Enter Drawing for Harboring Hope for Free

Welcome to Affair Recovery's Harboring Hope Monthly Drawing. We want to know you. We want to serve you. This means we want to hear from you!

The first step is telling us what we can do for you. Please tell us why you’d like to take Harboring Hope. If you made a comment prior to a previous registration period, that comment is still good for your entry.

Remember, submit a comment of 500 words or less about why you'd like to take the Harboring Hope course. Remember, it's a random drawing so your entry won't be based on merit or on your situation. Comments will be moderated by AR staff. Drawings will be held monthly. If you'd like more information, you can also read our official rules.

The winner for December 2024 was "Michelle"
with the entry "Hanging onto Hope".
Congrats, Michelle!

The winner for November 2024 was "Carolina"
with the entry "Not a solider, just another man".
Congrats, Carolina!

The winner for October 2024 was "Becky"
with the entry "Already?!".
Congrats, Becky!

The winner for September 2024 was "SRy2024"
with the entry "It takes two".
Congrats, SRy2024!

The winner for August 2024 was "Virginia"
with the entry "Why I would like to take the Harboring Hope Course".
Congrats, Virginia!!

The winner for July 2024 was "Elyce"
with the entry "I thought we were so great ❤️ together".
Congrats, Elyce!!

The winner for June 2024 was "Malia"
with the entry "Dealing with denial of attraction/ emotional affair".
Congrats, Malia!!

The winner for May 2024 was "Navaho"
with the entry "Harboring Hope Entry".

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I feel lost in the dark and don’t know what to do next.

Please help me and my marriage move forward!!

I recently found out my husband of 9 years has had an online chat addiction since high school, and he has met up a couple times with someone he met online. I love my husband so much, I never in my wildest dreams would have thought this would be an issue in my marriage. I know God is for me, and He is with me, He can make good of all things, but this is so hard! I would like to take this online course to help me deal with my emotions, get support, and move forward in life.

When the betrayer becomes the betrayed

I'm an UW. I have had numerous inappropriate relationships over my 24 year marriage and as of recently, I have had a physical affair with a coworker that lasted 22 months. As I am almost finished with Hope for Healing, I have realized all the mistakes I've made since Discovery. I never shared with my husband, he found messages on my phone. I trickled the truth out over 9 months. I refused marriage counseling in the beginning. I responded to his comments and questions with defensiveness. I thought for a while that I was the victim and he was the problem. Since then I've felt great shame, guilt from what I've done. I've realized the lack of boundaries I have had has been disrespectful to my husband and put me in situations where I developed inappropriate relationships with other men. I've developed an enormous amount of empathy for my husband since I've been going through recovery. I've learned alot about myself; my flaws, my choices and I'm working daily to make improvements. I felt like I was making progress with my husband. Although we were living in separate states due to a relocation for work, we were actively trying to find him a job so he can be with me and the kids again. We were still talking on a daily basis, managing things together and I was being more open about my recovery work with him. Just when he landed a job here and we were planning the move of the rest of his belongings, he shared with me that he met someone on a Christian dating app when he was at his lowest and she has been helping him with his recovery; giving him books to read, giving him advice. She even told him that he needs to move here to give us a try because she knows he is still in love with me and can't be with someone who is still uncertain about a possible future with his wife. He told me he had sex with her, multiple times. He took her on at least one date that I know of, he spent the night in a hotel with her, he has had her in his cousins house, she has met some of his family. He does not see his act as an affair. In fact, his comment to me was that he didn't even consider is cheating since we were separated and he didn't think I'd care since I slept with a man and stayed in multiple hotels to have sex with him for almost 2 years. He then said he wanted to move here and give us a shot but wanted not to keep that from me so we can have a fresh start. I forgave him. I want to be with him; only him. He has since moved in with us again, but about two weeks ago I learned he is still in contact with her. They text message and I'm sure they follow eachother on IG. I do not have access to any of his phone, social media sites. He has access to all of mine. As part of my recovery I have provided him access to all my credit cards, our phone bill, my text messages go to his iPAD and he has access to my email. He protects his phone a lot. He tells me that she is his friend and she helps him. I have expressed my concerns with this. There is no way to fully move forward with recovery when your still in contact with your AP. When I tried to express my feelings earlier during his discovery, he responded with 26 scathing messages about my terrible behavior and all the horrible things I've done. I now feel like I can't say anything to him about it. I'm not allowed to be hurt, sad, scared, because I cheated first. I caused him an enormous amount of pain that allowed him to reach out to another woman to hurt less. This is my fault and I now have to find a way to suppress the feelings so I don't lose focus on my own recovery. I want to take Harboring Hope because I can't share with anyone else. In those that know about my affair I'm the bad one; I'm the one who is the cheater; they don't blame him what he has done because I broke his heart. The thing is, I have a heart too and I don't think people realize that those that are unfaithful are not heartless. There's so much complexity to the unfaithful's decisions/ behaviors. I just feel like when you're the one in the relationship that was unfaithful first, the second one gets a free pass. I need to now know what I can do to recover as the Betrayed Spouse. This is so difficult and I need all the help managing this rough terrain that I can get.

