Rebuilding Trust In the short run, transparency can take the place of trust until trust is reestablished. Learn the components of trust, how to function in its absence, and what it takes to reconnect. Must Reads more less Discovery: Part 1 - How to Handle Discovery 20 Most Common Mistakes of the Unfaithful Spouse Coping with Infidelity: The 2 Stages of Pain Why People Cheat: The Fog of Self-Deception (Part 1) Does Time Heal All Wounds? Healing After An Affair Rebuilding Trust After An Affair The Seven Mistakes Churches Make When Dealing With Infidelity How Could You? Part I: Why We Commit Betrayal With Infidelity Surviving Infidelity: The #1 Challenge to Recovery Bedside Forgiveness: When Death Coincides With Infidelity The Power of Small Groups Healing After an Affair: How do I Address Unmanageability? How Long Does It Take to Recover From An Affair? 20 Most Common Mistakes of the Hurt Spouse Surviving Infidelity Part 1: What Do You Need to Know? 31 Reasons to Stop an Affair: Part 1 Ending an Affair: Lock the Door Part 1 How Could You? Part IV - Doublespeak and Distorted Comparisons Why Couples Fail After an Affair | Part 1 - Not Knowing What Happened The Problem with Forgiveness Pimping Tenderness & Grooming Behaviors How to Survive Infidelity Affair Recovery Timeline for Healing After Betrayal Infidelity Counseling: How Effective Is It? Surviving Infidelity: What Do We Tell the Kids? Untransformed Pain will be Transmitted Why Did My Spouse Cheat? A Crucial Question In Healing After An Affair Social Shame: Understanding the Paralysis of it Dealing with Infidelity: How to Get You Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling) Ending an Affair - Step One: Make the Decision 358 Resources Type Title Posted Q&A My Husband Continuously "Forgets" 12/10/2014 Q&A How Do I Know if my Spouse is Really Changing or just Pretending? 12/10/2014 Q&A How Can I Get Past the Fear of the Future? 12/05/2014 Q&A Should I Share my Temptations and/or Failings with my Spouse? 12/01/2014 Q&A How do you Respond to Righteous Indignation? 11/20/2014 Q&A My Husband is Having Urges 11/05/2014 Q&A Intrusive Thoughts Preventing Rest 11/04/2014 Q&A Intrusive Thoughts and Triggers 11/04/2014 Pages« first‹ previous12345678