it and so on, but he doesn’t know what he is saying ... no one can understand what’s happening in your brain now unless they have experienced it.. and he has to navigate that while trying to not make this any worse for you (therefore not inviting new information which he knows = hurting you) but he eventually will get more comfortable giving details as time goes by. Especially if you uncover more things he, has no choice but to explain. But it’s important to remember 2 things. One he feels terrible. No question. Also, time will make him more comfortable giving you information. Make sure you are always coming from a place of hurt not trying to make him feel crappy (which is hard and I fail at that a lot) ...And you WILL find more peace the more you know believe it or not And that brings me to something I’m learning. I dont know if I hate the AP (I never met her and have had limited exchanges with her via text/ social media.) My biggest problem ( I think ) was the secrecy/ betrayal (by my spouse )between my spouse and AP. That gave her so much power over me I felt (which naturally made me incredibly insecure).However the more he told me, that she never told me when I reached out... took the power (that gave me insecurities) our of their secret exchanges and moments alone away from them (because it is no longer something just for them, he has willingly disclosed something that wasn’t meant for you to know. That’s massive ! As for the AP I feel she needed to have secrets with my husband and she felt that gave her relationship with my husband meaning and importance, as I would ask for info and tell her what I knew and there would be little to no addition by her. So! By my husband taking the mystery out of their time alone together ( that she’s clearly needed to feel important) I feel like he is invalidating his relationship with her little by little time after time we discuss what happened. You WILL not get the entire story immediately. Not 3 months in or 9 or in a year .. so don’t think you know it all when he says that’s all of it .. Im saying that to help you not frustrate you. He doesn’t want to hurt you, because he didn’t want to give you a hundred reasons to leave me him. I truly believe that’s why he’s avoiding answering things. He sees what he says putting you thru. If he’s there he wants to be. Even if he says he’s tired of it all on certain days. You both will feel like giving up. A lot. But there will come a breaking point for him. He will more than say he gets the hurt he has caused you will know he loves you and you are his queen. My issue is trying to understand Is that it’s not still happening. And the things that caused the trauma (which you are experiencing a severe emotional trauma) are over. I don’t know where you stand currently, if you have decided to stay I hope things are at least ok, and if you didn’t stay it’s really hard and honestly just saying ok I will try is a huge step forward. So good luck either way.


I would suggest leaving with the intention of coming back but know what you are putting urself into there will be a fight possible hurtful things and a time line for the other one that you will not notice who that person is but what you are doing is taking yourself out of the loop and letting the people think and reflect on there own if they are really vomited or fooling themselves you will get the answer you are after in the trust form and then you can choose to come back and start fresh. But know that this is a tactical relationship timeout not to use the situation to hurt your partner but to reset and move forward when the fight has been cleared .

(not approved)

Go out and suck another mans D and see how he feels about it.

Can't remember

I'm facing the same thing. It's been over a year and I'm in the most excruciating pain I have ever felt.
I ask questions (my gut is on point) he tells me no I never did that I swear no one can ever prove I did that. Then I look as I have his alt ego social media and we fight for a couple days and then he comes clean saying always claiming to not remember. How do you not remember saying ( i love you buying sex toys planning a life together with someone other then your wife) I don't understand and honestly feel like I can't work with his continual emotional abuse. Am I wrong ??

