Was the Sex So Much Better in Their Affair?

Laurie Bryson
by Laurie Bryson, M.A., LPC
Member, EMS Weekend Specialist

Many of you out there have struggled or are struggling with the thought of comparing the intimacy or sex between your spouse and the affair partner versus the intimacy or sex you had as married spouses.

One of the most difficult and painful parts of working through the fallout after an affair is this idea that somehow sex within an affair is "so much better" than what you had or experienced in your marriage.

These thoughts can be overwhelming for different reasons.

  • The affair partner's age. If the affair partner is younger, there is an illusion that their youth, energy, and vibrancy made it better. If the affair partner is older, there is an illusion that there is more experience and wisdom. This doesn't make it true, but it does create an image that the sex was somehow better with them.
  • The perceived image or physical appearance of the affair partner. The perceived image or physical attributes of the affair partner—different color hair, eyes, height, or body style—can give the illusion that sex was better with them.
  • The affair partner having something in common that the betrayed spouse does not. For instance, maybe they worked together or shared a hobby in common that you don't with your mate. This idea that they shared something in common can lead to the illusion that sex was better with them.

The reasons may not have anything to do with the actual physical acts that occurred within an affair. But as we always say, our minds can be our very worst enemy, and these thoughts can lead to this idea and illusion that somehow, the sex had to have been better.

Nothing will cut your legs off, so to speak, and cause a rip tide of insecurity or inadequacy than being betrayed. The pain of it will make it hard to accurately view the situation of what really happened, and you will be tempted to view it from a position of being "one down."

This is not true.

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One of the most heartbreaking parts of working with betrayed spouses is witnessing the emotional fallout and pain caused by constant comparisons, like wondering if the sex was better with someone else. However, we often find that what your partner did with their body with the other person has nothing to do with you.

It's here in this moment of pain that it will be important to separate the idea of intercourse, arousal, and desire. Oftentimes, when we think about sex, we define that as intercourse.

But sex is so much more, which is why it's important to pause here and talk about desire.

When we think about desire, let's think about what we see in the movies. So many times, we have this edited scene where there's a beautiful woman pursued by someone, and then they have this spontaneous rolling-into-bed moment and it all seems amazing. Tragically, since we don't ever see married sex in movies, we don't have an image of steamy hot monogamy in our minds. Instead, we see the woman roll over the next morning to find a rose and a note on the pillow from last night's lover.

Go back with me for a moment and think about what we experienced at the start of our marriages or even during our dating relationships. Did you ever notice that you had this intense desire just to be close to your person? All we wanted was to touch, kiss, or be near them all the time! It was really spontaneous. We did not have to work at it. It just happened.

Now, biologically and chemically, oxytocin was really what was happening. It was this survival desire, right? As humans we are trying to evolve and not go extinct. But notice again, we didn't have to work at it. The desire did not have to be created. The desire just "was."

How many of you had very little problems having a lot of sex in the beginning of your marriage or relationship? Probably not. This was no accident. It's how God created us.

What contributes to that high desire in the beginning of ANY relationship is precisely that we are being stimulated with a lot of attention, intentionality, and emotional connection.

We were attuned to one another. We were on high alert. Remember when we started dating, the goal really wasn't sex. It was enough just to be near them. Kissing and making out just added fuel for the desire.

I grew up in West Texas in the '80s. Back in those days the cars and the pickups all had bench seats. You could always tell when people were dating because of where they sat in the vehicle. Those dating sat near each other, using the middle seat next to the driver. That was as close as they could get to each other. They had to be near each other; it was their desire.

Sadly, all the same kinds of fuel set off the kind of desire that happens in an affair. Like teenagers sneaking out in the middle of the night, the excitement of the unexpected causes desire to skyrocket.

I know it's painful to think about, but bear with me. We need to understand that sex in a long-term committed relationship is meant to be different because safe relationships are different and, by the way, always better.

For those who have recommitted to their marriage relationship, you need those SAME KIND of activities to spark your sexual desire in a long-term committed relationship.

