Join other betrayed mates on the path to healing with our life-changing Harboring Hope online course and start a better, brighter chapter.
Learn More | Harboring HopeSeveral years ago, my friend, John, told me about a man who was struggling with forgiveness.
This man's wife had taken the two youngest of their four daughters to a friend's birthday party. Halfway through the birthday party, she received a call from their two teenage daughters saying they needed to be picked up from a high-school party that was getting out of hand. Wanting to get them out of a bad situation, she grabbed the two younger girls, loaded them into the car, and hurried over to get her older girls. She didn't waste any time on the road since she knew her teen girls would be standing at the curb, waiting for her to arrive. She was in the process of texting the mother of the younger child's birthday party to explain why she had taken her girls and left without saying goodbye when she felt the jolt of her car jumping a curb – she was distracted and had not seen the bend in the road. She looked up just in time to see her beautiful teen daughters go under her car.
Both died.
After the horrific accident, John tried for months to talk with his old friend, the dad of these girls. Each time he called him, his friend would say he wasn't ready to talk. Finally, he agreed to getting together.
John told me there were two things his friend shared that really struck him. First, John's friend realized the accident hadn't just taken the girls' lives but, somehow, had taken almost everything he treasured:
- It robbed the innocence of his two younger girls as they had witnessed the violent death of their two older sisters.
- It robbed the special intimacy he and his wife shared. She was so distraught by what she'd done, that she seemed incapable of connecting with him. The pain of that night invaded all their time together.
- It robbed him of a career he loved. He had been a pilot, but his job required travel three to four nights a week, and he now needed to stay home and take care of his family. He also confessed that he was so distracted and full of sorrow, that he wasn't even sure it would be safe for him to fly a plane.
- He lost his social community. He had many friends, but going out felt awkward, selfish, and painful. He was always afraid people would ask how he was doing, or worse, he was afraid they wouldn't ask about it at all.
- He lost his ability to financially support his family as he once had. Finding another job with the same level of pay was not possible – he had taken a 40% pay cut.
- The accident cost him his church because he didn't feel he could go there and pretend he and his family were fine. He was confused by how people seemed to go on as if nothing had happened.
- His belief that God is a loving God was not lost, but definitely in jeopardy!
- The accident had even cost him contact with his extended family. His parents were grieving and blamed his wife for the death of their two granddaughters. They refused to come visit if she was present.
The second thing John's friend shared was that in spite of all the things that he lost, he still understood Jesus' teaching that we should forgive "70 x 7" in a totally new light.1 He shared how he had forgiven his wife the day his two oldest daughters died and has had to do so multiple times each day as the painful memories rolled across their lives. He vowed that he would continue to forgive her every day from now until eternity.
John told me, "I was so struck by the forgiveness statement and thought of all the couples you are helping through Hope-Now."
Forgiveness is not a one-and-done process when it comes to trauma and pain of this magnitude. For those who come from faith, they may identify with the parallel we can draw from the concept of baptism. The inner change is the beginning, not the end of the process of a deeply personal sanctification. For those who don't come from a faith background or a personal faith, what I'm trying to convey is that our healing is a process. It's layer upon layer of work that we must do in order to process our pain and heal, slowly but surely, one day at a time.
The similarities between what this man experienced and what those who are recovering from infidelity experience struck me. All of us have been betrayed on some level, and all of us have betrayed someone else on some level. I hope this example reminds us to never take the forgiveness extended to us by others for granted! If you're ready for change and looking for a process to walk you through this journey, I encourage you to sign up for our Harboring Hope registration is open. Find a safe community of people working toward the healing and support you desire. Click here to learn more.
The right lesson...
sent at the exact right time.
Thank you.
Very well stated.
Very well stated.
70 x 7
I have to admit that as we've been working on recovery (1 year out) that I still have to forgive my husband, EVERY day. For the most part, recovery has gone well. I have to admit there are times when we both get frustrated but, we work through it. We went to counseling together and I still continue to go on my own. I have just recently come to the realization of my own need for his forgiveness...not for his decision to have the emotional and a one time physical act affair (with the same woman) but, for the numerous misunderstandings and assumptions that were factors in what happened. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm making excuses for what he's done, I definitely am not; however, I know now that because we didn't work through other issues it helped to fuel our situation. I pray for us (both separately and as a couple) all of the time. People used to tell us that we were the perfect couple and I think that we actually believed it as well, until this happened. We've been together for 29 years and I pray that we're together for the rest of our lives.
