Hope for Healing Registration Soon! Space Is Limited!
Designed specifically for wayward spouses, Hope for Healing is a supportive, nonjudgmental environment for you to heal and develop empathy. Over the years, this 17-week, small group course has helped thousands of people find hope, set healthy boundaries and move toward extraordinary lives.
"I just finished Hope for Healing and am proud of the changes that I already feel in myself and my marriage. I found Affair Recovery when I was at the darkest point in my life, and this course has helped me to get myself on a true path to recovery." - S., Alabama | November 2020 Hope for Healing participant.
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Why men and women cheat may be the most common question we hear. After all, how do you reconcile the unfaithful spouse's behavior when it seems so contradictory to their past? How do you wrap your mind around such foreign, out-of-the-blue behavior?
If you're asking the above questions about a cheating spouse, you may also be asking countless other questions like:
- Why did they do it? How could they do that and still want to be with me and love me?
- What does the other person have that I don't?
- Why would they risk their married life here with me for cheap passion with someone who is so messed up and trashy? Can't they see how unrealistic the new relationship really is?
- Why do men cheat or why do women cheat and then seemingly have no conscience about it?
- Did he or she ever really love me to begin with?
- How does a betrayer or a cheating spouse think? (i.e. WHAT were you THINKING?!)
I'll take a shot at trying to answer some of the questions below, but keep in mind the limited space here doesn't allow for exhaustive answers. I'll do my best to speak to the issues in a concise and pointed manner. For more help though, please visit our free resources.
Why did they do it?
How could they do that and, at the same time, still love me and want to be with me?
For starters, a key principle in life—and certainly in understanding infidelity—is the concept that behavior does not equal motive. How often have you done something you didn't want to do? It happens all the time. And while infidelity is horrible and gut wrenching, it is certainly something that people can get into and then discover it's not what they really wanted.
All too frequently, we follow our emotions, falsely believing we want something, only to discover once we have it that it's not what we want at all. In the moment of truth, when the mistake is discovered, it can seem like it's too late. Loyalty bonds have been broken, hearts crushed, vows shattered. I firmly believe lives can be healed, but many times, at the beginning, convincing the parties that their lives can be restored is the bigger challenge.
For the hurt spouse, the question to the cheating spouse remains, "How could you if you really cared about me?" The fact is that caring has little or nothing to do with what they've done. They behaved in spite of caring. A tragic yet poignant aspect of these situations is how they actually reveal to the unfaithful mate what they really wanted all along.
The larger issue is usually for the hurt spouse. It may be painful to believe that their mate really does care about them. You see, believing that means they should or will feel compelled to consider re-entering the relationship, which is a very big leap emotionally. Time, expert help, and proper reconciliatory efforts are the only commodities which can reveal the truth. If you're what they really want, then they'll go the distance and give you the necessary space to heal.
What does the other person have that I don't?
There's no way to determine the why right now. A lifetime can be spent searching for the why. There are as many reasons why as there are stars in the sky. The complexity lies in the multitude of factors driving that choice for the cheating spouse.
For some, the infidelity is caused by unhealed and unresolved baggage brought into the marriage. At times, it's a maladaptive response to problems in the marriage. Rather than addressing issues head-on, someone may use some form of infidelity as the solution to their dilemma.
At times, it's about an addiction and, at times, it can even be a situational mistake where someone does something careless in the moment and then feels trapped and unable to disentangle themselves. I'm certainly not minimizing harmful and hurtful behaviors, but it is very possible to end up where you don't want to be and then be absolutely lost on how to extract yourself and salvage the marriage.
Typically, the cheating spouse says they enjoy how the affair partner makes them feel. Affair partners tend to serve as a vanity mirror, casting an image of ourselves that we think looks pretty good, and the spouse as a makeup mirror, magnifying and highlighting all our flaws. This is why the affair partner seems to be the preferred commodity, but, in the long run, it's just an illusion, and eventually, the negatives and unresolved baggage will show up to destroy once more.
Why would they risk their married life here with me for cheap passion with someone who is so messed up and trashy?
Can't they see how unrealistic this relationship really is?
In all honesty, there is a good chance the person who's acting out isn't even thinking about risking a life of calm and serenity for the excitement of being with someone else. The compartmentalization that most betrayers and even addicts utilize separates the two realities in their mind. The risk is part of what brings the adrenaline and excitement, but the reality of losing everything they hold dear doesn't really hold any weight in the moment. At one level they may be aware that they could lose everything, but the reality of that possibility doesn't really register in their mind. This explanation seems literally incomprehensible to the betrayed spouse, however, it's a very real mindset for the betrayer. It's a difficult concept to explain to someone who's not an addict. It's a bit like trying to describe light or color to a blind person. You can tell them what it's like, but unless you experience it, then it's hard to believe someone could actually think this way.
Please don't hear me saying this is an excuse for this type of behavior. It absolutely is NOT. The person who lives like this still does know that what they're doing is wrong and that there are ways to deal with the mess they've created, but they have to make that choice on their own. We can help create opportunities for them to come out of the haze of their choices, but it requires their own commitment to the process.
Why do men or women cheat and have no conscience about it?
Why do people cheat and have no guilt regarding their actions? The real answer is that only a very small percentage of the population experience little to no guilt when acting out. The vast majority feel the prick of guilt, but they use defense mechanisms, such as blaming, victim thinking, minimization, rationalization, or denial, to push their conscience away. If they have resentments toward their mate, they may justify their actions by feeling their spouse deserves it because of their lack of concern for their emotional and/or sexual needs. If they've been engaging in the behavior for a longer period of time, their heart may have become hardened to the behavior and it no longer seems that bad, at least to them.
A lack of remorse doesn't mean someone has no conscience. It can be an indication that somehow, in their mind, they have come up with a way to justify what they've done in order to avoid taking responsibility for the failure.
Did they ever really love me?
This one is hard to answer. It all depends on how you define love. One thing is for certain, if someone betrays their mate, we all agree that what they've done is not loving. However, I believe every human being is capable of loving someone and, at the same time, in a moment of selfishness, acting in ways that are contrary to love. Loving your mate in no way precludes you from being angry with them and saying something hurtful. Saying something hurtful certainly isn't in the same league as a betrayal, but if your love for your mate isn't sufficient to keep you from acting in a way that's unloving toward them, then their love for you may not be sufficient to keep them from doing something hurtful to you.
