Find Hope Healed individuals serve as vital guides. Read these stories of restoration to find hope through the journey of others. Must Reads more less Does Time Heal All Wounds? Healing After An Affair Why Couples Fail After an Affair | Part 1 - Not Knowing What Happened Rebuilding Trust After An Affair Untransformed Pain will be Transmitted 31 Reasons to Stop an Affair: Part 1 Why People Cheat: The Fog of Self-Deception (Part 1) Coping with Infidelity: The 2 Stages of Pain How to Survive Infidelity 20 Most Common Mistakes of the Hurt Spouse Why Did My Spouse Cheat? A Crucial Question In Healing After An Affair Bedside Forgiveness: When Death Coincides With Infidelity Dealing with Infidelity: How to Get You Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling) Surviving Infidelity: The #1 Challenge to Recovery Ending an Affair: Lock the Door Part 1 The Seven Mistakes Churches Make When Dealing With Infidelity Surviving Infidelity: What Do We Tell the Kids? How Long Does It Take to Recover From An Affair? Social Shame: Understanding the Paralysis of it Ending an Affair - Step One: Make the Decision Pimping Tenderness & Grooming Behaviors How Could You? Part I: Why We Commit Betrayal With Infidelity How Could You? Part IV - Doublespeak and Distorted Comparisons 20 Most Common Mistakes of the Unfaithful Spouse Healing After an Affair: How do I Address Unmanageability? Discovery: Part 1 - How to Handle Discovery The Power of Small Groups The Problem with Forgiveness Infidelity Counseling: How Effective Is It? Surviving Infidelity Part 1: What Do You Need to Know? Affair Recovery Timeline for Healing After Betrayal 895 Resources Type Title Posted Q&A Can I Heal While Spouse is Active in an Affair? 8/04/2015 Q&A What Next? 7/31/2015 Q&A Does Chronic Pain Contribute to Affairs? 7/31/2015 Q&A How do I Come to Terms with what they Did? 7/31/2015 Q&A Why Does my Mindset Change from Morning to Night? 7/28/2015 Q&A Is this what PTSD Looks Like? 7/28/2015 Q&A They had to Know the Affair Would Devastate me, Right? 7/28/2015 Q&A How do we Cope with the Ashley Madison Blackmail News? 7/28/2015 Q&A Any Thoughts for a Hopeless Situation? 7/20/2015 Q&A Am I Being Compared to the Affair Partner? 7/20/2015 Q&A Why Should I Own my Mistakes? 6/26/2015 Q&A Can You Help me Find Reasons to Stay? 6/26/2015 Q&A How can I Regain Self-Esteem? 6/23/2015 Q&A What are the Issues Related to Being a F.O.B.A.D.? 6/23/2015 Q&A Did I Bury the Pain of Betrayal? 6/23/2015 Q&A Is This Really a New Beginning? 6/16/2015 Q&A Is no Sexual Desire Common? 6/09/2015 Q&A What Boundaries are Needed to Keep my Family Safe? 6/09/2015 Q&A How can I Manage my Anger in a Healthy Way? 6/09/2015 Q&A How Long can a Christian Continue to Sin? 6/02/2015 Q&A How do I Deal with my Spouse's Ambivalence? 6/02/2015 Q&A Is There Hope for us to Move Forward After this Degree of Infidelity? 6/02/2015 Q&A How do I Manage my Anger and Find Comfort From my Spouse? 6/02/2015 Q&A Is it Normal to Have Turmoil so Soon After EMS Weekend? 6/02/2015 Q&A Any Final Advice Before I Throw in the Towel? 6/02/2015 Q&A Why Start Over With Someone Who Deceived You and Cheated on You? 5/19/2015 Q&A Should I Separate From my Unfaithful Spouse? 5/19/2015 Q&A Can Our Marriage Begin Again? 5/04/2015 Q&A How do We Heal When We Were Both Unfaithful? 4/21/2015 Q&A How Can I Deal with the Affair Partner Having Been in my House? 4/21/2015 Q&A How do I Obtain Closure When the AP is his Ex-Wife? 4/21/2015 Q&A Are There any Successful Stories Following Dual Affairs? 4/21/2015 Q&A How Does a Betrayed Spouse Deal with Lying by Omission? 4/15/2015 Q&A How can I Believe that my Husband's Affair is Over? 4/15/2015 Q&A Why am I Afraid to Move Forward to a Normal State? 4/15/2015 Q&A My Husband's AP May be Pregnant with his Child. What do I do? 4/15/2015 Q&A Am I Overreacting to Setbacks, and is it Too Soon to Move Home? 4/15/2015 Q&A Is it Normal to Struggle with Liking my Mate? 3/31/2015 Q&A How do I Know my Husband's True Feelings? 3/20/2015 Q&A How Can I Come to Grips that my Husband Thought he was In Love With Someone Else? 3/20/2015 Q&A Am I Someone Who Can't Recover from This? 3/20/2015 Q&A Would more Detail Help me Heal? 3/20/2015 Q&A How Long does Limerance Last? 3/20/2015 Q&A Is it Possible that my Mate has no Feelings for the AP Anymore? 3/16/2015 Nine Signs of an Emotional Affair 3/12/2015 Q&A How Can a Just God Allow This? How can I Get rid of this Pain? 3/10/2015 Q&A After 3 Separate Discoveries of Infidelity, How Can I Tell if This is True Change? 3/10/2015 Q&A My Husband Refuses to Sever Ties with his AP. What do you Suggest I do? 3/10/2015 Q&A What's the Difference Between Personal Recovery and Marital Recovery? 2/20/2015 Q&A Does my Husband have Intimacy Issues? 2/20/2015 Pages« first‹ previous…101112131415161718next ›last »