It just doesn't happen naturally—it isn't supposed to.

It is hard to create that kind of desire in the midst of full-time jobs, kids, grandkids, aging parents, health issues, cleaning toilets, feeding the dog. You get the picture.

And while it may be hard, it's not impossible.

If you are trying to repair or heal your marriage after an affair, it is important you continue to look at safety first. Safety takes a lot of time to restore. Women need to feel very safe emotionally before being able to accept touch, experience desire, and achieve arousal. This isn't true just for women. It could be for both betrayed and the unfaithful , whether male or female.

So, take your time. Commit to safety. Allow yourself to embrace the idea that sex may look different for a while and that's okay.

We have to let go of the old. We have to let go of what was. We have to start again. Yes, sex can be clumsy. It can be awkward. It can be full of stops, starts, and inconvenient interruptions. You're going to feel some anxiety. That's normal. It's going to require vulnerability. Expect that. It's going to be really hard.

You may need a season of abstinence before you feel safe enough to re-engage physically. I encourage you if you're struggling in this area to start small. Stay open. Talk about it. Work on initiating desire with explorative touch that does not obligate the other to intercourse.

Remember, none of us will ever meet all the needs and expectations of our spouse in this area, nor are they ever supposed to meet ours at all times. The notion that sex is supposed to ALWAYS be exciting, rather than a safe and mutual loving connection is a myth. The ordinary can be meaningful.

So, stay at this. Take the small steps toward rebuilding your life together.

It's going to be worth it!



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Sex in affair

It is difficult to believe sex in affair was not better when wife displayed 0 interest in sex with me for 10 years, and then entered into an online followed by physical relationship with AP, during which she spent a lot of time on Internet looking up how to satisfy your partner in bed, etc., then when affair discovered enthusiastically had sex with me for 6 weeks odd, then zero interest again for 2 years.

And does not want to talk about it.

Truth and talking is not an option

You have the facts and understanding hence trust your feelings and opinion. Truth is not what the wayward spouse is willing to share. Sex might have been great and promising reconnection after the affair and most likely it is only a way to keep you around. Surely, there were so many chances to spark up in the marriage and they made very different choice so many times.
I dare to ask question if they still reminiscent and crave AP and there are not many that will be honest about it.


I don’t know how to stop the imagery that comes with intrusive thoughts and the idea that the sex was better with his AP. It’s rips me apart day after day, even with D Day being over a year and a half ago. I feel like I’ve lost my sense of womanhood or what it means to be sexually appealing.

It wasn't better. It was just new.

HaleyS, I obviously can't comment on your husband's affair, but maybe my own experience will help. Sex with the AP is not "better", it is just different, new, exciting for a while. And then it's not anymore. And you start to long for your wife and the excitement you once had with her.


I'm like you.
We shouldn't compare ourselves and also believe that sex with the AP wasn't better?
I just can't get rid of the inner images and find myself uglier and more disgusting than ever before.
And that the cheating had nothing to do with us Betrayed - well, I wasn't important enough for my UH not to do it, right?

Affair sex

Having been the one in a physical affair relationship, I can attest that, at least for me, the affair sex was not better than with my spouse. It was sex without the emotional attachment and that, while enjoyable, is very different. Regrettably, I was seeking attention and desire in the wrong place for the wrong reasons. Sex fulfilled my selfish need for attention and desire. We are still taking it slow and trying to find those days that my spouse has a desire for sex. Where she feels safe and trusting enough to do so. Where she isn't feeling compared to the affair partner. Where the intrusive thoughts don't make it impossible. I am hopeful we can revive the regular, mutual desire for sex. It's slowly progressing and that is what we will embrace in hopes that we will get there. I'll wait as long as she needs, while we work on restoring our life together.

Affair Sex

Just out of interest - if your partner forever loses all interest in sex with you because of the injuries you caused her, will you be able to live with that and remain faithful to her?

Thank you for this reminder.