On the other hand, I believe many people, including cheating spouses, have a pretty shallow understanding of love. They get married thinking they love their mate, but in reality, they love how their mate makes them feel about themselves. If that's the case, they will continue in the relationship as long as the marriage continues to make them happy. But if, for whatever reason, the marriage ceases to make them happy, or if they find someone or something that makes them feel even better, then it won't be long until the allure of something or someone better draws them elsewhere.
If that occurs, does it mean they never loved you? Almost surely, no, but it can get complicated, especially when one or both spouses are neither honest nor sure about their feelings. It's possible that the unfaithful partner's journey into the forbidden may have opened their eyes and helped them realize that their spouse is what they really cherish. At this point, their reality begins to shift and it's a teeter totter of guilt, despair, and confusion as to what to do next to try and save the marriage. At the very least, if they are choosing to work on the relationship, I believe their betrayal and the response of their partner may be the very thing that begins to teach them the true meaning of love and open up a door for true reconciliation. I know this type of restoration is possible. I've seen it with my own marriage as well as countless others who decide to give the marriage a chance to be restored.
How does a betrayer or cheating spouse think? (i.e. WHAT were you THINKING?!)
I'm sad to say, if they had really been thinking and considering the impact of their actions, there is a good chance they never would have done this. I can't tell you how many times I've heard both men and women state if they had known the consequences of their actions before they had acted, they would have never done it. I think very few people rightly consider all the costs when they act out in betrayal. For your sake and theirs, I wish they had been thinking. I'd have less business, but the world would be a safer, happier place!
Regardless of where you've landed after your attempts at reconciliation or healing, I want you to know there is hope today. The callousness of your spouse or the unrelenting hurt in your own heart doesn't, at any level, disqualify you from being able to find hope, healing, and a restored love. It's not easy, and it's not overnight, but the hard work that occurs during the healing process makes the end result more than worth it. Relationships are at risk. The rest of our lives are at risk. Such precious commodities need a proven approach that is rooted not in shaming or 'guilting' you or your spouse into recovery but in leading you down a road of discovery and healing.
I hope and pray you'll reach out today for help. If you'd like to join us at our upcoming EMS Weekend, you'll want to hurry and register here: https://www.affairrecovery.com/product/ems-weekend.
Hope for Healing Registration Soon! Space Is Limited!
Designed specifically for wayward spouses, Hope for Healing is a supportive, nonjudgmental environment for you to heal and develop empathy. Over the years, this 17-week, small group course has helped thousands of people find hope, set healthy boundaries and move toward extraordinary lives.
"I just finished Hope for Healing and am proud of the changes that I already feel in myself and my marriage. I found Affair Recovery when I was at the darkest point in my life, and this course has helped me to get myself on a true path to recovery." - S., Alabama | November 2020 Hope for Healing participant.
Spaces fill up quickly for this course. To learn when registration opens back up, click the button below.
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I know all sorts of reasons
I know all sorts of reasons why I should give my wife a second chance including our years together, family, children....but What makes them deserve that chance?
How do you address that fact that while healing is possible, with a lot of time and compassion, forgiveness may never be a possibility? The betrayed seems to be able to "put it away", but I don't know if the betrayal can ever truly be forgiven. It seems that the betrayed often say they forgive and are moving on, but hold onto the betrayal...even storing it as a safeguard against it ever happening again.
For me, I seem to be holding it back. I'm living a life that seems (to her and the world) to be moving on and forward, but in the back of my mind...I'm waiting for it to happen again, or for me to just find the courage to leave her. I don't want to reveal how I truly feel, that the marriage is irreparable, as she has already suffered enough for her actions and is more repentant and humble than I could ever ask for.
I am right there with you.
I am right there with you. My husband had an emotional affair with a younger female at work. He said it was just a friendship at work only, that they never talked or saw each other after work. But they exclusively lunched alone together every day. He never mentioned her name to me...not once so I had no idea that he even worked with a girl named Michelle. My husband will admit that it was an emotional affair only because I showed him multiple articles on the internet that is what he had. He said she meant nothing to him, they talked about nothing but tv shows and other people at work, but to me, logically, why did he feel the need to never mention her to me. Why do you hide something that doesn't need to be hidden? So the result is my trust in him is lost and I think I will never return. He is so apologetic, admitted it was wrong. He kept this secret friendship from me for over three years. The only reason I found out was because I started to have gut feelings that wouldn't go away. I became depressed and started to question him and nag him nonstop until he finally confessed of his secret friendship with a girl I never knew he even worked with for years. So now afte 7 months of finding this out, I have experienced a deep hurt and pain that I don't think I've ever experienced before. I am on meds, I see therapists....nothing is helping me with this hurt. My husband claims he was stupid, didn't think of me, but still loves me and doesn't want to break up our marriage and family. All I know is that just when I think I have forgiven him and feel normal, something will trigger me and I will go crazy once again and scream and yell at him, blaming him for the pain I suffer. If I'm not yelling, then I am crying and barely can function. It's a roller coaster ride right now and I'm still trying to figure out if he deserves a second chance. I'm still trying to figure out the WHY behind his secret so called innocent friendship in which he needed to protect enough to make sure I never knew about it. I just don't know what to do and everyday is a crap shoot for me regarding my emotional state. We've been married for 14 years and together total of 20 years. That's a lot of time invested in a person and I honestly feel complete shock about this and wonder if this hurt will ever go away.
I am sorry for your pain, I know how you feel. A betrayal from the person you trust and love the most in this world makes you question everything you thought you knew about that person. I hope you hang on and keep positive, and try to take care of yourself.
Yes...I feel like you do
Yes...I feel like you do every single day!! I hate the out of control emotions.
I hear you both
I know the pain you both express. My wife had, at first, an emotional affair with an old boyfriend from high school that she found on facebook, that eventually turned physical and she ended up leaving me for him. She chose to throw away our 20 year marriage and tear apart our family so she could be "happy" with the "love of her life" that she had only dated for a few months her junior year of high school and then hadn't talked to in over 24 years. I couldn't understand how she could do that to our three kids. I have had to come to the place where I realize that I will never understand and that even if I did it wouldn't bring healing. Healing isn't found in understanding. Healing for me has only been found in holding on to the truth that GOD is GOOD despite the nightmare you are in. No matter what my circumstances may feel like, THAT is true. It is truly the hardest to trust Him in the fact that He can use this horrible pain somehow for good in the lives of my kids. But again, that is where I just have to choose to TRUST that what He says is true. It is NOT a one-time-and-done kind of trust. It is a DAILY choosing to trust. Even still, after 3 and a half years since she began her affair and I found out (and now 3 years after she left me for him) it is still painful. Events still happen that poke at that wound. It also helps tremendously to have found community with people who have also walked similary painful paths. I wouldn't say that the pain ever fully goes away - at least it hasn't yet for me. But I can say that I am learning to have much better reactions to the pain when it comes. I can't say I know what the pain would be like if she had stayed. I do think though, that the greatest pain that I feel now - the pain I feel for my kids every day - would not be there.
