Samuel shares personal insight on how to find new strength in recovery.
Samuel discusses what we use to comfort us in our pain and shame, may not always be helpful.
Samuel discusses a major pitfall in recovery: letting pain be our guide.
Samuel discusses the in's and out's of recovery and personal stories of failure and healing.
Samuel lays out a recovery protocol for weariness in recovery from the effects from infidelity.
Samuel answers a pivotal question in recovery: Will all this pain ever go away?
Samuel shares humorous but effective stories about how to make it though the dark days of recovery.
Samuel tackles a sensitive subject: understanding the importance of why a spouse cheats.
Samuel shares insight into the choice we have in dealing with the pain of infidelity.
Samuel provides insight into just a few reasons the betrayed spouse can find their recovery paralyzed.
Samuel answers questions about how to handle the pain of ending dysfunction in recovery.
Samuel shares five significant reasons unfaithful spouses remain stuck in their situation.
Today Samuel tackles a complex but important topic in infidelity: enablement.
Samuel shares insight into why the choice to blame is so enticing for unfaithful spouses.
Samuel share a pivotal point of healing for both himself and Samantha during one of the most difficult times in their recovery.
Samuel shares practical ways a spouse can work on their own recovery, even if they are unsure about the future of the marriage.
Samuel discusses the struggle of an unfaithful spouse who continues to go back and forth between their affair partner and their spouse.
Samuel discusses the need to prioritize your own healing in recovery.
Samuel answers one of the most common questions by betrayed spouses: "When is enough, enough?"
Samuel shares a common struggle couples have in recovery and understanding why spouses really cheat.
Samuel discusses the effect of going through the motions in recovery for both spouses.
Samuel addresses one of the chief myths of recovering from infidelity.
Samuel answers a viewers question regarding the unfaithful spouse and the direction of recovery.
Samuel shares pertinent information on what to do and not to do in the pit of infidelity.
Samuel shares a few ways we sabotage our own healing.
Samuel discusses controlling tendencies in recovery for the unfaithful spouse.
Samuel answers a viewer's question about how to handle anniversaries in recovery both for the marriage and recovery.
Samuel discusses how to allow the pain to work in both the unfaithful and betrayed spouse's recovery.
Samuel shares insight on how the unfaithful spouse can help the betrayed spouse heal faster.
Samuel answers a question regarding how the betrayed spouse should respond when the unfaithful refuses to end their affair.
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Alumna, Grateful Wayward. Strong believer in small group recovery and the power of sharing our faith, experience, strength, and hope in community. Miracles happen.
Alumnus, betrayed. Be a voice of encouragement for those in pain and navigating emotional trauma. The journey to healing can seem impossible, but don’t ever give up as there is a light at the end of that tunnel. Please show yourself compassion, grace, and love.
Alumna, betrayed. Healing from loss of betrayal, marriage, spouse, and the life I thought I had…to discover hope for new beginnings. As a Grief Recovery Specialist, I am passionate about helping others find hope again.
Alumna, betrayed. After enduring Betrayal Trauma, Karen developed a passion for assisting other betrayed partners in their journey to grieve, find hope, and rebuild their lives following such a life-shattering event.
Alumna. Proud to walk with you through the drama and trauma caused by infidelity.
Alumna, Betrayed. A compassionate traveling companion who walks alongside those seeking hope, health, and harmony through betrayal trauma.
Alumna. Wayward. Using the experience and learnings from my own healing to inspire and encourage others on their journey post-infidelity.
Wayward codependent. Empowering others to find hope and healing in their own recovery and restoration journey. Passionate about the ripple effects of healing from infidelity on the younger generations.
Alumni. Rodney and Angela. Channeling hope and healing through music after experiencing God's healing power from the tsunami of infidelity.
Alumna, navigating recovery from both sides of infidelity. Bringing hope to those enduring their darkest moments.
Alumna. Betrayed. Seeking to inspire hope in those recovering from the devastating effects of infidelity or addiction.
Alumnus. Wayward. Encouraging those walking the road of addiction recovery by sharing his own journey of healing and restoration.
Alumna, Betrayed. Seeking God's grace to find meaning and purpose in the pain. Hoping to share my life raft with others drowning in the despair of infidelity.
Alumnus, Wayward. Providing hope, encouragement and infidelity-specific insight to anyone in recovery from betrayal.
Alumna. Betrayed. Sharing her testimony of God's miraculous healing from betrayal trauma to inspire hope in others.
Alumna. Wayward. Sharing hope with others struggling from the shame and destruction of their bad choices. Restoring the broken pieces by the healing power of God’s unfailing love.
Alumna. Wayward. Striving to become a woman of integrity. Together, we can find light in the darkness of infidelity.
Alumna. Betrayed. Striving to recover and thrive after betrayal. I believe gratitude is the antidote to grief. If I can help you in your healing, therein lies my own.
Alumna. Member, EMS Weekend Retreat Team. Hope and healing are possible for anyone willing to work through the pain.
Alumnus. Betrayed. Trying to find his way back.
Alumna. Wayward. A broken and undeserving mess who is learning what real love looks like.
Alumna. Betrayed. Determined to be positive as I navigate the quagmire of recovery.
Alumna. Betrayed. A soul restored. Encouraging others to keep walking because there is a way through. Author of Keep Walking: 40 Days to Hope and Freedom After Betrayal
Alumna. Betrayed. Grateful for God's love and grace. Recognizing that with God as my priority, I will be okay no matter what.
Alumnus. Betrayed. No matter how long it takes or how hard it is, my wife is always worth it!
Alumna. Betrayed. Learning to love recklessly while I cross the monkey bars of recovery. "You have to let go at some point in order to move forward." - C.S. Lewis
Alumna. Betrayed. Walking in obedience to God's direction and experiencing a richer life and Renewed marriage.
Alumnus. Wayward. Living life differently, enjoying my wife and family, and grateful for God’s love.
Alumna. Betrayed. Experiencing God's love after divorce. Celebrating the healing of myself and my identity.
Alumna. Betrayed. Continuing to fight for my marriage and my children.
Alumnus. Wayward. Living proof that seeking truth offers both incredible pain and amazing freedom.
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