Thank you for this reminder.
I believe there’s nothing truer and more intimate than a physical relationship between two people who are emotionally connected to each other through long years of struggle, highs and lows, raising children (and now grandchildren), making those first, second, third home purchases, being beside each other through illness and the death of parents (I could go on and on).
No, it’s not the hot sex portrayed (falsely) in movies and porn sites. That kind of sex stays in the adolescent realm.
What we have now after 30 years of marriage is what I think of comfort sex. It’s like coming home and feeling “at home”, it’s knowing you’re cherished and safe and this person has your back. They are your go-to throughout the joys and storms of life. They are your partner as you grow old and sex might be nothing more than holding their hand as they lay in a hospital bed.
My husband is very grieved that he went seeking some kind of physical fulfillment outside of our marriage. He came up empty every time as it was a fruitless endeavor with zero benefits. It left him feeling ashamed and hollow. Not quite like the movies, right?
He treasures me and “us” now. His favorite time of the day is not at all connected to our lovemaking, it’s when he wakes up and snuggles close to me, our hearts and our breathing patterns soothed and comforted by the presence of the other.
That’s the “truer sex”.

Worth it?

Why will it be worth it? That's one of my struggles, is all this pain and humiliation, all of this work, all of this time investment, all of this redoing, what is it worth?! To be restored to a person who has the capability to destroy a spouse and family for selfish gain? Why would I want to restore that? Why is that worth it? Why is it so important or desirable or worth it to restore to someone of such low character and commitment? I don't understand the why.

I relate to this

I echo every single word of this.

Is it a promise for a brighter tomorrow that may or may not ever come ?

I think the article highlights safety as the starting point so maybe until there is some sense of that —we just can’t fathom what this is talking about ? It seems hard to believe that it’s worth it to be vulnerable again to this type of wreckage and destruction. 🤔


Yas! That is exactly how I feel! Why are we, the betrayed, doing all this work and going through all of this for someone who didn’t choose us!? Don’t we deserve better!?

Not sure I can agree with this.

She did things with him she never did with me. Even things I have asked for over the years. I know we hit a low after 19.5 years of marriage in the bedroom, but of course it was better with him. I also don't think trying to get me to lower my standards of what my sex life should be with the betrayer if we reconcile is reasonable. If anything her affair has opened my eyes to what was missing and what intimate desires I still have. And obviously realize that she has those desires as well, just not with me.

I am trying

I relate to your response a lot. It makes me feel guilty to be curious and consider wanting to understand the feelings and desire that I am missing from being a faithful spouse. Also very sad, to think that there really is no way to compete with their desires chemically. Feelings that I cannot even understand or relate to because I have not had those chemical responses for over 16 years. But she had them just last year, with someone else. I could even have believed the intercourse might have been better at home, but also, my wife did things with him she never did with me. I assume her desire for his memory will diminish in time... as chemicals change. As we work to reconcile, I struggle that even if I learn to trust, I will never again touch what she had, and every day, she has to choose vanilla sex with me, as I want what they had but can never have...as I am constantly told ... it just does not compare. It is apples and oranges.


The betrayed are told all the time to stop comparing yourself to the affair partner. But what about the unfaithful? They are always comparing their betrayed spouse to their affair partner. It does not matter if the comparison is a thought that says "my spouse is so much better looking than my affair partner"...or..."thank God I did not leave my wife for my affair partner"...that is still comparison. Every time they compare the betrayed it is comparison. If the UNFAITHFUL are always going to compare their spouse to the affair partner in all aspects and at any given time, then why would the betrayed feel safe? Why would the betrayed stop comparing themselves to the affair partner if they know that the unfaithful will always compare them to the affair partner? Where is the help for the unfaithful to stop comparing their spouse to the affair partner? So long as there is comparison on the unfaithful side there is no safety and betrayed spouses will continue to compare themselves as well. I think it would be really good if someone would do an article on why the unfaithful will forever compare their spouse to their affair partner.