A life of lies and betrayal

I met my husband when I was 17 years in 2003, I'm now 38 years in 2024. I found out in 2021 my husband was cheating with a prostitute in a bar he was working at for about two years ( there was other women beside this one also 5 more women he admitted to). He would go with her when she would go to hotels with men who'd pay for sex to protect her. My husband literally did not spend one cent on us because he was spending on his Prosti. He would talk about her constantly within the little time he would spend with me. He would ask me for money and spend it on her. He would gift things to her children she didn't even have living with her but never once bought a gift for our children we shared. It's been almost 3 years now and I can't seem to get past this. He use to blame me for his actions saying it was "lack of sex". I would work so much and I'd be to sleepy to give him the sex he felt he deserved. We DID NOT have a sexless marriage (1-2 times a week) but it was not passionate like when we first meet. He gave me STI's because he would have unprotected sex with her.
He now is trying to change But I can not forget. I'm trying g to understand what went wrong but he makes me feel bad every time I try to discuss it by saying he feels uncomfortable. I tell him its not fair I have to live with this in silence while he is able to go on with his life as if nothing ever happened. I feel it manipulation so he feels he won with zero consequences. I'm not a unattractive woman and I definitely do NOT look like I'm al out 40. But I guessI CAN NOT COMPETE with a 20 somthing year old woman.
I literally just kicked out my husband out about an hour and a half ago and I'm feel like Crap. But after almost 3 years and we've gotten no where.
My heartbreak more every day when I remember I'm not the woman he's always wanted and that he would go as low as to choosing a dirty street walker and her illegitamet children then hisown family.
I mean I left my home in Seattle WA to move to a 3rd world country to keep my family together and to fight along side him to just for him to do this to me. I've supported him for the last 11years and nothing to show but lies, betrayals, humiliation STI's,accusations on a daily basis of cheating from him and misery. I don't know why I'm posting this but I'm already feeling better.


Thus article showed up in my inbox just hours after my husband and I had an argument where he told me he is tired of trying to be a good husband when it doesn't seem to be helping our relationship much, and asked me when I'm going to get past this and start trusting him again. He offers to do things to make me feel safe but resents doing those things and "forgets" to do them. Because he offers, I expect that he will do it, and it cracks the trust more when he doesn't do what he says. We are about ten months into this. I want to trust him. I want my life back. I didn't ask for any of this. I read all of the links at the top of the page. It all makes sense. But I feel like every time I take a step forward, he does something to shove me right back.

Truth is the first step in healing

This was very well written. Thanks Rick.

I being the hurt spouse can tell you that if you are the unfaithful spouse, honesty and telling ALL of what happened right from the start go a long way in healing.

In our case my husband had 3 ongoing affairs more or less at the same time. One was emotional with a women he had almost had a sexual affair with, (or so he says), 5 years before, then started calling again, one was a sexual affair with an old girlfriend, and after her he had a serious sexual affair with another women.

On D-day, I was only told about the last affair. This alone tore me heart to pieces and drove me almost insane with grief.
For a year or more whenever I asked any questions the answers were always vague or he couldn't remember. This only added to my confusion, frustration, and doubt. For I had been living with a man I thought I knew and he had become so good at telling lies, that I could no longer tell what was truth. I think it may have been almost the same for him. He was so used to telling a lie about almost everything that the real truth was muddled for him. Also his lies were his biggest defence mechanism.

About 6 months after the first D-day and much counselling, individually and together, my husband gave me the password to his cell phone account. It was here that I discovered the other two women.

When I confronted him on these numbers and these women, he told me they were just friends an he was just being social.
I once again asked more questions and was told more lies. I had a feeling that something was very wrong and I would not let it go. I had failed to trust my feelings before but never again.

I was right, not that this was a good thing, but a year after the affair he wrote letters to all 3 women and told them he loved me and had wronged me and that he never wanted to see them or ever have any contact ever again.
It was after he did this that the one old girlfriend called our house and said he had just lied and told her how much he loved her over and over and that he had lied to her telling her that he would get rid of me and they could have a future together and that it was wrong of them to have an affair.

Even after her telling him all this right in front of me he denied ever having sex with her over and over. Then the next day admitted to me that he did, but only once, like this made it so much less of an offence. Stating that he had lied to me as to not hurt me further. Well let me tell you it hurt even worse, because here I thought he was really trying which he was, but truth is one of the biggest healing agents when trying to heal from an affair.

Now 2 years later I am still a mess. My husband is being very patient, honest and loving. He has changed his ways and is doing everything he can to make our marriage better. I on the other hand still feel so crushed, abused and depressed. I feel almost worthless and ugly inside and out. It is hard for me to grasp that someone I gave my life to has done all this to me. I love him but I hate what he has done to me.