70 X 7
I understand the 70x7, but what does forgiveness really look like? What do I have to do to truly forgive?
7 X 70
Forgiveness is an hourly process at the beginning, it is a giving to God the anger and hurt you are feeling. While it helps when the other party is contrite, their actions or attitude have little to do with the process. This is a giving to God, and it is a struggle, we are selfish by nature and take these emotions back often.
Forgiveness is an understanding of the sovereignty of God. While God understands our human frailties and vices, who are we to question him. Yet I find myself on multiple of multiple occasions doing exactly that. Wounds heal in some fashion, but we decide on how badly they scar.
Forgiveness is not reconciliation, nor is reconciliation required for forgiveness, I have found so often in this journey that these two get confused and people often use them almost interchangeable.
The ostracization that was felt in the story was not an issue of forgiveness but of reconciliation.
I never thought of
I never thought of forgiveness as having to be daily. I struggle so much with this forgiveness concept that I even told the marriage counselor that I wasn't eve sure what forgiveness was any more. Some days I do feel more forgiving than others so maybe I am indeed doing that.
You asked if we have ever had to ask to be forgiven. I have not. I have asked God to forgive me for my sins and the bible tells me he does. My weakness is not to be able to accept His forgiveness.
If I did something so horrible that I needed to ask forgivenss from another human I don't think I could. Even if the forgiveness were offered up without asking I don't think I would believe it. Forgiveness is a weird thing and you have certainly given me something more to think about on it.
Touching story about
Touching story about forgiveness, but it's not as if the wife set out that evening with the intent of running down her two daughters. It's forgiving for something incredibly painful and done to me intentionally that I'm having trouble forgiving.
Touching Story About
I too struggle with forgiving the deliberate choice my husband made to cheat on me, with malice of forethought since he admitted he was seeking revenge on me for what he believed was my not loving him enough or anymore....blah blah blah, beginning in September 2011, especially when he embarked on his quest on our 7th wedding anniversary while I was home preparing a romantic dinner for us to celebrate. I don't know how I'm going to make it through these next few months, since it was around this time last year when he kicked the affair into high gear, and when our next anniversary comes around, I hope I can rise to the occasion and not derail into the rage I fight on a minute by minute basis. I know God does not want me to seek revenge, but I want some form of justice! I deserve justice! I was robbed emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially so he could carry on his disgusting behavior. Believe it or not, as much as I resent the other woman and would love to get back at her, I'm really pissed at my husband and I shamefully admit that I want him to suffer...for a long time. Although he claims to be contrite and ashamed and all that, it's not enough for least not now. I'm trying so hard to let go but the triggers are omnipresent and most of them I cannot avoid. There are times I just don't know what to do to ease the pain...I'm not sure anything ever will. I really do want our marriage to work but I'm still so raw....
I can relate!!
I understand what you are saying because I feel EXACTLY the same. The story was about a woman who made a terrible mistake but didn't hurt her daughters on purpose. Adulterous spouses, while they may not originally intend to have affairs or be deceptive, clearly make a CHOICE to cheat. They ALWAYS have the option of NOT having an affair, but they selfishly choose to cheat. It doesn't matter what is behind their flawed reasoning or justifications....they are making a conscious and deliberate choice. Affairs aren't mistakes - a mistake is something that someone does by accident. No one 'accidently' has sex with someone other than their spouse. They do it because they WANT to. I'm quite sure this woman in the story did not WANT to hurt her daughters! And that is why forgiveness after adultery is SO HARD. Because our selfish spouses made the CHOICE to cheat and hurt us, and we are just supposed to forgive. Yes, I know I'm just as human as my husband! I am FAR from perfect! But I've never had sex with anyone other than my husband even when I have had the opportunity, because I made the choice NOT to cheat. My husband could have done that too - but he was too selfish to think of anything except getting some cheap sex.