I agree

My wife cheated and did stuff she's never done with me with a coworker. She said she made a mistake and was looking for the things she felt with me in him but we hardly ever had any time together between her job and the kids. She has repeatedly told me that the sex is better with me because there is love and intimacy, unlike the affair which was just physical. I will never look at her the same and it will always be in my mind - the gross things she did with him. I'm never gonna get over that. Ever.

“Worth” It?

I would like to encourage those who are not currently or may never reach the point where sex in their marriage is satisfying post-affair.

When I read that all the “hard work” will be “worth it”, it may leave the impression that the benefits to your future marriage will pay for the pain an affair has caused if you work on it. In my experience it will not, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t walk that road anyway.

My wife and I have been married over 25 years, she had an affair in years 10-12 of our marriage. According to my wife sex was better with her AP than it ever was with me. During disclosure I was hopeful we would have a healthy sex life in our future marriage, maybe as a reward for my forgiveness and faithfulness. However, at this point have not had intercourse for over 12 years. While we tried therapy for several years, she now refuses to even discuss it with anyone and claims to be essentially asexual.

Will we ever reconnect physically? Probably not. I have accepted that she is sick in a way I cannot heal. I still have great desire for her, but I’ve made a decision to be faithful. My encouragement to anyone walking that painful, lonely road is that I do have an unnatural peace about it. I trust I am doing that right thing, walking beside her regardless of the benefit for me. And giving up the expectation of her meeting my sexual needs has been freeing.

Is she really sick?

After reading your post, I'm trying to understand if your wife is really sick as you mentioned. My gut feeling is that she is not ill, but when she disengaged with her AP, there was a grieving of the absence of her discovered sexual excitement. Maybe subconsciously she is resentful for that removal and is kind of numb with regards to sex and is in a zombie state, accepting the defeat of surrendering her sex life. Maybe I'm wrong, but you probably have more evidence to either reinforce or negative this perspective. Hope you both feel loved by one another, even without the presence of sex. To healing 🙂

But what if they said it was better?

My spouse told me he loved sex with one of his APs because she could do things I couldn't do (specifically 'O' from penetration alone) and he found that to be incredible and boosted his ego. I don't think he realizes how much he traumatized and damaged me sexually with that one statement. How do you come back from that when they admit they liked the sex with the AP more?

He's tried to backtrack now and say that it was exciting with her, but he prefers the emotional intimacy of sex with me. That feels insincere to me, since he was never really emotionally intimate with me during sex (lost in fantasy as an addict), and after finding all of this out, I no longer feel any emotional intimacy during sex while he claims to feel it now. It's just a physical act for me now.


The majority of women fake O's

This was most likely a strategy of hers to keep him on the hook. She knew it made him feel good about himself, so must likely some acting was involved. Of course there's a small chance she may have been genuine.

Regardless, one of the best turn ons for a man is to make his woman O.

The fact that he's still with you most likely loves you and cares for you. The fact that he strayed sexually doesn't mean he doesn't care or love you. He probably was missing sexual excitement in his mind and he found a way to satisfy that.

So now unfortunately he has intimacy and lacks in the sexual excitement and you have sex without the intimacy. It might be a good idea to reconsider being intimate with him, since that intimacy is what kept him in the relationship with you!

Hope you both find peace and love for each other

Great and is that the point?

Agree with the article in some ways. Although is this truly the issue? Yes, we get it that there are massive emotions and drug like high was in place. We know that everything was new and exciting. What we do not get is, that we have been neglected when offering so much more at every level. We offered what others crave and desire but the choice was different simply for the novelty and cheap lies.
We were promised to get the honesty and best while getting harsh difficult life that we have committed to while supporting everyone around us with all hart we have. We could have chosen the other way of fun and exciting things but were naive believing and stayed strong.
It is not comparison. It is making peace with not being desired, make efforts for, being cared for and mostly being important enough to get treatment that the fling got only for a few words of affection while being with their significant other or possibly other people along the way. I have heard many times that I am responsible for my own happiness. Really, do I? I want to be with my kids, I respect my wife that made very questionable choices for rush of teenage excitement. I would love her to show me affection and efforts she did for AP. Maybe only option to get this is a new relationship or affair. I do not understand how this could have been better but let them have it and hoping they will wake up to see what they are missing outside of hotel rooms, sneaking around with liars that stimulate them wanting something with a few cheap words or lines to make them feel better, instead of daily care, stimulation, admiration and appreciation.