We never talk about it and our counsellor has moved away, so I have no one to confide in. I could look for another counsellor but the thought of telling this story all over makes me feel sick.

In conclusion to those of you who have been unfaithful, you should know that Rick is so right in saying to tell it ALL and get all the questions dealt with as soon as possible and as honestly as possible. To withhold the information is just more abuse!

Please remember that life is short and we gave our lives to you to share and you have no right to waste a second of it with your lies, deceit and cheating. Love and marriage is a very special gift that we have decided to share with you. If you are reading this it would seem that you are at least willing to try to make your marriage work. If this is so then it would be best to do EVERYTHING that you can possibly do to make things right. Telling the truth is one of the most important steps to our healing without it the damage and abuse is ongoing.

why do the unfaithful & AP get to have

secrets? Why is OK for "the AP" to know things about my spouse and her that I don't know? Why is it wrong for me to have details? Why should the events they did stay in the dark and not come to light? Why does it always seem there are new ways to "protect" the unfaithful and the AP by not asking for details? Why is it always about them? Do I sound upset? You bet I am. When a wife/husband makes the decision to cheat they have made the decision to give up any and all rights to privacy about any aspects of their affair. I'm just saying.......




It’s fabulous when a person speaks their truth. Sorry for what you’ve been through. You don’t deserve it. Prayers coming your way. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I have yet to get the details. We have been living separate for almost three months and D Day was three weeks ago. I want to know when this 8 year affair started to the month and all details. I know this woman! I have been pouring over old phone bills seeing how they texted and sent pictures to each other and it is sickening. My husband is acting remorseful but not offering much information. We see a counselor again next week.

Not sure...

Hi Rebecca - not sure why I am responding here. Maybe because this is one of the few threads on this topic that I have read that isn't super old. Plus I guess in a similar situation. We are a year and a week past D day. She in an affair for 10 to 12 years. Emotional only for 8 (I am told) and then physical as well. Also know the guy. It's the little things that hurt the most - Him commenting on her FB posts and saying stuff like "say hi to your beautiful fam" "great to hear your doing well" etc. Then to look at phone records and see they had been texting and calling each other all day. Week. Months. Years.. Looking at pics of when we were on a date and seeing that she was texting him through the night. Going to bed early (I work early) and she stays up and talks with him. Etc... Years of this. It is painful. I must fully disclose that I am by no means innocent - and many would say that my behavior during the same time was worst. But I am willing to own up to my moral and religious failings and disclose whatever info is needed to heal- whereas she acts like her affair is none of my business. I had to actually accept that I was the kind of person that did the things I did - and decide who I want to be now. Only full honesty about past and present will accomplish that. Sorry if I sound like a know it all- but I am about 9 months ahead of you in a dumpster-fire of my own. :) I wish you the very best with your counseling! We are seeing a counselor in January.

When 'everything' still doesn't make sense

It's been 6 mos since discovery and he says he has told me everything. Much of "everything" has holes, doesn't make logical sense, and sounds a lot like "the dog ate my homework ". The newest thing is that when I tell him I still think about it every single day, he says he Never thinks about it/her unless I bring it up. He had a 9 mo affair (timeframe questionable) and never thinks about it? Am I crazy to think this is just the new lie?

Defensive Outbursts and Shut-downs....

Reading this article makes my heart sad, today...it's been 4 years since my husband's secret living was brought to light. In the beginning of our recovery time, I felt he was kinder in his responses, tolerating my questions, but never offering anything unless "I ask." For this reason, it has always felt choppy and handed to me piece-meal. Lately, a lot of triggers have brought these original raw emotions out in me, and when I want to delve deeper with him, he is defensive and angry that I am "bringing up the past." Something in all of this makes me feel 'unsafe", thus reliving all of the original patterns that led me to his "secrets" in the first place. Praying that God will reveal himself in this situation, of today...praying for a marriage that is built on Christ, filled with honesty and trust.