2 years out
I am more than two years out from discovery. Though obviously my resentment and issues are still present, I'm not on that emotional roller coaster any longer. It faded with time, but it has taken all of two years to get there. I still have moments (many times a day) of flashbacks and sometimes I get visibly shaken by it. Sometimes I cannot look at my wife due to the disgust...but that is not as deep, painful or prolonged as it used to be. In the end, here is the one thing you will have to accept.....There is no honest, good or legitimate reason for the "why".
It is just something you have to decide to live, or not live, with.
Many times, it could just be the desire for attention. As a guy, we are often just STUPID ...simply paying attention to women who fawn over us or make us feel intellectually or physically superior. It's all about insecurity on our part. I had it happen to me, but I rebuffed the woman's advances. My wife had it happen to her, she chose to have an affair. For me that decision is about moral character....Do I want to be with someone who would ever do this to me? That is my pending question.
Please give yourself time to come down off the roller coaster and starting seeing things clearly. Choose to find that clarity of mind and gain control of yourself, in order to make a rational and logical decision. Don't base any decision on your feelings now. I know you don't trust them, and you shouldn't....You're in protection mode and this anguish will cloud any judgement about your relationship. It may take a while, but you will find yourself on more stable ground and then you will be ready to face your future.
Please know there are many people who feel your pain. If we could, we would reach out and hug you.
Thank you sharing. My husband
Thank you sharing. My husband has an affair of 2 years with 1 abortion and 1 pregnancy which she carried till birth.
I am still having nightmares ans flashbacks as those they just happened before my eyes, though Dday was a year ago.
I blame him to putting me through this.
My self worth took such a bashing that I am so insecured and there is so much anger and hurt within me. He would say why cant you move on.
I know life will not be the same anymore, and I will not be the same anymore. Everything triggers my thoughts on his infidelity.
I just wish it never happened, and thinking that I was not good enough is cutting so deeply into my soul.
Forgiveness is possible, but don't try to rush it.
I'll answer your questions based on my marriage.
1) Why should I give my wife (of 14 years with 3 kids from 11 to 3) a second chance? What makes her deserve that chance?
Well, to be honest, my wife did not deserve the chance. She hadn't done anything to earn another chance. I discovered the affair while it was still going on, so it's not even like she cut it off with him and came clean to me. Her deserving a second chance has nothing to do with my giving it to her, any more than God's forgiveness of me has anything to do with my deserving it.
2) How do I address that while healing is possible, forgiveness may never be possible?
In the beginning, I feared that I would never be able to forgive my wife for what she had done. However, forgiveness is not always the first step, so don't worry about it. My wife talks about me comforting her on our back deck, holding her as she cried over the mess her life was in (2 day post discovery). That was God and anyone who knows me knows that I am not capable of that level of compassion for someone who has hurt me that much. I had not forgiven my wife at that point, I was still angry at her and my "friend" who had betrayed me, but God had one of his children who was in pain and needed to be held and to know that God loved her and, lucky for me, He put me in that place to do that for my wife.
The last question wasn't phrased as a question, but I'm going to answer it as if it were. What did I do when I felt the need to "fake it till I made it" or look like I was moving forward when I was holding back?
I talked to people. One of the problems I had is I couldn't talk to my friends, because most were her friends too and others were just mine and would tell me I was crazy to stay with her. I needed to have a support group of men I could talk to without fear that they would judge me for staying with her, judge her for what she did, etc. Basically, I needed a place I could go to process life, out loud, and have guys just say "Thanks for sharing Joe". It got better, and it's still getting better. I'm not in a daily fear of the "other shoe dropping".
My wife and I have now been married for 17 1/2 years and our marriage is better than it ever was before. I have forgiven her, I can't point to a day and say that was the day, but slowly I realized that I had forgiven her. I wish it had never happened, but it did and God does not waste a hurt.
From Anon
And thank you for your feedback. It seems so much better to hear this advice from someone who has been in my shoes.
Maybe that's the point of your last answer.
Spot On
Your thoughts are right on with what I wanted to say. That we don't deserve Christ forgiveness either. Forgiveness is a process, I've forgiven my wife as much as I can at this point. In other words I've made the logical choice too, but emotionally forgiving its going to take some time.
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who feels like Gods compassion has been flowing through me and allowing me to love and hold and comfort my wife and she processes and feels the pain of what she did to me, our marriage, the other marriage, etc. When my wife broke the news to me and finished she begged me to say something, anything, all I could think to say was that I still loved her, and I did/do. But it has to be because of God, I don't think that the way I've handled this is something I have done on my own, its God using me as a vessel to show his grace. I don't deserve Christ love or forgiveness, and I suppose my wife doesn't deserve mine, but Christ loves me and forgave me, and I'm choosing to love and forgive my wife as much as I feel I can at any given time. Like you Joe, I'm lucky that I get to help comfort the woman that God gave me as a wife.
I think the hardest part for me is that I don't feel like there is anyone else I have to talk to, no one really knows about the affair except the us, our pastor and the AP and his spouse; but more than that I don't know who else I would tell even if we weren't trying to keep it quiet. Which is why I'm here I guess.
It's a slow process to recovery, but by Gods grace it is happening!
Your words fit me perfectly.
Your words fit me perfectly. I didn't think anyone else felt this way. I often ask myself if I did the right thing by staying in my marriage. I feel like I did the right thing for my children. It's been two years since I found out about my husband's affair. He still feels guilty but sometimes I feel like I'm paying the price for his affair. My husband also does not know how I truly feel. He thinks everything is fine. We've been to counseling and have tried different programs, but none of it changes the way I feel. I don't feel like a whole person. This affair has taken a lot from me, more than my husband will ever realize.
