Facebook and Infidelity Facebook is an American as apple pie and baseball. Everyone has a Facebook account don’t they? Actually I don’t and neither does my wife. We used to have them. It was one of the ways our marriage almost ended. In 2011 the group Divorce Online researched 5000 divorce filings and found that 1/3 of them mentioned Facebook as a reason. In the Harboring Hope courses I have been involved with here at AR approximately 70 percent of affairs by the women were started by contact on Facebook or other social media sites. One of the ways my wife communicated with her affair partners was through Facebook/Myspace, In fact rarely a day went by without some sleaze ball trying to chat up my wife. Facebook can be an incredibly useful and entertaining tool for some. For others, especially those struggling with their marriages, it can be the kiss of death. Old flames can reappear. There is always someone to talk to even when your spouse wont. The anonymity can make people bolder and more daring. You can feel safer and isolated from any bad complications. Innocent chats can easily progress to sex or relationship talk. Women can always find men to listen even when their husband won’t. Men can always find respect even when their wife doesn’t. It’s a slippery slope that can lead to incredible pain and sorrow. If you are struggling in your marriage please be aware of the dangers of social media sites. As part of our recovery my wife and I chose to delete all social media sites. We chose this as a boundary for our marriage. We had seen the dangers first hand and our marriage was more important that friend requests or wall posts. It was one of the best choices we made.