She Won’t Stop Asking Questions…..He Just Gets Angrier Yesterday I was visiting with a woman who is trying to wrap her mind around her husband’s three affairs over 6 years. She knew about one affair but was under the impression it was only an emotional affair, yet has long since come to know that all three were emotional and physical and lasted about three to six months each. She’s devastated. To her own credit as a woman, she’s ‘open’ to seeing if the marriage can be saved. After four kids all under the age of 17, 22 years together and a sea of other concerns, there is a lot to lose. She’s not sure she wants to stay in the marriage, but she’s open to the possibility of it being saved. To say the rug has been ripped out from underneath her does not even begin to illustrate the overwhelming emotions and fears she’s trying not to entertain every hour of every day. Who were these women? Does she have an STD lurking that she doesn’t know about? Was there more than these three affairs that he’s not telling her? Can she ever trust that he’ll never do this again? How will she make it if she divorces him with four kids and no career? These are just some of the fears she’s trying to manage each day. Any woman in this situation would be asking themselves these questions and about a zillion more I’m sure. When she’s asking questions, she’s trying to put the puzzle together in her mind. She’s having to almost reconstruct a life that she’s known next to nothing about. She can’t seem to understand when, where, and how but asking questions helps put things together so she can somehow wrap her mind around it all. To her, finding out more information is the way she is trying to heal. Asking him questions helps her feel connected to her husband and at some level, helps her process what has happened. The problem is, when she asks questions, he rages. He just can’t sit and answer many questions at all as it pushes him to a point of anger and rage and she becomes the target. The shame he feels is incapacitating and his only outlet seems to be anger. They are stuck. She can’t stand the anger and can’t really even understand it. He can barely answer questions without resorting to blaming her and justifying the affair. He is using anger to bully her and force her to stop wanting to ask the questions. In many ways, the reason he is raging is he’s really angry at himself and enveloped by shame. He’s angry at what he’s done. He’s at some level sobering up, but isn’t committed to any process at all. The deeper problem though is that he is refusing to process the pain and can’t forgive himself. So just when he starts to think a little clearer, if you will, he resorts to anger as he’s furious for letting himself do what he’s done. He’s angry at the fact that he couldn’t control himself, can’t control his wife now and can’t control the flow of information. He’s resorting to anger as that’s his ‘go to’ emotion when he wants to get something done or bully his wife. I don’t see a ton of hope for them. Unless he will entrust an expert third party like Rick to help mediate and speak to the issues, it’s just too complicated. They may make it on their own or with some other form of support, but what condition will they be in down the road is of great concern. Not to mention, how is he going to buck against the 40 years of data that says he will in fact relapse, if the right help is not sought out? To expect her to suck it up and put to death her questions and need for processing is not only unrealistic but torturous to her. It illustrates a refusal on his part to help her heal from what he’s done to her. It provides no outlet for her to wrap her mind around what she barely knows about and stuffs her in a box of control and paralysis. My question to some of you today is what have you, the betrayed, done when a spouse has attempted to bully you and refuse to answer questions or shown rage about the questions? (Please be as redemptive and therapeutic as possible as there are a ton of people who are looking for hope and insight for their situation. Don’t use this medium as a rant as we all have had enough of that I’m quite sure.)