Rick Reynolds, LCSW
by Rick Reynolds, LCSW
Founder & President, Affair Recovery

A Discussion on Anger, Boundaries and Regrets After Infidelity

Recently, I shared a few of our most dynamic and engaging Expert Q&A videos from our Recovery Library. Personally, I love this feature of our Affair Recovery courses. As current course participants and active Group Leaders work through the weekly curriculum, the Expert Q&A feature allows them to ask Wayne, John, Leslie and myself their unique questions on infidelity. It helps us support and guide you on a deeper, more individual level. Whether you're enrolled in EMS Weekend, EMS Online, Harboring Hope or Hope for Healing, you're invited to send us your questions.

Today, I'd like to share some more of our powerful Expert Q&A videos. In the first two, I share tactics for setting healthy boundaries and releasing regrets. In the third video, Wayne discusses how to process anger and rage. No matter which stage you're at in your recovery, these strategies can be extremely beneficial as you move toward healing and restoration.

Question 1: 'What Boundaries Can I Put in Place That Don't Sound like Ultimatums?'

Q: I am the wayward spouse and have been trying to make communication with my husband safe for him, but it's an impossible task when he won't communicate with me. I am willing and eager to do anything he asks of me. We will go days, weeks, and months without talking. And if I am lucky enough to have a conversation with him, my built-up resentment to his withholding communication explodes and my words are truth, but my feelings and tone aren't calm. What boundaries can I put in place that don't sound like ultimatums? For example, "If you continue to ignore me or abandon me, then XYZ______." As the wayward spouse, I want to carry the weight and help him heal, but I'm tired of being treated less than human.

A: What he's doing is called stonewalling. The problem with stonewalling is that it sucks all of the air out of the relationship. In a way, stonewalling is a form of punishment. When someone does this to you, all you can do is show them that you're trying to engage. If you can empathize, if you can begin telling them what you think they're feeling when they don't talk, they will at least see that you're trying to connect.

I would suggest seeing whether he will do EMS Online or EMS Weekend. . That would at least help him communicate about all of this. I understand the problem with boundaries, but what I would say [to him] is: "If you're going to do this, it's going to be awfully hard for us to have a relationship. I think you would really like something, but all I hear is your pain. I know you're doing this because you're really hurt, but I also know that me continuing to try to get you to talk isn't helpful either. When you do this, I'm going to go ahead and walk away and enjoy our family. Just know that I'm ready to talk whenever you're ready, but it's not going to be healthy for me to continue to try to get you to talk when you don't want to talk."

Then after that conversation, go live your best life. Setting that boundary Then after that conversation, go live your best life. Setting that boundary and telling him what you're going to do leaves him with the choice. Let him decide whether to talk to you, and reiterate that you aren't going to pursue him as often is because it's not helping. If he wants you to pursue him so you can connect, tell him that you're willing to do that because you want to grow with him. It's just that the persistent effort you've been expending to connect isn't proving helpful.

Something else you might want to try with him, when you're trying to engage and he disengages, is telling him: "Look, There's nothing you're ever going to do to get me to quit loving you." The next time he does it, say: "There's nothing you're ever going to do to get me to quit loving you." And then the next time he does it, say: "There's nothing you're ever going to do to get me to quit loving you. Even if you're not going to talk to me, I still care." And, "When you're ready to talk, I'll be ready to listen." And go live your life.

There will come a point, at 18 or 24 months, that if he's still not shifting, you can say: "Look, you know I love you. You know I want US, but my love isn't enough for you, which is why I'm kicking you out. I know I did something horrible, but I can't fix you. My love isn't enough for you. You need something else, so we're separating."

It may come to that place, but I hope it doesn't. Again, stonewalling for 18 or more months is a form of abuse, and it's okay to call it what it is. I'm sure he'll argue and say, "You abused me." Take responsibility for your actions and remind him that you're trying to make things different, but you can't control him. When you kick him out, as long as long as you're always telling him that no matter how much he stonewalls — and call it stonewalling — that you're still going to love him. At least he will know his behavior isn't helpful or healthy, and that you're not doing this because you're angry but because you really care for him. You're not the solution for what's wrong with him.

Question 2: 'How Do I Let Go of My Regrets?'

Q: The last contact I had with my Affair Partner was 13 months ago. I've gone through tons of recovery work, including Hope for Healing, EMS Online and individual counseling. My husband is very passive-aggressive. I did the heavy lifting in it all. I would send him any text or email I had with any man. I'd even tell him any conversation or feeling I would have toward any man. He appreciated this and shared in our EMS Online group how this helped him feel safe. I still miss the Affair Partner and feel very alone in my marriage. We have children, and so we push on. My husband is unemployed, and we are broke. Recently, I discovered that someone gifted us $100 and my husband blew the money. He also had a hidden credit card that he racked up debt on. I also caught him watching sensual music videos, and he claims he's been doing that since my affair was discovered — he was quite defensive when I caught him watching one. What gets me is that all this time, I've been honest, and he's said he was so thankful for that, only to be lying to me behind my back through it all! I wonder sometimes if my whole life will be washed up in regret from staying with this man who has already gotten the best of my youth and of my fertility!

