A Conversation About Intimacy & Reconnection After discovery or disclosure of an affair or sexual addiction, the betrayed partner is often overwhelmed with painful reminders, triggers, and insecurities. Re-engaging emotionally with the former unfaithful is difficult enough, but even the thought of resuming sexual activity with their mate can send hurt spouses into a panic spiral. As healthy as connection is, it is also terrifying to be vulnerable again, and both the betrayed and the unfaithful can be triggered in those intimate moments. When this happens there is a choice - to shut down, or slow down. If you find yourself desiring connection more than disconnection, then being intentional, having a plan, and talking through complicated feelings with your spouse is key. While it may be difficult to believe, with the right resources, trauma work, and honest communication on both sides, your relationship can thrive and become even healthier and more fulfilling than ever. Join Samuel and Stephanie in an honest conversation about what it means to reconnect after infidelity, how to manage triggers, and how to move past temptations for comparison and unrealistic expectations.