Strengthening Marriage
Nurture your marriage with positive steps towards maintaining a healthy recovery. Use these articles to find security on your pathway to wholeness.
Must Reads
20 Most Common Mistakes of the Unfaithful Spouse
Dealing with Infidelity: How to Get You Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling)
Surviving Infidelity Part 1: What Do You Need to Know?
How Could You? Part IV - Doublespeak and Distorted Comparisons
Discovery: Part 1 - How to Handle Discovery
346 Resources
Type Title Posted
Video Q&A How Do I Navigate Giving My Spouse Time to Show Effort? 3/23/2018
Video Q&A How Will I Ever Move past This and Desire a Connection Again? 3/23/2018
Video Q&A Should We Combine the EMS Program with Other Things? (e.g. Couples Therapy or Married for Life) 3/23/2018
Video Q&A Is There a Purposeful Way We Can Get past This? 3/05/2018
Video Q&A Why Can't I Believe My Mate? 3/05/2018
Video Q&A How Do I Trust That What He Feels for Me Is Real? 2/28/2018
Video Q&A How Do I Handle My Mate's Intense Emotions? 2/28/2018
Text Communication Killers: How to Remedy Stonewalling 2/28/2018
Text How to Not Make Things Worse: Stonewalling 2/21/2018
Video Q&A How to We Navigate Recovery with a History of Abuse? 2/14/2018
Video Q&A How Do I Get to a Place Where I Can Sexually Re-Engage with My Mate? 2/07/2018
Video Q&A Is My Sex Drive Normal? 2/07/2018
Video Q&A How Does My Mate Turn Their Life Around? 1/31/2018
Video Q&A How Do I Support My Mates Grieving Process? 1/31/2018
Video Q&A How Do We Start over without Reviewing the Past? 1/23/2018
Video Q&A How Do I Get My Mate to Quit Criticizing My Attempts to Become Independent? 1/23/2018
Video Q&A How Do You Reclaim the Losses from the Affair? 1/23/2018
Video Q&A How Do I Overcome Being Repulsed by My Husband? 1/22/2018
Video Q&A How Do We Re-establish a Sexual Relationship? 1/22/2018
Video Q&A How Do I, as the Betrayed, Learn to Love My Mate Again? 1/10/2018
Video Q&A Should I Give My Mate Another Chance? 1/10/2018
Video Q&A Can You Address Different Personalities in Marriage? 1/10/2018
Video Q&A How Can I Communicate My Needs in the Marriage? 1/08/2018
Video Q&A How Do I Show My Mate Grace? 1/08/2018
Video Q&A Is It Unreasonable to Expect My Mate to Be Honest about Their Needs? 1/08/2018
Video Q&A Does He Really Want Me? 12/20/2017
Video Q&A Why Can't I Accept That My Mate Is Frustrated at Non-Affair Things? 12/20/2017
Video Q&A How Can We Find an Appropriate Couples Counselor? 12/20/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Get My Mate to Engage? 12/20/2017
Video Q&A How Do You Handle Doubt? 12/20/2017
Video Q&A How Can I Help My Wife Feel Connected to Me? 11/28/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Answer the Question, 'Do You Promise You'll Never Do This to Me Again'? 11/28/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Effectively Communicate My Pain? 11/22/2017
Video Q&A How Do We Break the Barrier between Us When the Unfaithful Says He Isn't Sure He Wants to Be Married? 11/15/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Overcome the Consequences of My Actions? 11/10/2017
Video Q&A How Can We Keep the Healing Momentum Going? 11/10/2017
Video Q&A What Should the Expectations Be for Long Separations? 11/10/2017
Video Q&A How Does an Unfaithful Spouse Cope with Continued Shaming from the Betrayed Spouse? 11/01/2017
Video Q&A How Do We Move Forward When the Unfaithful Still Justifies the Affair with Marriage Deficits? 11/01/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Overcome the Fear I Have with His Sexual Performance? 10/25/2017
Video Q&A How Do We Heal from the Affair While Raising a Child Conceived with the Affair Partner? 10/25/2017
Video Q&A How Can I Be Sure the Type of Sex He Had with His AP Is Not His New Preference? 10/25/2017
Video Q&A What Might It Take for My Heart to Stop Aching and Me to Be Truly 'All In'? 10/25/2017
Video Q&A What Might It Take for My Heart to Stop Aching and Me to Be Truly 'All In'? 10/25/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Show Her We Can Recover from This? 10/10/2017
Video Q&A When Do We Address My Mates Contributions to Our Marriage Issues? 10/10/2017
Video Q&A How Do We Handle Transparency in Recovery? 10/05/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Get through Each Day Knowing My Mate Doesn't Love Me or Want Me? 9/27/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Show Acceptance and What Does It Look Like? 9/20/2017
Video Q&A Is This Normal and How Do We Regain Interest and Momentum Again? 9/06/2017