Separate issues

From the conversation, we mix two separate elements. One is the intimate connection of two individuals that care for each other, have a life history and shared memories, safety in each other's care for one another, deep feeling of wanting to be sharing life together, that goes along with marriage, and the other of raw sexual stimulation that an individual has upon us.

There are some people in this world that have the capability of invoking an extreme sexual response in ourselves. Trouble is, that these people may not be suited for our lifestyle, commitment, social and intellectual compatibility.

A prostitute may trigger a strong sexual response, and satisfy a primal need, but clearly you can't have a committee relationship with her.

Mistakenly, or spouse is somehow expected to satisfy all the martial needs as mentioned above, and at the same time the sexual needs. This may not be possible, so a compromise must be had. You either abandon the safety, history, emotional connection of a spouse, or forfeit the strong physical triggers and sexual experience of an AP.

Many people in this thread do not want to forfeit their married life, children, home, etc, and choose to abandon the sexual excitement believing that it definitely is not worth it. Unfortunately, there is a grieving of forfeiting the AP and all the physical excitement that brought on.

So we see that these are two independent issues. Clearly the AP triggered a primal sexual response. If they didn't, them there would have not been an affair in the first place!

People must decide what is important to them, and what they are willing to forfeit, while being true to their inner self. From both the betrayed and betrayers.

This is just my humble opinion, and hope everyone can find peace within themselves and their spouses regardless of the path that they choose to navigate


Thanks for the column & all the comments.

My wife had an emotional & sexual affair that, like all affairs, involved lots of deception, betrayal not only of me but of our children, & was followed by years of denial & refusal to talk about it. I finally insisted that we talk about it & that she tell me the full truth. A lot more information came out, which was retraumatizing, but at least we were able to resume rebuilding on a firmer foundation. One good piece of news sexually was that she said the sex with the affair partner was never as good as with me & that she never did with him some of the things that we've done over the years. It was good to hear that & I do believe it.

Now, however, she says she has no desire for sex. She feels it's an imposition. She doesn't like talking about it & says we should be content with our memories of good sex (& there are indeed many good memories, for we've had a good sexual relationship despite the affair). Being consigned to an asexual relationship now feels unfair. She was promiscuous before I met her (whereas she's been my only sexual partner) & she had a big fling during our marriage, but now she unilaterally takes sex off the table?!

I realize this has a lot to do with getting older, especially for women, so in one sense it's a separate issue. But, for me, the adultery gets tangled up with that issue, which is painful, hurtful & angering for me. Obviously, we need to have more conversation about this & perhaps counseling.


From an unfaithful's position, my gut feeling is that unfortunately, she is lying about you being better. I could be wrong, but if that were the case, then why have an affair in the first place? An unfaithful will almost always deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie in order to secure the betrayed's security and commitment.

This coupled by her putting sex off the table is more convincing of her being untruthful. Think about it. If to her you were better, then why doesn't she want it now? Unfaithful spouses feel like they are cheating on their AP if they have sex with their spouse, so please be cautious and aware that there may be a secret AP behind the scenes.

I'm very sorry you're going through this, and I just hope that she is not pulling a fast one in you. You've been hurt enough already.

As a resolution with my betrayed spouse, she has complete access to my phone, social media, email accounts with complete transparency. She also has tracking on me with complete history of my whereabouts. If she can't agree on being transparent, I would be very cautious.