They will never really know
Why is it that we won't tell them how we are really doing ? That's what I asked myself when reading your response. Is it we don't want to hurt them? Harm the progress we or they have made? Make them feel bad all over again? Piss them off? I think for me all of the above. Sadly, he will never really know how my heart aches everyday. He doesn't ask. His life is easier if he doesn't know. Unfortunately I've been conditioned by my spouse that there will be some sort of negative response if I bring IT up, if I have a heart retching moment that destroys my day, I hear a song, or am feeling insecure and vulnerable, I don't talk about it.. I bear my burden alone and tell myself it or I will be ok. Why is it that the betrayed tend to be the ones that console or end up saying we're sorry after a blow up. Thinking about it right now, it may be the same reason he had an affair and I would never allow myself to do such a horrible thing and hurt someone I love. Shouldn't the betrayer be consoling the person they chose to betray? Wouldn't it make more sense that they would be asking us how we are doing? If we have any thing we would like to talk about ? No. It's not like that for me or for many of the people I read about on this site. Why ? Once again, they were the ones who were selfish enough to be able to have an affair to begin with. Morality, loyalty, selflessness, and empathy to name a few. That's what we have that they didn't and some still don't. I'm so messed up since this happened 3 1/2 yrs ago but....he doesn't know it. Why? Because I love him that much ! Sad but true. Unfortunately, even though we are doing amazingly well and he is good to me, I will never be the person I used to be, but, I am doing good ! What goes around comes around. I will remain a good person, a good mother and a faithful wife. I hope you and all the other men and women who have been crushed will realize that they are not as bad, inadequate, or horrible as this undeserving situation has made us feel. Let God heal you, move forward and try not to look back! Blessing to all. May the new year be better than the last !
You took my words ....
Wow I have just cried reading your post as this is EXACTLY how I feel, I couldn't have written it better myself. I am 2 years past DDay and although we attended counselling and agreed to "work through it" it's like the elephant in the room that we no longer talk about. Despite doing so much positive work on communication .. We've come to a complete stop. He never asks how I am, how I am feeling or offers any reassurance. I, in turn don't talk about it either for fear of "bringing it up again" I get the fact that to him he wants to forget and move on .. But he never checks in with me to see that I'm doing ok. I have really low moments that basically I Just work through on my own, this makes me resent him at times and I feel I am struggling. I no longer feel the person that I used to be, it has forever changed me and that I find really frightening. God Bless and keep moving forward x
Why don't we tell them
We don't tell them how we really feel, because we love them. It is a conflicting feeling to love someone, be crushed by them and to be repulsed at the same time. But that love rises to the surface and makes us bite our tongue.
In holding back, we may even be doing exactly what the betrayer was doing..holding in feelings an thoughts until the manifest. Someone oh is weak or even self-centered may choose to have an affair. But ...most of the time...a betrayed spouse would have rather that the honest truth, no matter how heartbreaking. It would have shown caring and concern, rather than malice and cowardice. My wife wasn't thinking of me or our children, she was only thinking of her own needs to attention.
Is holding back the right thing to do now? I doubt it. It will come to light. But how do yourself your wife that you would really prefer to be alone, that you don't believe in her any more, and that you are disgusted by her actions? I'm trying to spare her that pain, but deep inside I need I say it. Someday.
Thank you
These words were exactly how I feel - same time period everything. We are really good and have a much better marriage bizarrely however that's all he sees rather than the true pain I see to get to this point. I will never been the same person but will thanks god everyday that I found the strength to truly make it work and hold it together.
I too share your questions and concerns
It's been about 9 months since I found out my husband was having an emotional affair with his boss at work. I found emails of the two of them discussing marriage and how particular songs made them feel. I was devastated. I went through a whole plethora of emotions in a very short amount of time and even though he hurt me, I couldn't imagine my life without him. I begged and pleaded with him to give us a chance to work on whatever it was that made him stray. It wasn't until I confronted him with the cold reality of what it meant if we divorced (by bringing him dissolution papers) that he even attempted to give us a shot at repairing our marriage. We went to counseling and to a dispute resolution course and really grew together during that time. I love this man dearly and even if he didn't deserve a second chance, I know I never would have forgiven myself if I hadn't fought for us.
But, I'm not sure when the day of forgiveness will arrive for me. I want to forgive him. I want to let it all go, but I keep being reminded of the things he did that really hurt me most. His affair began in late January, but by this time last year he was already showing signs (that I didn't recognize then) that there was something wrong. This time last year I was incredibly ill with the flu and he didn't seem to care.
I don't want to keep thinking about these things, but I know that because of the time of year, I am going to be reminded of all the stuff that really hurt me. I so want to forgive him and get past these hurt feelings. I don't want to keep on discussing this or feeling upset over it. What's done is done and we really have a better relationship because of it--but how do I stop feeling hurt by it?
What about having to go into revovery for the second time?
My wife knew full well the consequences of her third affair. I only knew about the second one when I found out about the third. These were over 25 years with the same man during our 32 year marriage. We seem to be doing well with recovery however I still have so many extra "why" questions now. Honestly she had two affairs during her first marriage. She seems to truly want me and our marriage however there are still unexplained "details" and she continued to trickle out information for months after D-day. I do love her and want to get our marriage where it should be but now I really fear something is seriously wrong with her personality. Do you have any suggestions that can help me?
Stop asking why or how
I am the betrayed wife, recovering from my husband's 22 year affair with the same woman. It appears that he was able to compartmentalize his relationships with her and with me and his family. His behavior has changed for the better, but I don't trust him, don't pretend to trust him. I have found the strength to forgive him and love him again, BUT I have also found the strength to leave him if I discover that the affair isn't over or if it resumes. It is difficult for me not to ask questions about their relationship. When I have asked he seems to be quite forthcoming. Now, I am at the stage that I wished it never happened.
not knowing how.
For my spouse, he let it slip "she was so attractive" then swears he doesn't know why. He shook his head while saying this like he was pushing away images in his mind. He described her empathy for him when I forgot his last birthday before I discovered his affair. He would complain to my siblings that I was disrespectful and out of nowhere to me, that people had higher regard for him than I do.
In time we both agreed that his excuses were gross and unfair. He was with her because of sex, avoiding his failures in his marriage by turning to someone who satisfied his needs without demanding or requiring his commitment.
His reasons were clear to me and I know the shame of his actions and the same pride and arrogance with which he ignored marital issues as well intrinsic selfishness made him act out. All that was too much to openly admit. He now goes overboard in trying to fix this.
I believe the betrayed spouse can piece together why by sieving through the little they admit and how they behaved or said during the affair.
My husband was being selfish, arrogant and sexually addicted(porn).
Rick, this is an excellent article
I will be sharing this article through a variety of sources. It is an excellent article!
