, 5 years 10 months ago
looking at the roots of our shame enables us to find healing-survivors Blog-Elizabeth-Do-I-Have-a-Love-Addiction

Early on in recovery, I was so angry at my husband for suggesting I have a love addiction. I am so ashamed to think of how prideful I can be. In my mind, a woman with a so-called love addiction had serious issues. I had a stereotype in my head that this would be a woman constantly on dating sites, wearing clothing from Victoria's Secret, or someone completely out of control. This was not me.

I was a mom for crying out loud. I drive a minivan. I carpool. I go to church. I was married. I...

, 5 years 10 months ago

Samuel provides a follow up to an earlier interview with a betrayed male spouse.

, 5 years 10 months ago

Samuel provides a much anticipated interview with a betrayed male spouse.

, 5 years 10 months ago
the pain is horrible but if you stay the course it will end-survivors blog-elizabeth-driving-in-fog

Have you ever driven in really thick fog? We live near the Mississippi river, where a lot of tributaries feed into the waterway. I didn't grow up in this region (I'm a native Texan), but what I find is that certain mornings of the year, the hills and valleys surrounding our home become blanketed in a thick fog. It becomes so heavy over the roadways that in order to drive, you have to put your headlights on the low beam and drive very slow. You can't see anything. All of the curves and turns seem to sneak...

, 5 years 10 months ago

Samuel discusses how to defeat hopelessness when recovering from the devastation of infidelity.

, 5 years 10 months ago

Samuel shares a tool that helped change his own recovery with Samantha.

, 5 years 10 months ago
its not the experience of feeling anger that leads to negative consequences but how i choose to respond Oh the anger . . .

The visceral experience of being betrayed has triggered thoughts that consume my mind yet again. I haven't slept more than three hours straight in many months and the Benadryl I regularly take just leaves me feeling groggy. I only have two hours before I have to be in front of the first of many demanding clients today. My efforts to make it through the motions of my morning have been interrupted by my teenage daughter's demands. She desperately wants me to accommodate her schedule in order...

, 5 years 10 months ago
the ugly truth about codependency-survivors Blog-Elizabeth-The-Ugly-Truth-About-Codependency

Today I am journaling about codependency because I truly hate the word. I wish someone decades ago could have come up with a nicer sounding word to fit the definition.

When I began some honest soul searching of my character flaws that led me to cheat on my husband, I began to realize that I am a poster child for codependency. Looking back on my life and choices, I have spent years outrunning being identified as “codependent” to any degree. Part of my...

, 5 years 10 months ago

Affair Recovery is making some changes to Recovery Library Memberships.

Nine years ago, our vision for the Recovery Library was to create an immense database of expert knowledge. A large part of this database stemmed from our Recovery Library Members and the questions submitted for the Expert Q...

, 5 years 10 months ago

Samuel interviews an unfaithful, female therapist, who helps couples in crisis due to infidelity.

, 5 years 10 months ago

Samuel interviews an unfaithful, female therapist, who helps couples in crisis due to infidelity.

, 5 years 10 months ago

Samuel encourages those who are struggling to keep the momentum in their personal repair work.

, 5 years 10 months ago

Samuel shares a necessary adjustment to early recovery work for those in crisis.

, 5 years 10 months ago
you can't do this alone-survivors blog-chase-angels amont us

During college, I had five very close friends. After graduating, we all moved off to separate parts of the country and began to conquer our small piece of the world. As time went on, somehow, we all wound up marrying women that got along with one another. A few summers later, we all rented a beach house together for a week just to reunite. The trip was such a success it turned into an annual ritual. One we have all kept sacred for over a decade.

The first night of our yearly reunions we would gather on the beach to catch up...

, 5 years 10 months ago
survivors blog-Elizabeth-is infidelity hereditary-we can change our story Is Infidelity Hereditary?