Best of luck, and hope you find a way to heal 🙏

I disagree

As the betrayed spouse of MANY infidelities, I have to disagree with this article. The unfaithful 100% compare the AP to the betrayed. That’s WHY they did it, because the AP ISNT the spouse. They new, the exciting, the fun… all of it is because they ARENT the spouse. It’s ALL about comparison. My husband brought back page prostitutes into my home, screwed them on my bed and in my living room. I asked to rate them on a scale of 1-10. He gave them an 8 and said the sex was better than most. Previously he has rated me a 7 and complained about the sex. The unfaithful ABSOLUTELY compare us to the AP and they probably enjoyed the sex more, that’s why they kept doing it…. I love the articles you guys put out, but this one is just bullocks. You can’t make it all out to be rainbows and butterflies when it’s a sh!t storm that arrived on your doorstep.

sex better with AP?

I have to agree that there are comparisons...but not always that the AP sex is better!
My situation is not typical in the sense my husband told me his AP was a real dud in that department. And he was coming over cheating with me after he left to be with her! It only lasted a few months and he was home. We're working through all the emotional fall out now.
Depends on the affair type I think. My spouse had an emotional affair (prior to his physical affair) with the widow of an instructor. She was also his instructor. She developed feelings for him and he was feeling distant from me. He felt responsible for her- a now single mother from a foreign country. To say the least my spouse was very lost to himself at that time and hurt me terribly. He dumped her and broke her heart.
I do agree there are comparisons. There has to be. How do people make the choices they do without them?

Of Course It Was Better

How could my UW not have better sex with her AP than me? She hasn’t made love or had any form of physical or sexual intimacy with me for almost 20 years.

This Article was not helpful

My takeaway from this article in a very simplified form is that affair sex is the the new, exciting chemical-l high, raw desire type of sex that cannot be compared to our complacent, boring but safe married type of sex because we are incapable of recreating the affair type sex.
If asked which type sex is better in a vacuum, most objective people are going to choose the affair type of sex. However, the author strangely seems to attempt to convince us betrayed spouses that affair sex is not better or is not comparable because it is a short lived, uncontrollable biological response.
I don't think the author gets it. It doesnt matter if the affair sex isn't about the betrayed spouse-I disagree-the message of this article does nothing to diminish the pain of a betrayed spouse. I believe it makes it worse.

I agree

Reading this only caused me more pain. I took it as the author basically saying that the sex was full of desire and excitement and fun with the AP, and as the spouse we just can't live up to that. That makes me feel horrible, and also angry that he got to experience that again with someone and I'm supposed to just be okay with boring married sex now. Of course everyone wants fun, passionate sex, that's pretty much the whole point of having a sexual affair. And I 100% believe the unfaithful compare us to the AP in pretty much every way, including sex, even if they will never admit it. In the end, once they've gotten their rocks off with the AP, they end up choosing the safety and comfort of their marriage because they've already gotten what they wanted out of the affair- passion and desire. And now we're supposed to try and find that with them again, knowing all the things they choose to do with someone else. The trauma is so deep, and the pain is unbearable at times. My self esteem is destroyed when it comes to the bedroom. The only thing I've found that helps is to think about what I want my sex life to be like now. I try not to think about what they did and focus on fulfilling my own needs.

Less and less desire

My UH is addicted to porn and sex; for him it was mainly young, beautiful prostitutes.
They embody an image of women that I could never offer him.
Yes, he's addicted, I understand what's behind it.
Still, this sex must have been so much better for him because he did it over and over again. He is also otherwise a very frugal person, but he paid a lot of money for sex. Apparently it was so very good that it was worth the risk of losing me.
So I'm supposed to believe it wasn't better?
That somehow doesn't work.
Maybe another UH who has gone to prostitutes can tell me something about this?

This may be true for a man

I think a cheating man can let go of the affair sex and see through the facade of it all. But a cheating wife? Not a chance. Sex in an affair shapes a woman differently and the husband can never escape feeling he's the one that wasn't desired and the cheating wife often reinforces this with her words and her actions.

I don't know why cheating wives blow everything up for cheap throwaway sex with some dirtbag, but they seem to really do this often enough that we should probably approach this topic differently for each spouse.