Wife had an affair for 10 years
My wife had an affair with her ex-boss for 10 years and it ended ONLY when I discovered 10 years worth of emails on her computer and I called the married man involved and ended it. I then confronted her and she admitted to everything. She NEVER cried, which has always bothered me, but she DID for the first time in years act very loving towards me. It is almost one year to the day of their last "date" and It is a struggle at best. Just as soon as I forgive her, something will trigger a thought in my mind and I am eaten alive by it again. We raised our three kids from infancy back then into teenagers and all those memories, all those family photos, EVERYTHING was false. It hurts so bad, I love those memories. In retrospect things were NOT good during that time, but I never ever thought she would do this. Even if our love life was down, I always thought she was my best friend in the world. She has done her best I think, although I wish to no end she would actually CRY about it sometimes. She, when angry, has said that she thinks the whole thing actually "helped" her stay married to me and that I am to blame for not listening to her. Then when apologetic she takes full blame. But she NEVER really gets upset.
How does it all end? I am so ENRAGED at his smiling mug and the FACT that he and his wife and daughters do NOT have to go through this, he is still a pillar of the community type and his daughters idolize him. I could ruin him but have not.
How does it all end? I am beginning to think it never does.
Thanks for the forum. I have no answers. Something will ALWAYS come up to bring it up.
My heart breaks for you
As I type this response, I'm having to hold back the burning in my throat and I'm fighting the sting of tears in my eyes. My husband's affair didn't last as long as your wife's. But for the 20 years of our marriage, he has behaved in selfish, disrespectful, and often emotionally abusive behavior against me. Before his affair, my husband now admits to a one night stand, to a number of flirtations with random women, three emotional affairs. I believe he's not being completely truthful about the extent of his involvement with any of these women. I may as well consider he has been unfaithful for the entirety of our marriage.
I, too, now look at old photographs, birthday cards, and tender memories with a cynical eye. I question the validity of his loving words, feel the stab of rage and despair when I see the devastation of what I thought was a good life. I can do nothing about the women of years ago.
So, I get you, Keith... I get the torture and dissatisfaction when our betrayers show no apparent sorrow for their egregious betrayals. I can feel for you, because I know with painful detail the open wound in the heart and soul that just won't stop bleeding and screeching the injustice of it all. I hate that the affair partner is still enjoying her life, thinking herself loved and the sexiest of beings, and he was now certain for weeks that he'd never loved her... instead, he broke up with the excuse, "my therapist said I can't see you any more".
But through all this, I must tell you... I don't surrender to the hate and anger. I'm deserving of love, including my own! Comforting as anger and bitterness is when we're hurt, it isn't healthy. Sure, it's easy to think this way, but in practice, battling triggers and anxiety, doubts, and all the garbage that affairs dump on us, the betrayed, is nothing short of Herculean. Have courage, Keith... take comfort instead in knowing you aren't alone, and you're NOT crazy, and slowly, but surely, it can get better.
God bless you and your family. I'll be praying for you and for all of us I'm the same boat
re: support
Joe, your comment struck me like a knife. I realize tha i am stuck and a non judgmental outlet just to "get it out" can you share with me the support group you are involved in? I feel that if i keep this bottled up any longer I'll blow!
Glad to know that my feelings are normal
It's good to hear that I am not alone in feeling that I really don't know that I will ever truly forgive my husband. I still love him, but this betrayal has changed something in me and I don't know that I will ever truly be the same. I have told him that I will try to give him a second chance, but deep down I don't know that this will not eventually eat away at me so much that I leave. Our newborn son was one week old when he starting sleeping with his co-worker. It lasted less than a month, and he says he all of a sudden "came to his senses." We had been married 14 years and were pretty happy, or at least I was.
what about a third chance
Why should I give a THIRD chance to a spouse who has had an affair with the same coworker twice and refuses to give full disclosure? First time could have been a mistake (I repressed my feelings and gave the benefit of the doubt plus I had two little boys at home)BUT the second time is a CONCIOUS CHOICE. In this case, a really bad choice. And if I do decide to give a third chance, how do I know it won't happen again? I don't. It's been a whole year since Dday. I am trying to trust God with my spouse, but I am having such a hard time with trust and forgiveness STILL, I just don't know if a third chance is possible for me to give. It still just hurts so very much and I can't go through this again. I'm afraid it will kill me. My blood pressure has been at stroke level many times from the stress and I've lost over 30 pounds. My desire to do anything is gone. I can't sleep longer than 2 hours at a time. My heart just feels numb most of the time. Just getting out of bed to teach my students is a struggle, but luckily,once I get to school, they are the ones who take my mind off my troubles temporarily and give me a little normalcy. I don't really know why my husband cheated with the same person for a second time--the excuse he gave was incredibly lame--a really idiotic justification -- but the damage has been done. I don't know how to trust, respect, or believe him anymore. I feel like the past 35 years of my marriage has been a sham. i am devastated still, after a whole year. If he has wanted her twice, then he must love her. That is all I can figure out. Just haven't been able to pick up the phone and tell the lawyer to file. Dont' know why.
not understanding
I'm trying. I really am. I know you have helped thousands of couples. I hope someday I will understand the compartmentalization. It's going to be a tough sell. I guess God is already at work because he is staying my hand. Originally I was going to blast you about this cursory treatment of betrayal. (minimizing) But I realize there are as many reasons for affairs as readers, and as many means of betrayal as betrayers. You're not writing a book- you have limited space. So I guess what I really want to say is thank you for everything you do to help us. You do a great job. (God just turned criticism into praise and gratitude) Thank you for Harboring for Hope, for your EMS weekends and thanks for being available to counsel us. We need your help.
There is never a way to know if they deserve another chance
No one can tell the future. If we could, perhaps it would not have happened the first time. Maybe if I could see my marriage better and stronger 5 years from now, I could view the affair as the catalyst. If I could see that there would be another affair, despite our efforts to recover, I could feel confident in leaving. Unfortunately, right now feels awful; wondering if each day will be a new d-day; wondering when it will feel safe again. Seeing the hope is really hard through the veil of mistrust.