Same here

I just posted the same thing on another article about complete disclosure. I do love my husband. I have - like most everyone of you- spent over a year working on processing any dripping disclosure only to suffer the pain of grief day after day. I have waited for so long for him to open up about what they shared ( other than sex). I talk to no one- due to the humiliation- even my own mother is unable to share due to the pain it brings her from past experience. So I'm asking anyone if wanting to know the details of their conversations is impotant- to me- it is. He just doesn't remember what he said and can't understand why I need to know. I wanted that special recovery- the kind where putting it all on the table and allowing me to important enough and special enough to bring the dark secret conversations to light. What happens when they never share that with you.....

Same problem but no answers

It's been 9 months and I still can't seem to get enough information either. Other than, "I don't remember," I'm dealing with the fact that my husband was heavily drinking during his encounters. So if he's really told me all he knows, what am I supposed to do from here? Accept it and move on or stay stuck in this rut? Unfortunately, I don't have the answer to this problem. I know a lot of details and he thinks I'll never know enough. I'm wondering if he's right. It's like I'm looking for something to make me feel better and I think I can find it by knowing more, but it's not working. Hopelessness is seeping in. It's so painful and exhausting. Can anyone help?

It becomes all consuming, I felt like I was going insane!

I understand too, I seem to continually have questions and want to know more...I am wondering is there actually any more to know? Alcohol has blurred my husbands memory too and so if he cant actually remember, how can he honestly retell to me how, what and why it happened, and the last thing I want him to do is make up a story simply to satisfy me just because he cant really remember... it has only been 3 months , he has told me what happened, he was so ashamed, he has told me he is sorry over and over, he has stopped drinking. I am still shocked and hurt and it is tough to get past this...it is so tough and I continue to ask questions but I just don't think there are any more answers... I think the biggest realization I have come to is this... What happened had nothing to do with me, once I removed myself from what happened I saw things differently...I realized I was blaming myself and decided I should not take the blame for his actions. I did not make him cheat. He made the decision to cheat. He choose to stray... understanding that was really the only thing I needed to understand...and I think because the answer is something I am ever going to be comfortable with, it is hard to accept and take in and be finished with... I too have been looking for something to make me feel better and thought knowing more would do the trick, but it does not. I now stop myself from asking anymore questions simply because I have asked them all before and he has answered them...I now need to either accept it, forgive him and start to move on with him...or I dont... I agree it is so painful and exhausting...it really is...and its not fair... I hope somehow my story helps...

But what do you do when you

But what do you do when you feel like he is still hiding something from you or not giving you the full truth?

Thank You,

Thank you, it did.

I am so relieved to have

I am so relieved to have found someone else who's husband had multiple encounters while intoxicated. You took the words right out of me.

Same Boat

I am in the same boat. Frustrating. Did both of you H quick drinking? Mine is currently going through AA even though he is not dependent he puts a lot of the blame on alcohol.

Lie Detectors

My husband was directed to Sex Therapist, which recommended full disclosure and then a lie detector afterward to verify for both our sakes...mine, so I could get my feet somewhere a bit more solid and for him....to feel some self respect and find a starting point.

Lie detector

I have thought a lie detector might be the only way I 100% believe I have all the details about his cheating. Did he end up taking the test? If so, how did it go?

same problem

My husband of 25 years was also working out of town and heavily drinking, I caught on REAL fast and confronted him. His answers are always I don't remember but he is trying and I do love him but also hate him at the same time. I need all the answers. To fill in box or I will never stop thinking and being angry about it.