A: I believe it was Viktor Frankl who said between stimulus and response, between any event that happens negatively and how you respond, that there's choice. Choice is what you have to look at here. . It's really easy to find and blame somebody else for what's happening in your life, and to find co-conspirators who are going to sit there and support you and agree that yes, this is horrible what he's doing — and I agree that it's horrible what he's doing! You have worked really hard and sadly, he's not seeming to take the same path that you've taken.

You have a choice:

You can choose to see yourself as a victim of what has happened — his bad behavior, his lack of motivation — OR you can choose to be a victor and rise above it all, even him.

Your wholeness, your completeness, your life isn't dependent on what he does. Ultimately, you get to be responsible for you. You have to be honest with yourself about how you are and how you want to be. Because the story you want to tell through this time is that in spite of the fact that you made a mistake, you did all these things and you grew. Even when he was like this, you still built something in your life that you're really proud of.

Suffering is really hard, I do believe that, and I hate that you're there. Being able to forgive him will take a lot of courage, and I hope he takes responsibility. You really don't want to focus on the unfairness or the injustice of this because, ultimately, whatever you focus on is going to capture you. Intentionally, you're going to have to:

  • Focus on what you're grateful for.
  • Remember what you're proud of, in terms of your own growth.
  • Set goals for yourself.

You've done a great job of doing that, from what I hear, you've already done Hope for Healing, individual counseling, and a lot of work! Don't stop there. But remember, don't focus on the unfairness or the injustice because that's only going to lead you to regrets and resentments. It's hard. I understand that it's not fair, but you want to say that in spite of the fact that it was difficult, you were still able to get through this.

This is really about transcending where you've been and hopefully, he has enough integrity to come along with you. I don't know what's going to happen if you continue to heal and he doesn't. It might be something that isn't going to work. Stay mindful. Stay in the moment. Speak your truth in love. Hopefully, he is going to begin to take responsibility; . He may never do it as you do it, but don't focus on that piece. Try to find the good in what he's doing and how he's responding. You can transcend, and you can be the victor rather than the victim!.

Question 3: 'How Do You Deal With Anger and Rage?'

Q: My husband is stuck in the constant, "You hurt me so I'm going to hurt you back with my words" phase. He wants to belittle me and tell me what I'm saying isn't true. That's ridiculous. We have been in this stage of anger and rage for over a year. We have been to specialists and gone over our complete story. He's not accepting and often asks, "How did you lose your morals?" No matter how many times I give the same answers, the fights are awful. My triggers are the feelings of not being enough, not being heard, and not being valued. These conversations fire me up, too. He says I have no right to be angry because I did this, as if his actions and words don't have consequences. It's hard to be empathetic when you're constantly being torn down. I'm tired of the cycle.

A: Well the truth is, I don't blame you. One of the things I'd highly recommend is enrolling in EMS Weekend or EMS Online to help you guys do this a little better. You've done Hope for Healing, and you know that anger isn't the primary emotion. . It's most likely hurt, devastation, or grief.

We have seen couples stay in this cycle for way too long. As I read this, it doesn't seem like it's emotionally safe for you. It might be time to separate. You guys can do this pattern for years, and you'll just continue to traumatize each other — that's really what's happening. You've got to do something different, whether it's a structured separation, some counseling together, or EMS Weekend. You can ask him to do that with you, and he has the right to say, "No." Then, you get to decide: Do you want to stay in that kind of environment? Life is too short.

People get to be angry. Anger is not the problem, it's about what we do with the anger. Is it destructive? Is it retraumatizing to yourself or to the other person? Anger keeps you in that victim mentality. You know you need to do something different and know you want to do something different. You should ask him:

  • "Do you want to keep this up forever?"
  • "Do you want a better relationship than we've ever had before?"

If his answers are, "No," then you'll want to get some help or strongly consider a separation.

There's always hope. If you want to change or look at this from all sides, consider EMS Weekend or EMS Online. We at Affair Recovery want to support both you and your spouse in any way we can.



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The article addressing this as stonewalling by the victim is too general making g it inaccurate. In my case my husband has cheated multiple times. He has never taken full accountability and I do not talk to him because he refuses to discuss or tell anything I don’t find out on my own. Actually addressing any of it offends him - he thinks sorry is alll it takes to be done - til the next time. Ever heard of narcissism? Your emails never address that many cheaters are cluster b’s