This is my first comment on
This is my first comment on this site but I felt the need to share. My husband of almost 20 years has been unfaithful twice in our marriage...the last Dday was about 8 months ago. I found out when I picked up his cell thinking his boss was sending him a text. What I found was a text from a woman telling him how much missed him. Needless to say I kicked him out. I went through his phone that night and found messages to different women and to his affair partner that really proved they had been having an affair for months...the most devastating part was reading how this woman told him, repeatedly, that she was "addicted" to him...and him telling her how much he loved her. For months he didn't communicate with me nor our children. Then he asked for a meeting. I sat across from this man whom I have loved for 22 years. He could not look at me and blamed me for his behavior...not once did he admit his affair with this woman even after I told him everything I read on his phone. He blames me for destroying our marriage. That was three months ago. He hasn't had any contact in two months and has blocked our children and me on Facebook. He has completely shut down and in the meanwhile, here I am, in our home with our children (two boys - 14 and 18) who are heartbroken and shattered having to take care of all expenses and all our affairs because he abandoned his family and responsibilities. He has cut off ties as a defensive mechanism and no longer acknowledges me or our children... Never thought that after living with this man for 22 years this would happen...what has made me face everyday is the love I have for our children and my faith in God...all my pain, suffering and disappointments have been put in His hands. I truly believe that God moves mountains - you just have to believe and love unconditionally in order to forgive. For all my family has gone through in the last three years since the discovery of the first affair, I want to believe we are where we need to be. As far as my husband goes, I don't know if he will ever have the courage to face me or our children or ever admit what he has done without blaming anyone else...I refuse to file for divorce only because I do not want out of our marriage...I have hope that one day he will find his way home just like I believe God moves mountains - it's just in His time and not mine.
Since the affair, now 3 years out, we have been separated. My husband has made no effort to restore any trust, even having a separate phone account. His affair partner told me the truth and she was 40 years younger and he was having her come to our home, even introducing her to our son, saying they were the same age and should see each other socially. I lied to our sons about me, trying to make himself the victim. And he was violent. Still, I feel that at 37 years of marriage I don't know if it is worth completely giving up on our marriage. I don't know what I feel. Most of the time I still feel contempt for the damage he did to our family and to my reputation in our family with such damaging lies to cover his own guilt. I realize that cheaters have their own type of psychology and also those who are betrayed go through a lot of the same emotions. It is a difficult and long journey. My husband's heart hardened terribly probably to insulate him from what he did. I don't know if I would even be safe with him anymore he holds such resentment toward me that I was not the guilty one. He wanted me to have all the shame AND the blame. I am not afraid of living without him. I guess I am more afraid of living with him and never feeling whole again and always hurting. Thank you for this format. It is helpful to read how others have healed or dealt with this terrible terrible pain.
Cheating sex addict
My husband of 30 years had a gay sex addiction. It went on for six years, starting after 20 years of marriage. I found out last spring. He told me he had contracted an std. He said it escalated from porn to anonymous m2m sex at a bookstore. I have been working on healing myself and he is dedicated to saving our marriage. We have made good progress. He has always been attracted to me and our sex life was good. I don't know what to make of this. Could he be in denial? Wouldn't I know? What if he needs both to satisfy him? I can't live with that. What if this is a perversion of sex addiction? Can he recover? He said he didn't really feel he was cheating because he did not have an affair with a women. I've been through the worst of this now and I'm working on myself and how I will live my future.
My husband and I have been married Almost 3 years. I have recently found out he cheated on me. He says he did not sleep with het anf whe. the girl started the act preformed he told her he could not go through with it. the next day told her off and told me. i would like to know if i am over reacting? i feel completely betrayed and devasted and embarrassed. I have put a walk up and cannot seem to come out of it. i have for 3 years put our relationship and him so high on a pedestal and now it feels like nothing. he has never made me wonder or think he would ever cheat on me. everyone could see it.."he only has eyes for you" he doesnt know why he did put himself in the situation that he did. we have 3 kids and i just dont have the slightest idea what to do..we had such a good relationship, were happy, even he said he was so happy, but then what? he wants to stay..but how can i believe him? how can i ever.get so close to him?- im sad..and broken, severely confused and worried about my babies futures...
My husband refuses to discuss
My husband refuses to discuss his affair with me, even after almost a year and a half later. Any information I've gotten has come out in bits and pieces. He claims that he had no feelings or attraction to his affair partner, how could he carry on a six month affair without being attracted. I don't buy it. I've allowed us a year to fix it, so far he hasn't even tried. I think it's time to go our separate ways.
Why did they do,it?
That article " hit the nail on the head" it covers all the reasons I suspected and
I am partially (6 months) down the road to recovery. I still haven't completely
accepted the affair and my own reason is that the person concerned has always been incredibly selfish
But thanks for the article it's raised my spirits some what
Trying to navigate the forest
It's been 14 months since exposure and disclosure of my wife's 2-year emotional affair and I still experience the daily disconnect and distance from my wife. No love, no desire, no cherishing or respect. Just distance and coldness as she tells me she is on her own personal journey with God and giving it over to Him to try and find a way to fall back in love with me.
It is a very hard, rough and lonely road to navigate. I wake up every morning pressing my pain and anguish into Christ knowing that my heart has yet to give unconditional forgiveness and -- in turn -- I am just like the servant forgiven the debt by his master in the Book of Matthew only to turn around and demand a smaller portion from my fellow servant and then being thrown into jail to be tortured and tormented by the demonic realm. Even though I beg in my heart to forgive both my wife and the youth pastor whom she was involved with from our church -- along with even the head pastor of our church who knew about the affair and did nothing for more than a year until I approached him and confronted the situation (and now we no longer attend that church we were so involved with as a family for 9 years, but the youth pastor and his family got to stay and receive love and healing while my wife and our family and I were left to forge ahead on our own). Yes there is plenty of resent and bitterness my soul has to heal from and I know the unforgivenes is a daily torture that I have to go through.
My walk with God is mysterious in that I have no idea where He is taking me. I don't sense a direction, I don't hear from Him (although that is because I am being tortured and tormented, too, for my lack of unconditional forgiveness). So I walk this journey alone as all friends have gone by the wayside and my wife remains disconnected though still living in the same house as me). We are just roommates going about our daily lives and it is pure torture to have to live with the woman I so love and long for and still desire while she has no feelings for me.
How does one navigate all the whys and what ifs that plague the mind, heart and soul? I know I shouldn't even ask these questions and I know the only reasons I am in this position are because I spent the first 20 years of my marriage putting my wife as my No. 1 over God and she felt smothered and saw me as needy and clingy, which turned off her respect and love for me. I also became very angry at God for quite a few years as I battled bouts of unemployment and could not provide for my family, placing the burden (even to this day) on my wife to be the provider for our family.
Just praying constantly for God's direction, patience, goodness and grace as I try to navigate through this forest of emotions that engulf me daily and to quit hitting the trees that keep popping up in front of me! I want God to receive the glory for everything -- especially for eventual reconciliation with my wife in a new and redeemed marriage covenant!