You said it perfectly at the end

I cheated on my husband before we were married. Turns out he stopped being in love with me and never looked at me the same after but married me anyway without telling me this. He began an affair 5 months into our marriage and it went on for 6 years. It was a full relationship, and he was in love. He said he wanted a divorce and I said no. I have fought for our marriage, by myself for a long time while he continued to be with her for almost another year. When I am upset and having a bad day, he asks what's wrong and is so caring until I open up. Then he becomes defensive. He compares what I did to him. He says he understands what I'm going through because I did it to him. But he's not saying it as empathy. He's saying it as justification. I was terrible. I had only been with my husband and started to get curious before we married. I talked to him about this and he shut down and got mad that I had these feelings. So I became selfish and had sex with one man 2x and another 3x. That is awful. I ruined a special bond that I had with him when I did that. He thinks it equivelent to cheating while were married and being in love with another woman and going on trips with her and planning their fututre. He doesn't get why I'm so upset. When I ask him how he could do this to me, he say I should know. I was cabable. and hes right, I was capable. But I did everything possible to fix it after. I have 3 D-days throughout his relationship and each time I was told it ended and they had just reconnected. Its been 18 months since it ended (to my knowledge based on an email I saw) and information is still trickling in. I'm discovering stuff weekly. I'm stuck reliving the worst day of my life over and over. So anyway, me and you both messed up bad but that doesn't mean that we deserve what we are getting at all!

I would love to get on the

I would love to get on the right path through this program.

Lost in Confusion

In response to every partial disclosure, I struggled to grasp what was going on, to stay committed, to hope, to forgive and move forward, to show respect, to help my children through situations their young minds should not need to consider. I lived in hope and repeated forgiveness- never knowing how much the deception and his self pity were wearing on me. I’m no longer willing to accept him saying anything is my fault. I’m so worn out from giving and being blamed as harming. I need to see a better way through.

Seeking Hope

It’s been 2 years since I found out that my husband had a secret sex life and that our life together was a lie. It’s been 2 years of trying to heal to no avail. Although my husband has sought therapy, is in “sobriety” and getting healthy and happy, he still gives me no empathy and it’s actually getting worse the further he gets into treatment. The roles seemed to have been reversed and I am now scrutinized by therapists who say I’m not “doing to work” to heal. I literally live with my trauma (him) and he helps disregulate me. I can not be the happy, present mother to my 2 small children. They have been exposed to such an unhealthy example of marriage and the guilt is killing me. I am just existing in life, trying to work and attend church all while wearing a mask and pretending that everything is ok. I don’t want my children to be traumatized by divorce, but I know I can’t live this way and we deserve so much more. I pray that this is the hope and support I have been seeking. Thank you.


