Six Types of Affairs: Wanting the Marriage and the Affair 6 Types of Affairs: Introduction Category 1: One Night Stand Category 2: Fallen in Love Category 3: Sexual Addiction Category 4: Wanting the Marriage and the Affair Category 5: Emotional Affair Category 6: Love Addiction Category 4: Wanting the Marriage and the Affair In this situation the affair partner is integrated into the betrayer's lifestyle. There is no intent to leave the marriage or to stop the affair. They want the benefits that come from having both their mate and their affair partner. At times, the unfaithful mate will financially support the affair partner to maintain the relationship. It's not uncommon for the affair partner to believe that the unfaithful mate is going to leave their spouse to be with them. These relationships can go on for years. In certain cultures or family systems, covert approval is given for this behavior. However, the fact that the affair partner is kept secret from the betrayed spouse is proof that the unfaithful party knows their behavior is unacceptable. This person is committed to stay, but they are also not committed not to stray. They are often happily married and the betrayed spouse also believes they have a great marriage. Before the revelation of the affair, the betrayed spouse believes the positive characteristics of their mate far outweigh their defects, which allows them to easily write off any character flaws. The level of deception from this type of affair can leave the betrayed spouse feeling there is no way they could ever again trust their mate. The unfaithful spouse shares one part of themselves with their mate and then reserves another aspect of life for the affair partner. Daily activities and information are divided into two realms: that which will be shared with the spouse and that which will be shared with the affair partner. When this person tells their mate they love them and want the marriage, it is nearly impossible for the betrayed spouse to believe. Characteristics of "Wanting the Marriage and the Affair": This person wanted the benefits of having both their marriage and their affair partner. They often have a high level of marital satisfaction and have been a good spouse. After discovery, they will choose their marriage over the affair partner. RL_Category: Handling DiscoveryRecovery FundamentalsTypes of AffairsRL_Media Type: Text