Feeling your pain
I just read your post and I can relate so much to your pain, especially from your spouse's disconnect and distance. We are 4 years into our journey and I'm still living with a spouse who cannot or will not open himself back up emotionally and physically to me. We've been married for 33 years and are both strong Christians. I also do not know where things will take us but I do know that God is in control and I am only in control of how I show up to my husband and my words and actions. I cannot control him or anyone else. It's a hard, lonely road and my heart aches daily.
Why does a Spouse Cheat?
This is an excellent article and I plan to share it with my men (and hopefully --- with their wives)
God bless,
Complexity of why's and still struggling after 18 months
This is a long comment, just a warning to everyone. As the betrayer in a 26+ year marriage, I have found almost all of Rick's articles, and the website in general, to be of immense help. However, despite a spouse full of grace, a very qualified pro-marriage counselor, this website and the understanding of others in my family, we are still struggling with recovery and it's been 19+ months post d-day (rather, disclosure day as I told my wife about the affair before it became physical). After a month of insanity where I put my wife and family through sheer hell, I broke off the affair completely of my own volition after coming to my senses (my wife did not ask me to stay with her); it was almost like I was hit with a sledge hammer out of nowhere or struck by lightning, and suddenly I was standing in a driveway with my AP, not believing where I was or what I had done, and having such a foreboding feeling and longing for my wife that I fled immediately and never looked back (except to tell the AP a few days later via phone to never contact me again and to leave my family alone). I have taken full responsibility for my actions/choices, for the destruction that I have wrought and for the heartstrings that my betrayal has shattered. My wife found the grace and kindness to give me (us) a second chance, but to say that this has been tough on her is the understatement of the century. My greatest hope is that we can build a new foundation from the rubble, one based on mutual love, respect, honesty and friendship. I have strived so far, and will always strive, to provide her with answers to any questions that she may have, and my life has been an open book since we decided to travel the path of reconciliation. I have made some of the "classic" recovery mistakes that are made by so many betraying spouses, and I struggled in early times to provide answers to some of her questions - questions like, "How could you be so mean? Why could you do this? Why could you not simply be honest with me? Why did you have to destroy everything that I held so dear?" I have come to find through counseling that my behaviors were influenced in part, from an upbringing in a very neglectful environment, with parents who were extremely bitter an unloving with one another. I also acknowledge that I have exhibited highly narcissistic tendencies and an addictive personality over the years, which is something that I am actively working on curbing (with success according to my wife). But these are not excuses for my poor choices, my cowardice and my hurtful actions. My actions were born in large part out of fear - a fear that I was failing in my marriage (something my wife had told me over the years), but to admit fear openly to her and not be "stoic" in the public eye would be a failure in-and-of-itself in my mind...and I am pretty certain that this fear of failure is at least partially responsible for me disconnecting from my wife over years, and ultimately falling into the quagmire of betrayal so rapidly. I see now that I became very good at compartmentalizing my affair from my marriage and from my impending 25th anniversary (which in the end I ruined, of course), as well as very good at rationalizing my crazed behavior and actions.
I have come to terms that it felt good to have someone else (AP) who praised me, who told me I was "OK" despite what I was doing, who shared things in common with my interests, and reinforced my rationalization that what I was doing was "in the best interests of all" because I was a no-good husband anyway. After all, my wife had asked me for a divorce on several prior occasions due to my narcissistic tendencies...so what I was doing was just giving her what she had always wanted, right? Or so went my twisted thought process.
There were so many contributing factors that go into why I did what I did - but none of them justifies what I did, nor will there ever be any reason that justifies that which is unjustifiable. I am wondering if this may be part of why my wife is still struggling so mightily, why she wants to run away each day, why she says that at times she regrets giving me/us a second chance - it feels to me like she is looking for answers to "why" that will help her understand my thought process completely, answers that in her eyes are "good enough" to justify what I did...but like Rick's example of explaining light to a blind person, I am not sure that I can adequately explain my twisted thought process in a way that will ever help her understand it completely, because she has never experienced it. I try my best to give her answers to her "why" questions, and I feel that I've been consistent and forthcoming, but she dismisses my explanations as insufficient or says she still cannot understand it, and our conversations always returns back to her "re-living" the pain and agony of my betrayal, what I did wrong, how I was so hateful, how I was such a coward, how I hurt her, etc. We still stay up all night at least once every two weeks discussing my affair and how she feels, to the point where I've had 40+ hour sleepless stretches during the workweek. Afterwards, she will come to me and tell me that she's not trying to be mean or vindictive or make me feel shame, that she just wants answers.
I really don't know how to progress from here; we seem to be "stuck", she doesn't want to find another counselor to help augment the one we are now seeing, she tells me every day that, "...everyone else always runs away from their problems, why can't I run away from my problems?" She is hurting very badly; I will never tell her to just get over it, but I need some help in getting both of us past this. I feel like a jeep that is stuck in the mud. Any advice?
Great video. Thank you
At almost four years to d-day I still struggle as the BW. Full disclosure I was very late to doing my own healing work. I thought that I’d be fixed himself my heart would follow and if I made the choice to stay that also my heart would catchup and fall in line.
I still fight the comparisons and the not understanding why he stayed with me. I find that the more I allow myself to love him in the present my mind is bombarded with past memories that derail me. Even though I understand the logic of everything you say in the video. Do you see in your practice betrayed spouses who still struggle with the mental battles even four years out? I feel now that if our marriage ends it will actually fall on me because I won’t let it go. I don’t want my marriage over, but the past is still very much in my head and it makes me more disconnected from my spouse, and I push him away. I’m afraid we are on a slow fade to divorce. I manage to ruin most of our good moments. Even things I totally enjoy and find special now. Is this typical in some cases?
happy girl 2018 I feel the
happy girl 2018 I feel the same way, reading what you wrote this and this is my life now. Your not alone.
I am 3 yrs out and have many
I am 3 yrs out and have many of the same feelings. I understand it all intellectually but my heart often feels something very different. The disconnect often still causes me great suffering. If I decide that divorce is what I need to thrive, even after 35 years together, I refuse to believe in my head, my heart or what is left of my soul, that it is my fault for ending our marriage or fracturing our family. It is because of his breaking of our sacred vows, his infidelity, his betrayal, his lies, his selfish choices and immoral behavior. That I believe with all my being regardless of the messages I get to the contrary.
Good luck and don’t give up. We are both normal.