So I can totally relate to Susan's response - because while I know that the 'Christian' thing to do is forgive, I still sometimes wish that my husband would suffer the way he has made me suffer. If that makes me a horrible person than I guess that's what I am. But I can't fake or pretend to forgive when I am still so hurt and angry that he could risk our entire marriage for a couple or weeks of cheap, unprotected, selfish sex.
Exactly and well said
It is much easier to forgive things that were not done intentionally, but affairs for the most part are intentional. My husband intended on doing what he done. That's why for me it is so hard to forgive.
I have never responded to these periodic resources but this one struck me so deeply. It reminds me , though the pain I have been going through this past year seems more than I can bear, there are always others whose pain makes mine look slight.
My heart breaks as I read this.
I am striving to forgive. I know it is a necessary step that frees me from bondage and each time a painful thought pops in my head, I try to repeat over and over, "I forgive" until the thought goes away.
Thank you for being one of many supports the Lord has given me to heal from my husbands long term affair. I look forward to each and they are always what I need, when I need it.
Forgiveness IS a choice
It has been 10 months since discovering my husband's infidelity and although I claimed forgiveness, it was only recently that I truly began to understand what forgiveness commands of me. For so long, it was dependent upon his expression of regret. I "forgave" him, but felt no deliverance...that is, until I realized that forgiveness by its very nature is to forgive that which is unforgivable.
I realized that the forgiveness I depend on from my Maker is no different. I have had my own moments when I acted carelessly, and sometimes even callously... Sometimes being too foolish to anticipate the consequences, at other times underestimating the damage that might occur, and occassionally even imagining a worthwhile trade off. When I attempted to relate to my husband's humanness, that flawed reasoning that resulted in his transgression, It enabled me to feel some compassion. Anger comes easily when we've been hurt. The problem is that there is no end to it. Forgiveness is a choice. It is born from compassion... Understanding that we ALL need forgiveness.
First let me say that I am so
First let me say that I am so sorry for that family's loss. It's such a tradegy to lose a child.
Next, I want to say thank you. For years, I have struggled with the concept of forgiveness. Nobody could ever explain it to me in a way that I could understand.
I finally see that it's not a one time thing. It now all makes sense to me.
Maybe now I can work on making all my relationships better.
Thank you so very much.
So true
We are almost one year past D-Day and I still need to forgive my H. There were times that I had to do it several times a day. Now not so much anymore; I've got my good days (majority) and my bad days (becoming less and less). I had always thought that forgiving was something you'd had to do once. So I felt guilty that it didn't 'work', until I realized that it's an ongoing thing, until you're truly healed.
As the betrayer, I don't feel
As the betrayer, I don't feel worthy of forgiveness. I want to move past this. The affair was short, but the impact was huge. The affair is over and will always be over. I know the Lord forgives me. My husband also says he forgives me, but the struggle comes day after day. The pulling away, the unreturned or minimally returned is a constant reminder of my failure. I understand it and feel that I deserve to feel this way now. My old nagging feelings of inadequacy have now been multiplied exponentially. I did this. I dug myself into this pit and cannot find my way out. I have moments when the Lord shows me a little brightness at the end of the tunnel, but these moments are so fleeting. Forgiving myself, that is the hardest.
I'm sorry you feel this way.
I wish you didn't, but I'm afraid your hurt may stay with you for a long time, possibly parts of it will remain forever. This is not something either of you will ever forget or think of without reliving a portion of this hurt and disappointment, But time will ease much of your current pain.
I hope that you can someday understand that despite all this, your husband loves you deeply. He needs and wants you. He wants to know that he's the best man for you, because right now he does not believe he is. He is insecure, questioning himself and doubting his every emotion. He is possibly scared of you doing it again, as being betrayed by your spouse is a horrid burden. I hope you can be grateful for the strength and grace he has needed to stay with you.
If you haven't, to might consider confessing this to him. It seems counterintuitive, but it is your turn to be vulnerable and honest in all your feelings, and that will bring more compassion and forgiveness to your husband's heart.
Sometimes forgiveness seems to come....
only after we are so tired of hurting and worn from fighting against the feelings of disappointment and disgust of the betrayal. I often think it is the mind giving up and the tincture of time fading the pain emotion and memories.
While I appreciate all that this story can teach us about forgiveness and the day to day after any form of trauma, what had been lost here is the matter of intent. It is hard to compare the forgiveness of this basically innocent mother with the forgiveness of a spouse, who purposely pursues adulterous relationships.
I agree that it is entirely different to equate an unintentional accident with the purposeful deception from your spouse.
I am more than 5 years out from D-Day, and I have convinced myself that my wife's decision to betray me is not a forgivable offense. While the mother in this story chose to text and drive, in and of itself her decision was not based on selfishness the way the decision to have an affair is. I have come to accept my wife's preference for another man, but I can no more forgive her for that preference than I can 'forgive' her preference for strawberry ice cream over vanilla. Fantasy or not, she preferred the feelings she received from her sweet talking affair partner over the true love, with its ups and downs, she received from her marriage of 32 years.
Mwh I know exactly how you feel but I have decided to forgive and it has to happen daily. Some times hourly. Over and over I have to forgive because the betrayal haunts me, as does the evilness that was the other person. Nobody knows really how this never leaves my mind or my reality of life. It is truly a burden. I wish that these selfish people who have affairs could only understand the horrible hurt they have caused another. And usually it has hurt their best friend and life partner. I am sorry for your hurt.
Forgiveness has its place. It
Forgiveness has its place. It helps one to not carry around the burden of tragedy. Not forgiving a premeditated act may be borne out of self preservation: what if he/she does it again? Should I not defend myself against such an act?
It is hard to forgive someone who intentionally deceives us. It is harder to forgive someone who truly isn’t sorry . Forgiveness isn’t for the one who did us wrong forgiveness is for ourselves so the destruction someone else caused loses it power to destroy us. Forgiveness is a daily choice just as a cheater makes a daily choice to cheat we have the power to not be controlled by someone else’s self destruction. I choose to forgive for me so I have the peace I need .
I agree, Becky. My 2 year D-Day is on Valentine’s Day. When I found out about the affair, I was not only devastated I had such hate in my heart. For four months I carried that hate. I researched forgiveness, I didn’t want my husband to think for a second it was about him and it was ok what he had done. Once I understood forgiveness I was able to go to him and honestly forgive him. I had such a weight lifted off my shoulders, he was no longer controlling me.
Does this mean we are happy and back together? No, far from it, our divorce will be final in April. It is sad it came to this decision, but I no longer carry the hate, I have released his control over me and I am moving on. Is it easy? No, it is not...but I am in a far better place today, than I have been in a very long time.
Very true forgiveness is for healing the betrayed
I forgive every day and every minute of intrusive thoughts that I have from my husband's affair. I decided to forgive because carrying the hatred and bitterness from the betrayal was destroying me at the core. I am much happier after forgiving and embracing the lessons from this betrayal. As for my husband and the AP they have to live with what they did and carry that burden. Hopefully they can learn from their betrayal. But my life is full of joy because I let go of the anger through forgiveness.
Intent is totally different
I agree with the other comments. This woman made a bad decision that killed her daughters and the family suffered on every level. The difference, though, is that she did not intend to do this. Much like an affair, where the spouse intentionally sets out to be unfaithful, deceived and lies to all around them - especially their spouse.
Accidental death is a world apart from intentional unfaithfulness. I would have rather my wife died in a tragic accident than the years of lies and, since the affair ended, the years of no empathy or remorse or connection toward me.
I applaud this man's ability to forgive, but please don't try to pass this over as the same pain an affair causes in the marriage covenant.
Not the same pain
While in no way would I minimise the trauma and devastation the betrayal of infidelity brings to a relationship, felt I had to comment.
Yes it is not the same pain, I could only think it must be so much worse. To lose your children is the most devastating event imaginable. No matter what the unfaithful did, you are both still alive, in pain and struggling, but alive, with choices for the future. I am three years out from D-Day and feel unhappiness every day. I am not the same person, but have forgiven him, though don't see him in the same way now. The reason I have stayed is for my son who needs his father. His journey through adolescence will not be helped by us separating. My son comes first as he had no say in what happened and doesn't deserve to suffer because of it. My heart goes out to the man who forgave and his wife who will struggle to live with herself, probably for the rest of her life. I work in critical care and the worst pain I see is when someone loses a child. Intent doesn't matter. Very thought provoking article. Lola.
I agree this is comparing two totally different situations. Accidents happen and sometimes accidents destroy lives. However, this young mother did not intentionally kill her children. Her pain is also in a different league. I do not believe for one minute that my pain as a betrayed spouse comes even close to what she is going through. Just feels selfish to even compare my pain to hers. My pain is real and some days I wonder if happiness is forever fleeting. However, I cannot in good conscience compare the utter stupidity and selfishness of adultery to the gut wrenching, heart breaking devastation brought on by the death of two young innocent children. Just does not seem like a good comparison.
What if they deny intent?
Mine got caught texting multiple women he “ministers” to that he lives them. One in particular got most of his free time and attention. He adamantly denies any intention of wrong doing and it took months to get him to admit to an emotional affair. I’m not sure how to forgive this ... especially since he’s reluctant to take responsibility and own his actions.
Just as maybe one doesn’t intend to start an affair, but didn’t fall naked onto another woman by accident, one doesn’t end up accidentally telling other women “I love you” by accident either.
So, I’m wondering if my decision to reconcile is ill advised, and if forgiveness might look different than moving forward as is and accepting the narrative I’ve been given.
I believe in the power of forgiveness... but I’m wondering if it will look different and involve a redefinition of “safe partner” through the process.
Not the same
An affair may start as an “accident,” a moment of weakness, not protecting what is sacred, etc. but in the scenario above it was an unfortunate ONE TIME occurrence. It didn’t involve repeated lies and deceit every day over an extended period of time.
I would guess that the father didn’t try to tell his wife that it didn’t happen, it was all her imagination, she was putting too much “overthinking” into it.
I understand the part of having to make a conscious choice of forgiving daily but the example used is a bad comparision.
The man has to look at his wife knowing that she took their children’s life by accident not intentionally.
I concur with the comment
I concur with the comment directly below.
Unfortunately you cannot compare this to the total betrayal by your spouse, your lifetime partner, the father of your child.
My husband betrayed me in the worst possible way. Not only did he have an affair but brought her into the home we shared for 20 years, and then in our dream home where we planned on spending the rest of our lives together now that the kids had moved on. I can’t explain the hurt that it has caused me. I have to live here day in and day out knowing what went on here. The lies are unimaginable. I can’t get away from the triggers, the pain and the betrayal. I cannot forgive him for the hurt it has caused me. It never lessens, even with time. My choice is to stay and live this nightmare everyday, or hurt my child and our family even more, and of course if I choose to leave, I will forever be the bad guy. They all can forget, but I never will...
Not comparing apples to apples
It’s soon going to be 5 years since I found out my wife betrayed me. I think at one point I may have those words “I forgive you” in a counseling session but in reality I’m not sure I ever have. We are still together but my life is nothing like it was. I have little to no passion towards her. I have to literally make myself go and get her a Christmas gift, birthday gift and etc. Before D-day I would put a lot of time and effort into those special days surprising her and enjoying it. I use to think about our future but now don’t ever give it much of a thought. I think she believe I have forgiven her and that things are good between us but it’s from that. I appreciate you sharing the story and my heart goes out to that family but it’s definitely not comparing apples to apples.
I hear you Kenny. It’s so hard to find a birthday, Mother’s Day or anniversary card with words that I can truly feel or say without tongue in cheek. Depressing even after 5 years. Lack of genuine remorse and repentance doesn’t help.
I have thought about what I'm going to write here. And I have started over with my comment so many times. There is no right or wrong answer. I have come to realize over the years that there is trauma being caused to people, because of wrong choices, that is just too hard to forgive out of our own power and we deem it unforgivable. Like this woman's inlaws, they couldnt forgive her for what she's done. It was just a wrong choice, it wasn't as if she was a bad mother or were out to purposefully cause harm.
Some of us who have been cheated on cannot forgive our spouse, and deem that act unforgivable. I am not defending the unfaithfull, but if I were to put myself in my husband's shoes, wouldn't I want him to fight for me and forgive me? I have come to learn what the true meaning of forgiving 70x7 like the Bible says means, with my husband who cheated on me several times. This last time was the one that hit me the hardest and I couldn't do anything out of myself. I realized, like some of you already said, that forgiveness is for myself. If I do not forgive, I fan the flame of anger, wrath, hatred. I destroy myself (and I will not give that control and satisfaction to the affair partner.)I cannot live freely and my relationship with my Father in Heaven is severely hindered. And why would I want to give the enemy that upperhand???
I asked Christ daily to help me forgive, especially the woman who purposefully tried to destroy my family and my miracle son's life, and she doesn't even know me. Did I forgive her and my husband? YES.
Is the wounds still there? Heck yes, and will be for a long time.
Do I believe that God can change my husband?
He is already changing him. My husband realized he had a problem and together we are working on it. I speak positively over our marriage and over my husband daily.
You see...
I CHOOSE to love
I CHOOSE to forgive
I CHOOSE to be free
What a sad story and yes this is different then an affair. However, in my situation my actions created the environment for the affair. Active Alcoholic for 20 plus years, sober going on 3 years. I have forgiven my wife as she has forgiven me. Or I should say we are actively forgiving each other on a daily basis. Our marriage is not perfect but it is better then it has ever been. We have spent a lot of time and money in counseling and AA & Alaonon. If you truly love your spouse never give up hope. When my wife had moved out was the darkest time in my life. A whole lot of God, AA and dear friends got me through it. Never would have imagined things could be as good as they are now and forgiveness is the key
Accidents are not Infidelity
I feel forgiving an accident to be an entirely different topic than forgiving someone who intentionally disrespected and hurt you. Impossible to compare, really.
How is this even relatable?
Accidents are not Infidelity
Understand completely that the topic is forgiveness but forgiving an accident (even as terrible as this) is not the same thing as forgiving infidelity (mirroring Wolf's comment). It almost felt insulting to me to read this article. To maybe put this as a better comparison as I have tried to explain this pain to people, it would be like if your spouse saw you in the middle of the road, ran you over, lied to you about running you over, and then kept running you over. Oh, yeah, and then you and almost everyone in your circle finding out about it and thinking your spouse's running you over was your all fault and then you question everything about your world and humanity in general. The difference is intention and lying -- it's not even really the actions.
Absolutely agree - this adds so little
Precisely what Janell said. I think this article should be removed. The only piece of comparison is that if you finally choose to forgive, you will need to keep forgiving over and over because the trauma and the rage and triggers will be there for a long time. Infidelity is not something that just happens. It’s not a mistake. Or an accident due to a moment of distraction while trying your hardest to be a good person but you have too many things going on and make a terrible mistake. I can’t see how this scenario is in any way comparable to infidelity or it’s aftermath. In fact I don’t find stories about accidents happening to good people or people making honest mistakes helps me in any way to process what my “husband” did deliberately, callously, without remorse to me (and more recently my children) over and over again until he was exposed or how I might come to forgive him for those deliberate acts. All it makes me think is why do these awful things happen to good people when people who constantly make bad, dangerous, reckless, hurtful conscious decisions to put their own fun and adventure ahead of their commitment to their spouses and family get to live their life exactly the way they please for decades. I would be more interested in hearing stories and insights that are directly on point.
Absolutely agree - this adds so little
Precisely what Janell said. I think this article should be removed. The only piece of comparison is that if you finally choose to forgive, you will need to keep forgiving over and over because the trauma and the rage and triggers will be there for a long time. Infidelity is not something that just happens. It’s not a mistake. Or an accident due to a moment of distraction while trying your hardest to be a good person but you have too many things going on and make a terrible mistake. I can’t see how this scenario is in any way comparable to infidelity or it’s aftermath. In fact I don’t find stories about accidents happening to good people or people making honest mistakes helps me in any way to process what my “husband” did deliberately, callously, without remorse to me (and more recently my children) over and over again until he was exposed or how I might come to forgive him for those deliberate acts. All it makes me think is why do these awful things happen to good people when people who constantly make bad, dangerous, reckless, hurtful conscious decisions to put their own fun and adventure ahead of their commitment to their spouses and family get to live their life exactly the way they please for decades. I would be more interested in hearing stories and insights that are directly on point.
Infidelity is no accident
The other comment already posted states exactly what I was thinking while reading this article. The article tells the story of a horrible tragedy that is the result of an ACCIDENT. Completely different than your life partner CHOOSING to betray, hurt, disrespect you. I imagine there is a huge difference in what is required by both parties to forgive these very different actions that caused traumas.
Not in the same league
This is the 2nd time this month that you compare an issue with your spouse, children and family and the ensuing pain with INFIDELITY of your spouse. It’s not even in the same league. And how does that address the RAGE that occurs? Please stop gaslighting us and give us examples we can learn from.
Seriously? And the title question wasn’t even touched.
Like all the others, while tragic, such a scenario is very different than intentional abuse of one’s spouse through lying, infidelity, etc. But the question of should everything be forgiven isn’t even addressed. This is REALLY off target and gives little confidence to whether you all can even answer serious questions about infidelity and abuse in any context, let alone in a Christian one. Sorry, this is a big fat miss.
Jenifer, and everyone else
Jenifer, and everyone else who has commented here, I've been contemplating the same thing all day since I read this article. Such a tragic accident, heartbreaking, yet nothing at all like the terrible pain of finding out the harsh truth about my wife's intentional choices to have an affair on multiple business trips with a married man who had a teenage son, while we had 3 children of our own at home. Disgusting, sickening, life changing, it is the most horrible thing you can experience in my opinion, mostly because of the fact that your spouse intentionally chooses this over their commitment to you and your family, and you end up feeling like you aren't enough. I will never be the same again, I will never trust the same, love the same, or ever be able to be the same person I used to be, and I am 2 yrs 9 months out from D Day and still feeling like this will be with me forever.
And how true of the analogy of your spouse running you over on purpose, then denying they did it or claiming it was your fault. How ludicrous, impossible to imagine for any sane person, yet this is exactly what a contemptuous selfish spouse does when they choose an affair then out of selfish disregard, claim you were the one at fault.
I can tell you all that the pain does begin to subside, the color will start to come back into your world, and that you will begin to see glimmers of hope around you. Don't give up on yourself, you didn't deserve this, no one deserves this.
Infidelity is no accident
There is no comparison between an accident and cheating. To assume that adultery on any level "just happened" (as i was told) , would be to say that one unconsciously, beyond their control, had sexual relations with someone other than their spouse. Then for us that have been battling this life of betrayal also know that we, victims, are being blamed by the cheater for their CONSCIOUS choices, and of course dont forget those who have no better morals or integrity that dont want to "be in the middle", and side with your cheating lying spouse, is to excuse all of them for their unethical, unmoral, ungodly, cruel, abusive, murderous acts, is insane. Forgiveness, yes, to not forgive is in a sense lowering yourself to their level, of being uncaring, unloving, and unfeeling. When we look at what our Lord and Savior did for our sins and the forgiveness he bought for us in shedding his blood on the cross is true compassion, and love. I choose to mirror myself after Jesus, to be forgiving, to be compassionate to those that hurt me. And yes, i do have compassion for my soon to be X, knowing the deep shame he feels, how awful to have to live with that, even though theres still alot of self deception going on inside of him, i know hes miserable. And all you that have been betrayed believe it, because they are, even in their pretend normal lives, they are not well adjusted. To err is human, to forgive is divine. Praying God's comforting arms around all betrayed.
Infedelity is an Intentional Act
I read this article before going to bed and I could not get it off my mind. Infidelity is a conscious and deliberate act of betrayal. The situation described here was a tragic accident. The two are just not the same. My husband often struggles to understand why it is so difficult for me to move on from the pain caused by his 8-year-long affair. It has been three years since discovery, and I still struggle with depression, crying, triggers, etc. My husband has experienced a number of tragedies in his own life. He lost his mother to cancer when he was just a young boy. He also witnessed a close friend lose his life in a tragic accident. He will often use those examples to shame me for not getting over the infidelity quickly enough. He says that he also experienced bad things in life, but he realized you can’t change the past, so he figured out how to let it go and just move forward. He says I should be able to do the same. I just do not see the situations as being the same. His mother would never have chosen to get sick and leave him. He can take comfort in that knowledge. When his friend was tragically killed, he received an outpouring of kindness and support from others to help him through the grieving process. Betrayal is such a unique situation. The person you love and trust the makes a series of deliberate hurtful choices over many years. It was not a one-time mistake or accident. His lies were woven into the daily life of our family for several years. The discovery of infidelity brings shame to both spouses. There is no funeral to help you grieve the loss. There is no outpouring of support because you don’t want everyone to know. I acknowledge there are many things in life that are much worse than having a cheating spouse. I cannot imagine the pain of losing one of my children. I know there would be no comparison. I just am growing tired of being misunderstood by my husband. Betrayal trauma changes a person in ways that are so different from other types of trauma. The only thing I could relate to from this article was the fact that forgiveness is a process. With infidelity, you are not forgiving a single act of wrongdoing. You must learn how to forgive daily because there will always be intrusive thoughts or new discoveries about past events. It’s a pain that just keeps on giving every day. I came back to this article several hours later just to read the comments to see if other people may have felt the same way I did. It really bothered me that much. I feel somewhat better knowing that I am not alone.
So well said, thank you, this
So well said, thank you, this sums up so well how I've been feeling, and also coming up to 3 years since my D-Day. Your comments about shaming you for not getting over his infidelity quick enough were helpful for me, I've not been able to figure out what it is about my spouse's attitude toward me that is so impossible to understand, but that is it, shaming me for not getting over it fast enough. This is the opposite of empathy, repentance and compassion, and that is really at the heart of the issue with an unfaithful spouse, unless there is heartfelt empathy and true repentance then how can you move forward. It's so exhausting and what you said about growing tired of being misunderstood is something that I'm sure all of us betrayed spouses can relate to. This, combined with the "disenfranchised grief" you talked about, when almost no one knows what is really going on and you have to live and act with most people like everything is fine, while covering for your spouses terrible choices, is another one of the biggest sources of anxiety and depression I think, for us as the betrayed spouse who has chosen not to divorce our unfaithful spouse and yet they still treat us with contempt and disrespect. Thanks again for sharing.
What are the benefits
I understand the reactions to the story and to the comparison - I would like to refocus a bit. No one would deny that infidelity is horrific and to be betrayed is absolutely life-changing. My question - and what I believe Rick was trying to address - is what is the cost/benefit of unforgiveness? I am just over 2 years out from d-day, and I am struggling to forgive. I am stuck - constantly replaying the story of how my husband betrayed me - chose others (and himself) over me. My unwillingness and inability to forgive is impacting our relationship - but even more - it is impacting me - my mental health, my outlook on life, my ability to feel joy and connect with others in an authentic way. I blame him, and I am constantly angry, frustrated, sad... His betrayals changed my life and hurt me deeply. I am coming to understand that now my choice is to allow his actions to control my life, or to choose to take that power back and make the intentional decision to care for myself by offering forgiveness to him. Not easy - not done all at once - but small choices every day to free myself from the pain and anger by acknowledging it, grieving it and trying to let it go. 70 times 7. Holy crap - that is hard! But the alternative of staying in this place of bitterness and anger is not where I want to be - it does not allow me to be who I want to be. Maybe I will not be able to stay in this relationship, that is yet to be determined. What I do know is that I cannot continue to live with all of the frustration and anger towards him from past choices, because it is keeping me from being the kind, generous, loving and joyful person that I want to be. I want to smile, I want to laugh, I want to feel safe and content in my home, I want to not pretend that everything is ok - but to feel that everything is ok. This forgiveness is for me - not for him. I pray that God continues to help me find the strength to forgive, to make that choice every day, and I pray that for all of you as well.
70-7 talk
I would love to hear more from a Betrayed Spouse rather than get advice about forgiving and moving on from a Wayward Spouse. The hurt is incredibly different. That said, I do not want to minimize the guilt, shame and hurt from the Wayward spouse. I just think most of us that have been betrayed would get a lot more from someone on our side of the track! I understand Rick and Wayne are trained professional and have heard many a story. It seems it is easier to ask for forgiveness of an act when you are also one who committed the same act. I do appreciate the efforts and viewpoint though.