Rebuilding Trust In the short run, transparency can take the place of trust until trust is reestablished. Learn the components of trust, how to function in its absence, and what it takes to reconnect. Must Reads more less Healing After an Affair: How do I Address Unmanageability? Surviving Infidelity: The #1 Challenge to Recovery The Problem with Forgiveness How Could You? Part I: Why We Commit Betrayal With Infidelity Discovery: Part 1 - How to Handle Discovery Pimping Tenderness & Grooming Behaviors Untransformed Pain will be Transmitted Why People Cheat: The Fog of Self-Deception (Part 1) The Power of Small Groups Ending an Affair: Lock the Door Part 1 31 Reasons to Stop an Affair: Part 1 Rebuilding Trust After An Affair Why Did My Spouse Cheat? A Crucial Question In Healing After An Affair How Long Does It Take to Recover From An Affair? 20 Most Common Mistakes of the Hurt Spouse Affair Recovery Timeline for Healing After Betrayal The Seven Mistakes Churches Make When Dealing With Infidelity Coping with Infidelity: The 2 Stages of Pain Ending an Affair - Step One: Make the Decision Why Couples Fail After an Affair | Part 1 - Not Knowing What Happened Infidelity Counseling: How Effective Is It? Surviving Infidelity Part 1: What Do You Need to Know? Social Shame: Understanding the Paralysis of it Does Time Heal All Wounds? Healing After An Affair Dealing with Infidelity: How to Get You Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling) Bedside Forgiveness: When Death Coincides With Infidelity How Could You? Part IV - Doublespeak and Distorted Comparisons Surviving Infidelity: What Do We Tell the Kids? 20 Most Common Mistakes of the Unfaithful Spouse How to Survive Infidelity 358 Resources Type Title Posted Q&A How Will I Know If He Truly Is Happy? 5/26/2017 Q&A Is It Normal for the Wayward Spouse to Admit Things at D-Day and Then Retract Them? 5/17/2017 Q&A How Do We Move Forward If I Don't Remember 100% of the Affair Details? 5/17/2017 Q&A Is It Necessary to Confess My One Night Stand to My Unfaithful Spouse? 5/10/2017 Q&A Is It Ok to Withdraw My Commitment to Being Completely Emotionally Honest? 5/03/2017 Q&A Is There a Point in Staying Married since My Husband Is Visiting His Affair Partner and Their Child? 5/03/2017 Q&A How Can I Work towards Healing If I Don't Feel We Are at Ground Zero? 5/03/2017 Q&A What's Your Advice for Me Now That My Husband Is Working with His Affair Partner Again? 5/03/2017 Q&A What Do I Do with This Anger and Loss of Trust We Had Worked Hard to Gain? 5/03/2017 Q&A How Can I Trust Someone Who Has Manipulated Me So Much? 4/25/2017 Q&A Is It Healthy for Me to Withdraw My Commitment for Complete Honesty? 4/25/2017 Q&A Am I Being Passive Agressive? 4/12/2017 Q&A What does He Need to Do to Get It? 4/05/2017 Q&A Can this Be Turned Around? 4/05/2017 Q&A Will the doubting stop? 4/05/2017 Q&A How can I regain trust after this setback? 4/05/2017 Q&A How do I move forward without full disclosure? 4/05/2017 Q&A How do I move forward without full disclosure? 4/05/2017 Q&A How can I regain trust after this setback? 4/05/2017 Q&A How Do I Bring up a Situation I'm Uncomfortable With? 3/29/2017 Q&A How Do I Handle Him Working Long Distance with My Lack of Trust? 3/22/2017 Q&A How Can She Help Me Rebuild My Trust in Her? 3/22/2017 Q&A Will the Nature of Our Disclosure Complicate Our Healing? 3/22/2017 Q&A Can You Expand Your Thoughts on Financial Infidelity? 3/22/2017 Q&A How Do I Request a Polygraph from My Mate? 3/08/2017 Q&A Am I Sabotaging Our Relationship Because I'm Not Getting What I Want? 2/15/2017 Q&A How Do I Move Forward Feeling That I Don't Have the Truth? 2/15/2017 Q&A Do You Think I'll Ever Feel Safe given These Circumstances? 2/15/2017 Q&A Can I Speak to the Affair Partner in this Situation? 2/08/2017 Q&A Are his Recovery Steps Sufficient or is Something Missing? 2/08/2017 Q&A How can we Achieve Transparency Without me Policing my Husband? 2/08/2017 Q&A How do I Move Past the Fact that I May Not Have Full Disclosure? 2/08/2017 Q&A Is it my Fear or my Gut Causing me to Not Believe Him? 1/11/2017 Q&A How can the Betrayed Cope with the Continual Lying? 1/11/2017 Q&A Am I Wrong to Use History to Confront Current Behaviors? 1/11/2017 Q&A If I Don't Believe I Have the Truth about the Affair, is there any Hope? 1/11/2017 Q&A How do we Overcome these Barriers to Intimacy? 11/30/2016 Q&A What are the Signs to Watch for to Know a Liar has Stopped Lying? 11/30/2016 Q&A Should I Confront My Mate With the Evidence of His Relapse? 11/02/2016 Q&A Should I Demand My Mate Take a Polygraph? 11/02/2016 Q&A Can There be no Feelings After an 8 Year Affair? 10/18/2016 Q&A Is My Husband Lying or is the Polygraph Inaccurate? 10/18/2016 Q&A How do I Stop Being Ambivalent so I can Commit Back to the Marriage? 10/12/2016 Q&A How do I Forgive a Lifetime of Infidelity? 10/12/2016 Q&A Can We Heal from Infidelity if My Mate Isn't Empathetic, Won't Talk About it, and Blows Up When I Bring it Up? 10/11/2016 Q&A How Can I Communicate With My Spouse After Her Affairs? 10/11/2016 Q&A Why Isn't She Remorseful After Her Affair? 10/11/2016 Q&A After His Affair, Will I Ever Trust Him Again? 10/11/2016 Q&A If He's Been so Good at Lying, How Can I Trust His Story of the Affair? 10/11/2016 Q&A If Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater, How do I Feel Safe? 9/28/2016 Pages« first‹ previous12345678next ›last »