Laurie Bryson
by Laurie Bryson, M.A., LPC
Member, EMS Weekend Specialist

Emotions Running Wild? Why You Lose Control After Infidelity

Have you ever found yourself so frustrated, so enraged, so overwhelmed, or so out of control that you snapped? This is not a pleasant place to be, but chances are you've been there.

One thing about the aftermath of infidelity is the explosion of not only chaos and uncertainty, but also the many extreme and scary emotions.

For those who find out they have been betrayed, the response is often anger, followed by rage. Rage can get out of control, however. It is a natural and normal human emotional response to betrayal.

For those who have been wayward, you most likely faced (or will face) a very powerful sense of a spiraling loss that is out of control, and the desperation you feel can cause an enormous sense of fear and shame.

The most difficult aspect of all of these negative emotions is that they are – negative. Negative emotions feel heavier, more painful, and very confusing. Before you know it, you can't tolerate the tension created and you snap.

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Our human brains are actually hardwired for such explosions. Our entire circuitry is wired to express rage before thought. It's a survival mechanism of sorts, but even so, things can get out of hand. However, without thought, sometimes we simply misfire. Nobody likes to feel uncomfortable, so it is natural to want to escape these feelings or avoid them all together.

I will never forget in my own recovery, the day I snapped:

You must know that, for most of my own life, I had a sense that I was always supposed to make everyone around me happy, I would avoid anger, and I was far better at reading the feelings of others around me than knowing my own needs and feelings. Emotions are ours alone.

Shortly after the discovery of my affair, my husband and I were sitting outside a hospital on a very cold December day. I had just completed a full STD panel, as it was suggested by our therapist so that he could feel safe. I had just come face to face with my own embarrassment and humiliation when telling the nurse the reason for the blood tests.

I had forgotten my winter coat. I was cold, ashamed, frustrated, and overwhelmed.

We were in my husband's company car, and as I reached for my cell phone, my husband was triggered. That's when it happened. Something inside of me broke and I snapped. I lost it. In one simple and primitive motion, I remember screaming, "I can't do this" as I flung the cell phone on the dashboard of the car.

My emotions snapped as my cell phone hit the inside of the windshield. In an instant, the entire windshield shattered in the frigid temperatures. How were we to explain the shattered windshield in my husband's company car due to his wayward wife losing it after getting her STD test and throwing her cell phone onto the dashboard in anger and embarrassment?

Something happened that day, and believe it or not, if we can suspend our judgement on this story, it was a lesson in the reality that sometimes emotions just need to happen, and they are always ours alone.

We cannot manage, change, or control another person's emotions. We can only try to understand and accept our own feelings and what they tell us.

Are you able to accept your emotions–both positive and negative?

Are there certain emotions you have found that you tend to avoid?

When you have snapped, do you immediately feel guilty or justified in your response?

Accepting our emotions is very different from accepting the situation that caused the bad emotions. Accepting our emotions does not give us permission to cause physical or emotional harm to our spouse or to others either.

That day in the car was very scary, yet it was one of the first times I had not avoided what I was feeling, and instead, expressed and felt something I had pent up inside for years!

The upside is realizing the same emotional wiring in us that sparks rage or "emotional snaps" is the same system that can allow humans to perform seemingly impossible, heroic or selfless acts. Think of the heroic situation where someone lifts the weight of a car to save someone underneath.

Both of you, betrayed and wayward, are going to need safe spaces to face the many confusing and negative emotions a couple experiences after infidelity. You will need other like-minded people to not only validate and normalize what you may be experiencing, but offer a non-judgmental space for you to express yourself.

Infidelity creates a pain like no other. It also creates a wave and range of emotions you may have never felt or dealt with before. Affair Recovery is full of real people who can meet you in this space. If you have never considered signing up for one of our individual courses, we have Harboring Hope for betrayed spouses and Hope For Healing for wayward spouses. Both are designed to hit the participant just right where they want it.



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Laurie, are you and your Husband still together? My main problem is dealing with the physical sexual part of it all it’s harder to deal with than what everyone says! How did your husband deal with it and get over that? Would like to know.

You at Affair recovery really helped

I was the one who had to deal with the infidelity of my husband it took me almost 4 years to overcome and fully recover from the loss but I feel so much confident about myself and am with my husband and he played a big role in supporting me. I realized it is important to find your own self worth than trying to get everything in order. When your wayward spouse realizes his mistake that is a huge step bit to deal with the loss takes time, to get the trust be build up takes time. So give yourself the time and do things that makes you happy and feeling worthy. Speak to people who can understand without judging. For me the psychologist that I visited and the Affair Recovery videos were a great help. I could not pay for their session and attend the in person session as I am based in a distant country but thank you to the team at Affair Recovery, even the video and the free content was a huge help and a light of hope in those dark times.

Still together

Dennis I wanted to offer you hope. I was the betrayer to my husband. I think for him forgiving me came to him because he remembered who I was before I did this terrible thing. At least that's what he told me. He saw my shame and remorse for hurting him. Another thing which I think is uncommon he asked no details. I don't think I could of done that but it may have helped him. No expert just my opinion. We are now 6 years later and I would say we are closer now compared to the about 2 years before it happened. We had been drifting for awhile. He trusts me again.
I will say as for my part hardly a day goes by that I don't beat myself up. It used to be that I couldn't make it through a minute of self loathing. I will pray for you that you will find healing and peace. Know your not alone. Talk to someone if you can. God bless you and your wife

Still Together

I agree with you Kim, it could be that he didn’t ask, but regardless just wanting to be sexually physical with someone else and knowing it was intentional is enough even with out details. Hope I can ask you this question and not get offended, Why , and what was your Motive for this . Thankyou Dennis

How to deal with the pain of the physical part of the betrayal

Hi Dennis S,
Yes, my mate and I are still together. We chose (and still choose this) although it took close to three years before we were able to get back to a place where I would say that forgiveness and reconciliation happened. I am sorry that the pain you are processing now is the physical aspects of your husband's affair. I know everyone is different, but my husband did not want a lot of specific details regarding physical/sexual acting out. I am taking liberty to speak to his pain, but I think we would both agree that he struggled so much more with the pain of my deception/secret keeping/dishonesty. I would say two things specifically as to how he got over this. One, I give him credit that at some point, like it sounds like you may be doing, he chose to work hard at figuring out how to get past it and not let what I did define him. (Good job with that). Second, he does say now that it really helped to see me take consistent action towards taking ownership of my wrongdoing. That took time. I hope this helps.

How to deal with the pain

Thank you Laurie for your response, but I still haven’t been able to Forgive her for what she has done it’s very hard for me to, “I keep telling myself she did it intentionally so how can I “ maybe it will come someday. Thank you again

What type of affair was it?

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I would highly recommend giving this a try.
-D, Texas