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As the betrayer I have to say in the beginning a lot of the details seemed blurry because I was trying to wrap my own head around what happened and we were still living in close proximity to the AP and trying to get out. I thought I was giving the details as my spouse could handle them. After moving a little further away but still close enough to run into the AP I felt safe and started opening up so that my spouse and I could have a better understanding of what happened. I was very forthright with details with the exception of sexual details bc honestly we all know what the act is and there is no benefit to that type of explanation. Also in my own head I wanted those images to go away because of my shame. After moving out of state my spouse felt like we would have a new beginning but still did not feel like I was being honest and after going through the explanation of the beginning to the end of a 4 month affair there was not much else that I could come up with. I have been empathetic but sometimes realize I could be a little more and after 4 years I am really trying to be kind and loving and simply apologize when my spouse shares that those intrusive thoughts are going through their head. My spouse tends to get really upset after drinking and sometimes have to cut the conversation short because it tends to turn ugly. I see all the hurt and pain I have caused and wish I could take it away but I just hang in there and do the best I can with the tools I have. We did go through a period of if you give me more info I will feel better and I found myself repeating what I had already told. I think after being screamed at in front of my family I was done and told my spouse I realize my faults and working my butt off to make things better but I will not be treated like that....I can understand in the beginning but not years later. Things actually seem to be better since then as we have both set up our boundaries.

Thank you

I so appreciate what you have written here. I have tried and tried to own up to what I've done, as I am the unfaithful spouse. I have tried to give information, but my spouse feels I'm not being honest with what I've given, and then we've just ended up in re-wiring of the conversation, how I feel / felt, my motives, and the reasons for why things happened. Then there's the abuse I endured when I was trying to tell him what he asked me, and it was brutal. After attempting to answer and give reasons for why things happened the way they did, and being told that I'm (blankety blank blank blank) still not telling the truth, I had to give up. These conversations were so unhappy and painful, I'd be in knots and sick for weeks afterward. We never were able to get through any of them with any positive outcomes, except more anger, resentment and distance. It's been almost 20 months since D-Day, and I want more than anything to restore a 25+ year marriage that had so many holes I don't know where to begin. The emotional distance I was put through with my spouse all those years drove me to the brink of insanity and feeling so worthless, and then I made choices to cheat. I won't ever justify what I did nor say it was my spouse's fault nor excuse it, but I did spend years trying and trying to get closer to my spouse, understand his distance, suggest counseling/therapy/workshops/books, to no avail. I'd always have to just drop it, and everything I did was wrong (he perceives I was the most selfish person in the world, that I nagged, complained, and was depressed for years and that he couldn't take it anymore so he just detached and turned me away when I wanted to cuddle, have sex, etc). Yes, I did many things wrong, but I'm still here ready and willing to make the marriage work. I've done work on myself because I've learned that one person can indeed change a marriage even when the other doesn't want the marriage (has been saying this for years but still hasn't filed, this makes no sense) because my h isn't willing to look at his contribution. I'm still here because even though we've slept in separate rooms for 15+ years and emotional distance has driven me nearly to insanity, without God, I would not still be where I am (at home with my spouse). I've worked on myself to be the best I can for me, my spouse and most importantly, my savior Jesus. Spouse is still not willing to be anything more than roommates, but God has promised me that He will restore what the enemy has stolen from us, and that there will be resurrection of this relationship to more closely resemble His plan and will for our lives. So I continue where I am, being mindful of myself and waiting for God. The best thing out of all this is that my spouse has agreed to attend congregation together, where we never did before ... although I think he's doing it more because he wants to for himself. He's talked to our pastor just 3 times without me there (he declines to have any counseling for us), and mostly what he told our pastor is that he wants out. He promised our pastor he would wait for 6 months to file and then didn't (that was about 9 months ago), but as recently as 3 weeks ago said our remaining together in this house is "pointless". As the unfaithful spouse, I can say that God doesn't think restoration and fulfillment of His will is pointless. I just hope that some betrayed spouses can consider the possibility that their unfaithful spouses are not the enemy and may be willing to work through and recover the relationship, that their unfaithful spouse may simply be a person who still loves them and who did a bad thing, but are not unworthy of being rescued nor salvation and restoration of the relationship. I wish my spouse could understand these things, but right now he simply cannot.


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