Thanks so much for that 🥰
Thanks so much for that 🥰 best wishes to
You and your marriage as well. And many prayers for you heart and head to heal, whatever that may mean
Coming from a WH, you absolutely are not to blame. His choices, his consequences. I have accepted that my selfish behavior put me in the situation I'm in, and clearly not my betrayed wife. Hope you find healing
3 years stronger!!!!
Imposter1717, I am sooo sorry we share a common sisterhood—infidelity club. We did everything within our power to do things right and the best we could in light of the situation we were/are in (never asked for, dreamed for, or knew was happening). What he did was/is unconscionable, totally selfish/ narcissistic, not loving or caring, and certainly not husband-like. It really stinks that we carry around all this shame, guilt, and blame from his choices and actions. One of the things this article didn’t say is that the cheater is immature, unable to think beyond their thoughts, needs and desires—in other words it all about HIM, HIM, HIM! I too struggle to live in the present without knowing my/our past (a past history I never would choose or imagine possible) is not what I saw it to be. My past lives with me daily. It’s right there in my thoughts, nightmares, old photos, old bills, dates, times, songs, places and faces. They have stolen our past. What we believed was our past wasn’t really our past. That kind of thought could make a person crazy—like a scary horror film about alternat universes. My point isn’t to live in the victim mode, but I’m trying to say that your thoughts, fears, and feelings are legitimate. My therapist told me once that it was okay for me to feel that what my sexually addicted husband did to me and my family is too much for me to handle. It’s okay to feel what you feel and to accept that you have the power to do whatever you need to be the best you! It’s always been about them. It’s time for it to be about you, your family, and what’s best/what you can live with because it sounds like you are pushing through just to make it—not living life to the fullest and being the best you! He may have stolen your past, but he doesn’t deserve to steal your future!! Take charge of your destiny and take back the power you deserve!
reply to happygirl2018
I'm 6 years out and could have written your exact words. Although you can heal, I think a betrayal will always color your view and interactions with your spouse. In my case, I can love and respect him, but there is a limit because of what he did. Even though he has done much to make me feel appreciated and valued, there will never be 100% trust again, so that serves as a limit on what my heart can give.
just had 3 year anniversary of discovering....
...and it is just as painful as the day i plugged in his phone so he wouldn’t wake with a dead phone and the text messages popped up....i’m really tired of the roller coaster emotions...i’ve tried being loving and caring but it is with an unbelievable rage simmering underneath. After 34 years, I have no interest in starting over and definitely no interest in another relationship- so at this point i try to find things that bring me joy and i pretty much wrestle with my sadness the rest of the time. He says he’s going to spend the rest of his life ‘making it up to me’ but he has no clue what that means.
Thank you all for sharing. i needed to see that three years out is not such a long time.
I'm in the same boat. I can
I'm in the same boat. I can honestly say I hate him some days. I can't get over that he rejected me for unattractive & some just repulsive strangers. I'm so offended by this personnally. I hate that I feel insucure & unattractive now & he goes about his day like nothing negative ever happens. How can he be over this? Why doesn't he feel like a pile of garbage in my presence?
I replay the past in my head so much. its rotting my soul.
I made the mistake of forcing
I made the mistake of forcing myself to "be ok" 15 years ago after I discovered his affair. The PTSD I still refuse to acknowledge at times has created triggers and conditioned responses in me that I am only now realizing have contributed to a decade of resentment and contempt. I treated him like crap most of the time. Not dealing with the affair properly the first time messed us both up royally. He cheated again recently so I'm becoming intimately familiar with all the anxiety, racing thoughts, anger, and depression AGAIN. I can't decide if I'm strong for staying with him and taking responsibility, trying to heal for real this time... or if I'm a weak idiot with battered wife syndrome. The root belief that stops me and has me "ruining our moments" is: he doesn't deserve to see me happy. I'm not sure how to fix it, but it's definitely getting talked about in therapy this week. I feel like it's going to be my fault if I can't heal too. You're not alone. No one with PTSD really gets over it... you cope. We will never be who we once were and we have to accept that our faith filled, dewey-eyed person is gone. Mourn the loss and adapt. I currently feel like I am doing a horrible job of it. Sending you love and support.
Reply to happygirl2018
Happygirl2018 your comment could have literally come from my experience in recovery from my wife’s infidelity. I’m even 2 years further yet the feelings you describe haven’t lessened for me. In fact the whole feeling as if the marriage fails now after all this it will be my own fault for not being strong enough to overcome this hurdle. After 20 years and 3 children with somebody the mere thought of somehow tearing this thing you’ve built over a lifetime apart seems next to impossible. I can say for certain my biggest regret to this day is thinking we could fix this without professional guidance. In fact the more I researched the subject the more it became clear how many mistakes I made during the first year or so. At this point it feels futile to initiate that sort of help. 6 years of steadily growing into different people has made it feel so impossible to even desire desiring the relationship we once had. It’s not like we fight or even argue about anything, even that would at least have some passion about something. I feel as if all our life we worked hard to get to the point both financially and intimately that we would finally have a chance to slow down and enjoy our fifty’s onward. The thought of planning anything for the future has been a struggle for me. I can honestly say what ultimately led me to stay and try and work it out was the kids weren’t all grown and out of the house yet. Now that that has happened it’s harder to not feel as if I was robbed of half my life which has definitely caused some resentment. I’m sorry to say at least in my experience if you haven’t repaired things after 4 years then 6 years makes it apparent you’ve been avoiding the inevitable at the cost of your ability to enjoy life. I wish you a better tome in the future with your process and apologize for my long rambling as something about your comment really triggered all this to pour out.
Why is the onus on the betrayed?
Thanks for your advice. I am almost four years from DDay. Because we have young-ish children, one of whom has mild anxiety, I decided to salvage the marriage and stick it out. We have our good days and bad days, but I don't feel the love, support and trust that I once so blindly had for him. I don't feel like he will ever have my back, which is what I want in a life partner. And since I just turned 50, I feel like it's now or never if I want to begin to be happy for the rest of my life. I worry that if I wait until our children are grown to divorce him, I will regret missing out on a chance for a new relationship or just a new life of my own. Sadly, I cannot visualize, nor do I look forward to, growing old with him. I feel trapped. That said, I appreciate your perspective on four years vs. six years out. I will definitely take that into consideration.
I want to thank you for the amazing content in these videos and library of resources. I am 3 years into being betrayed and abandoned so I have not viewed this with my spouse as he has run into another relationship. I have still found value in your articles, especially in the “why” and it has brought comfort and clarity in a time of pain and confusion. May God bless your ministry!
Did I hear correctly?
Did you actually just say the cheater did not know what the consequences would be?