Article just read

I have, after discovering my husband's affair through entire marriage of 10 years, read many to most of your articles and videos on this site and others to help me and sometimes him for the last 5 years. I am repeatedly amazed..shocked and disappointed by the worry, concern, understanding, and protectiveness of the spouse whom causes such damage and destruction. It just reinforces as with most social media..tv..music and even help sites and books that in many, too many ways damage is minimized, excused, overlooked and sometimes even glorified while the one who creates such hurt, damage, destruction regardless of reason is excused, hand held, and helped, focused on, and felt sorry for. It's a great boost for them I'm sure to repeatedly be told they are not that bad, there are millions who have done the same, their relationship will be improved by the actions, they will be forgiven, others they have destroyed need to follow rules as to not upset them or hurt them, or remind them. Others must be fair, others may only ask these questions and expect answers about their actions. Seriously let's just minimize the effects of breaking vows and ultimate selfishness and destruction to another's trust,
Life, safety, health, etc etc and basically tell them to toughen up while we coddle the abuser. Nowonder so much of this goes on, finding partners outside a marriage so easy, selfishness and selfish actions are quickly supposed to be forgiven, excused, understood, empathized and eventually thanked for. It is quite maddening, hurtful and not surprising that the loyal faithful honest ones are not helped near to the degree nor with the concern and delicateness as the ones whom destroyed it. I'm sure I'll get email telling me me and my nice poor wayward husband need to attend or buy your program so he can meet and mingle with others who have done what he did and feel better about himself. No thanks.

What do you suggest should

What do you suggest should happen to the wayward spouse, how should they be treated, and for how long?

Comment by Gil Cook

I have read so many articles on this website, and viewed at least 100 blogs, and I agree, it appears the unfaithful is pampered and praised while the betrayed bears the brunt of responsibility. It is like we caused our own devastation, heartbreak, pain, agony and torment.
As typical, the unfaithful escapes with basically NO real consequences, whike us betrayed are saddled with a life of hurt and torture.

Question 2: 'How Do I Let Go of My Regrets?

In this video, the unfaithful states that they have done all this work and are trying...but the unfaithful also states that they still miss their AP.

If the unfaithful still misses their AP, that means they are still thinking about their AP and are still having emotional feelings about their AP.

To me, that means that the unfaithful is still living a SECRET life and still thinking and feeling about another person. To the betrayed that is BETRAYAL. That is secrets, and having an emotional affair with another person in the unfaithfuls mind.

Unfortunately, Affair Recovery never discusses the betrayal when the unfaithful still misses their AP and still has emotional feelings connected to the AP. That does not seem to be discussed about how that is still looked at as betrayal as the unfaithful will always have these happy memories and miss their AP.

It is betrayal. It is the unfaithful being unable to disconnect from another person and have the feelings for their spouse that they should have because they are still missing the AP and if they are missing the AP they are having emotional feelings for that person. and those feelings should ONLY be for their spouse.

The Wayward Skew

I think this is an odd post. I think that the question on the table during the first 2 years of recovery is if the Wayward partner is telling an accurate accounting of their partner's behavior, or picking and choosing what to play up. They already have a pattern of judging their partner, blaming them, belittling their contribution to a problem, swaying others to their side of how horrible their partner is, and then psychologically damaging their loved one. For the second person in particular, if they think their betrayed partner can't feel in their soul that they miss their AP, then they are heartless. It is likely hurting them to a point of insanity.

What was done to the betrayed partner is up there as one of the largest psychological uphill battles one has to climb. I'd be willing to bet that the betrayed spouses aren't rising with the sun and saying, "I want to cause hell today." They are likely being triggered. You have to take those triggers seriously, especially if they developed PTSD from it.


First of all she would not kick him out! If she is not happy with how he is reacting to what SHE has done to him and their marriage. She sould leave .why should he? Second live is too short is a terrible comment. In this situation. That is like saying live is to short to be faithful to your spouse. And he is the victim of the situation she put them in

Entitled Wayward Spouses

I find it extremely problematic that the majority of counselors at affair recovery are wayward spouses. It definitely explains the lack of awareness around the severity of betrayal trauma, as well as a lack of compassion for the betrayed partner as a whole. Obviously, if the wayward spouse is feeling abused or mistreated they have every right to walk away. However, stabbing someone and then attempting to dictate where they bleed out, is selfish and entitled! My spouse's infidelity from sex addiction, traumatized me and our three children, while also leaving me with a lifelong sti. I will most likely be dealing with fallout from his poor choices for the rest of my life. I am doing my best to heal and strive to remain a compassionate, loving person. However, I also expect him to continue to show remorse and continue to own his behaviors without justification of blame-shifting. If a wayward is not capable of putting in the work for the long haul, then they should just walk away! They do not get to dictate a healing timeline for trauma they caused. Actions have consequences, some of which are lifelong. It seems like it would benefit many waywards to grow up! Infidelity is abusive! Stop implying that the cheater is a victim. It is honestly offensive and blatantly dismissive of the betrayed partners pain!

Healing time

Nobody can say how long of time it takes to get past it! There are to many factors to take into account. And because it took my wife2 years to come completely honest a out how many years it went on and there was a second person. It will take me longer to get past it. I feel like she is being honest with me now but it will still take more time. But I had to do what the man was doing to get to the truth. And if she still has feelings for the other person she should move on. But she sounds like if things don't work the Way she wants she goes back to the way she was. And now in her mind she has an excuse!

you can be the victor rather than the victim!.



I shivered with anger when I saw these Q &A responses. Each counselor told these WAYWARD spouses that they should separate, pack up and leave, and that life is just too short to keep living like this. Apparently these wayward spouses have done so much work and those darned Betrayed spouses just can’t get over it fast enough! Exactly what is the proper behavior and grieving period? Us BETRAYED spouses are dying to know.

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