I ask myself this question a lot. I guess it's more of a fear of mine than a question. In a rational state of mind I can answer this easily: of course not. Infidelity is a choice. No one put a gun to my head and made me cross the line. No one forced me to be unfaithful. And like the source for eye color or skin tone, I don't think there is a "ruin your spouse's life by having an affair" gene.

If you've done much reading...

, 5 years 10 months ago

Samuel discusses the sensitive topic of when betrayed spouses have affairs of their own.

, 5 years 11 months ago

Samuel discusses ways of finding support in recovery work.

, 5 years 11 months ago
is change really possible-survivors Blog-Chase-Should-I-Stay-or-Should-I-Go

"Should I stay or should I go? If I go, there will be trouble. If I stay, it will be double . . ."
~The Clash

I am a child of schoolhouse rock, a product of the age in which skate parks were invented, parachute pants were high fashion, and most of the girls I wanted to date had big hair and blue eye shadow. Lucky for me I made one of those beauties my wife. Rebellion for her in our southern catholic high school (yes, I see the irony . . . especially considering we...

, 5 years 11 months ago
Be Bold-Survivors Blog-Elizabeth-What-I-Need-From-You

Today my words come from a very insecure and needy place. Insecure because I'm trying hard to use words instead of behaviors to show how I feel and what I need. This "voice" seems childlike and continues to grow because it is still somewhat unfamiliar to me. My words might sound crazy but I promise I'm not a lunatic! My psychologist refers to me in "parts" like this, so I am going to do the same here today.

The needy part of this voice is the one I am most uncomfortable with. I have always hated and detested the needy part of me so I constantly...

, 5 years 11 months ago

Samuel shares insight on what the betrayed spouse can and should do when their unfaithful wont lead recovery efforts.

, 5 years 11 months ago

Samuel discusses a poignant topic in recovery work regarding the unfaithful spouse.

, 5 years 11 months ago

Samuel tackles a common question of betrayed spouses who are endeavoring to pursue their own healing.

, 5 years 11 months ago
forgiveness isn't an ending act, but rather the beginning of a journey - survivors blog - chase

I drive a relatively new truck so I found it especially frustrating to pull out of the dealership repair shop only to find my "check engine" light was on. Again. This was the 4th time in a month I had gone back to the same dealership for the same repair. My witty and wise 14-year-old daughter was enjoying my frustration when she asked,

"Why do you keep going back to the bad haircut place?"

"What?" I replied confused and irritated.

, 5 years 11 months ago
be humble about past and present - survivors blog - elizabeth

We are more than a year out from discovery. Some of the days have been very slow making me wonder if progress has been made. And although we now have more good days than bad, a small internal voice still occasionally asks, am I really changing?

While you, the betrayed, are trying to heal from what we, the unfaithful, have done to you, I also know you are ultimately waiting for redemption.

There are days my husband's anxiety seems to come out of nowhere. Of course I understand the root of the...

, 5 years 11 months ago

Samuel answers a viewers question on what to do when there are multiple relapses.

, 5 years 11 months ago

Samuel answers a viewers question on what you should do when you've lost respect for your unfaithful spouse.

, 5 years 12 months ago
you have what it takes to heal

Around age 10 or 11 they finally allowed us to steal bases in little league. This change transitioned the position of catcher from a simple filler spot that shagged stray pitches into an athletic position that saw action every play. I remember being pulled from the field and given the mitt. Game time came. A few pitches went by and a batter was on first. I found myself constantly distracted by the runner. As I anticipated his steal, the pitch would get by me. After multiple times I could hear the crowd's mumbled voices full of advice. I desperately began trying to apply everything I was...

, 5 years 12 months ago

Samuel answers a viewers question on what you should do when you've lost respect for your unfaithful spouse.

, 6 years 1 day ago

Samuel discusses roadblocks couples face in recovery due to a lack of safety.

, 6 years 2 days ago
what does change look like - Elizabeth

Today I was reminded of a story by Portia Nelson I heard long ago:

Autobiography in Five Chapters

by Portia Nelson

Chapter One:

I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk
I fall in.
I am lost...
I am hopeless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter Two:

