The Role of Empathy
Empathy is often misunderstood yet always necessary in recovery. Learn to understand the function of empathy and how it can change your marriage.
Must Reads
How Could You? Part IV - Doublespeak and Distorted Comparisons
Ending an Affair - Step One: Make the Decision
Does Time Heal All Wounds? Healing After An Affair
Why People Cheat: The Fog of Self-Deception (Part 1)
Infidelity Counseling: How Effective Is It?
280 Resources
Type Title Posted
Video Expert Q&A Preview: How Can We Have More Productive Conversations? 11/04/2015
Video Q&A How Do I Deal With My Spouse Saying, "Why Don't You Just Divorce Me?"? 11/04/2015
Video What’s the Most Effective Role for Me? 10/27/2015
Video Q&A How Do We Get Through the Anniversary Date? 10/20/2015
Video Q&A Why Does Our Fresh Start Seem Stale? 10/20/2015
Video Q&A When Will I Receive the Love I'm Sending? 10/20/2015
Video Q&A How Can We Heal When Nothing is Being Addressed? 10/06/2015
Audio Q&A What's The Difference Between Healthy Emotion and Emotional Flooding? 10/01/2015
Audio Q&A Can One Reconnect While Not Being Truly Intimate? 10/01/2015
Video Q&A I Love Her, Why Did I Cheat on Her? 9/22/2015
Video Q&A Why Doesn't he Talk About it? 9/01/2015
Audio Q&A Why are Some Cheaters Sorry and Others aren't? 8/27/2015
Video Q&A How do Different Grieving Processes Affect Affair Recovery? 8/25/2015
Video Q&A Why Doesn't he Express his Love? 8/11/2015
Audio Q&A What Next? 7/31/2015
Video Q&A They had to Know the Affair Would Devastate me, Right? 7/28/2015
Video Q&A What Effects do Antidepressants Have on Infidelity? 7/07/2015
Video Q&A How Likely is my Mate to Cheat Again? 7/07/2015
Video Q&A How Can I Suggest Help for my Spouse Without Seeming Critical? 6/23/2015
Video Q&A Is it Infidelity if we were Separated? 6/23/2015
Video Q&A Is There Hope for us to Move Forward After this Degree of Infidelity? 6/02/2015
Video Q&A Should I Publicly Expose my Spouse's Affair Partner? 5/12/2015
Audio Q&A How Can we Shift Control of the Relationship? 4/24/2015
Video Q&A How can I Gain Perspective of an Addict's Mind? 4/15/2015
Video Q&A Is it Normal for a Betrayed Spouse to have 180 Degree Turnaround? 4/15/2015
Audio Q&A What's the Difference Between Personal Recovery and Marital Recovery? 2/20/2015
Audio Q&A Should my Husband be Doing More? 2/20/2015
Video Q&A Does my Husband have Intimacy Issues? 2/20/2015
Video Q&A Why Doesn't my Husband Understand the Damage he is Causing? 1/06/2015
Audio Q&A What Can I do to Create Empathy Between me and my Spouse? 12/11/2014
