All Categories
After a betrayal, your mind goes in 90 million directions all at once and you may not even know where to begin. Use the categories in the Recovery Library to discover what areas of recovery resonate with your struggle and find the specific guidance you need.
Must Reads
Dealing with Infidelity: How to Get You Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling)
31 Reasons to Stop an Affair: Part 1
20 Most Common Mistakes of the Hurt Spouse
Affair Recovery Timeline for Healing After Betrayal
Why People Cheat: The Fog of Self-Deception (Part 1)
4884 Resources
Type Title Posted
Audio An Addict’s Story 4/29/2007
Audio Helping the Unfaithful Spouse Respond 4/22/2007
Text The Myth of the Greener Grass: Where Are You Investing? 4/15/2007
Audio Biblical Sexuality and Marriage 3/25/2007
Audio Been There, Done That: An Interview with Two Hurt Spouses 3/18/2007
Text Narcissism: Self Image vs. Self Love 3/15/2007
Text Changing Your Past & Hope 3/15/2007
Audio Road to Recovery, Part 3: Path of the Hurt Spouse 3/11/2007
Audio Road to Recovery, Part 2 3/04/2007
Audio Road to Recovery, Part 1 2/25/2007
Audio Types of Affairs Radio Episode 2/18/2007
Text Hope for Hurt Spouses 2/15/2007
Audio Affair Recovery Center Overview 2/11/2007
Text Sharing Details Of The Affair With Your Mate 1/15/2007
Text Grooming Behaviors: Building a Safe Environment 11/15/2006
Text A Story of Hope: Susie and Jack 6/01/2006
Text I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore, Toto and Alex Story 3/15/2006
Text The Nature of the Beast and Nina's Story Part II 2/15/2006
Text How To Deal With Reminders 1/31/2006
Text The Problem with Fear and Nina's Story 1/15/2006
Text Understanding and Camille's Story 10/15/2005
Text Powerlessness and Unmanageability Part II and Heather's Story 9/15/2005
Text Powerlessness and Unmanageability, Part 1 and Don't Stroy 8/15/2005
Text How to Help and Julia's Story 7/15/2005
Text When to Save a Marriage and Raymond's Story 6/15/2005
Text To Tell or Not To Tell - Deborah's Story 5/15/2005
Text The Two Other Men and Samuel's Story 4/15/2005
Text I Only Have Eyes for You 3/15/2005
Text Hopelessness and Bobbie's Story 2/15/2005
Text The Gift of Forgiveness - Bobbie's Story Part II 2/15/2005
Text Hope for Couples - Jeff's Story Part II 12/15/2004
Text A Drink of Water - Jeff's story 11/15/2004
Text Steady Men, God Could Be Up To Something and Dear Kay 10/15/2004
Text September 2004 9/15/2004
