Addiction Recovery: Living in the Solution For those recovering from infidelity or sexual addiction, establishing regular routines for self-care is key. Finding ways to eat well, exercise, connect with others, and get enough sleep is crucial for continued success in recovery. When you are healthy and balanced mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, you’re going to feel good and be more likely to stay on track in your program. One acronym that we use often at Affair Recovery is HALTBS, which stands for hungry, angry, lonely, tired, bored, or stressed. When addicts find themselves in that HALTBS frame of mind, they are more likely to fall back into old unhealthy patterns or act out in negative ways. Utilizing various types of self-care routines can help you get to a healthier space, so that you can continue to show up in life as the truest, best version of yourself. Today, Mickey shares some helpful insight from his own experience with 20 years of recovery.