It’s hard to put into words what one goes through when betrayed. They say that if the relationship partners can learn from it, that they often grow from it. That often times, that mistake turns to a lesson in turn turns to a better, stronger and happier relationship if/when the healing process takes place. My question is- WHEN?? When does the healing begin and the pain start to go away? How do I trust the one I loved after being wounded like this? After being betrayed several times in my first marriage, I found the courage to walk away as things just kept getting swept under the rug. Then I met the love of my life and felt I could open up and be the real me again. After telling our past to one another, we swore to never hurt one another and if it came to that, than we would be honest and tell the other first. After discovering the betrayal nearly a year ago and no real discussion or plan of action being followed through upon, it’s time I start to focus and heal myself until she or we or even I decide what life has in store for the future. With so many emotions and feelings racing through the soul, it’s no wonder my heart and mind are at war 24/7. How does one foresee the future and know what they want when one is constantly being triggered or flooding with thoughts from good to bad with in a nano second ? What causes these triggers and dark worse case scenario thoughts? How do I deal with them and try to rebuild who I am and what I truly want/need in life if seems like I can’t even build up the courage to tell her how I feel or what’s going on inside of me? I need to heal, I want to heal! Not for her, but for myself, because I deserve the best me, the real me!!

Finding the Same Demon in another person

I had experienced infidelity in my previous marriage. When the final blow was dealt, he had cheated on me with 7 different women in just over 4 years. I know this demon and at one point welcomed him as a friend, but this isn't the story I want to tell...merely insight to give you a starting point to understand how the same demon can lurk in different people and disguise itself in so many different ways.

On with my current story....

My current husband and I celebrated 2 years of marriage in October. We have been together almost 4 years. Our relationship in the beginning was insane physical attraction, hours of conversation, laughter and excitement. Early on there were red flags regarding issues of infidelity, however, each time one would arise he would chose me over all options. This made me believe that somehow I was special in some way. As time went on, personal issues began to surface in my husbands behavior and personality traits. Still, I didn't give up I paid attention and began to see some very deep emotional trauma from his family life and a very long history in dealing with guilt and shame. Now let me say that I didn't have the idea that I could "fix him" ( I learned that lesson from the previous marriage). I simply was open and honest and allowed him to choose his own path. This seemed to help and a year and a half later, we were married. It was the happiest day of my life.

I am only about 3 weeks past my DDay... 2 days before my birthday, and the last date of disclosure...December 6 2021 my old friend infidelity had finally come to visit. As a result of the crippling destruction I wasn't able to function at work, at home, or in any kind of personal interaction. I ended up losing my job on December 13 because I was unable to do my job... by this point I couldn't shower or cook or even simply remember to breathe. My whole world stopped. I am still trying to make sense of it all. I am moving forward in a positive direction because of this site and its information...and I am doing it with my husband.

The information in the blogs have hit home and allowed us to have constructive conversation regarding his affair. He has come to understand and accept responsibility, the importance of transparency, and even learned things that have allowed me as a betrayed to try and understand the thought process of my husband. We have found the information so valuable, that even subjects that may not apply to our situation, have value and can have lessons to be taken that CAN be useful in our recovery. We sincerely thank you for the work you are doing for couples like us.

The difficulty for me is that typically I would walk away from this type of situation because you never forget the pain and destruction infidelity causes. I never wanted to see it again, let alone believe that I could see it, confront it and actually have a man that wanted to work with me to fight it; for a person to want to learn about how to put work in after such loss and suffering to build some thing stronger and better, was a completely foreign concept to me. I had always though that once trust was broken, you might as well throw it away.

In the last week, and over the Christmas holiday my husband has shown me he is willing to put in the necessary work, but the mark of pain that previous encounters with a cheating spouse have left scares the hell out of me. I feel like I need to know I am not alone and how to understand and forgive myself.
The process is working for us and as long as we continue to put in work and use the tools to foster positive dialog it gives me hope....something I never had previously. I'm frightened of it, but love my husband and need to try and work through this issue that has been there like a foreboding cloud.

Thank you again for what you do.

Scholarship request

Hello! I'm hoping this group can help with understanding and processing the emotional ups and downs I've experienced in the last two years. I've caught my husband multiple times in physical and/or emotional affairs. This last time, two weeks ago, was the last straw. I wonder if he ever really loved me and I wonder what is wrong with me that I allowed this to happen for so long? I just can't seem to understand this, and the trauma has made it difficult to see things clearly on my own. My network of otherwise loving and supportive people are so tired of me taking him back, and I'm ashamed anembarrassed and tired of the "I told you so" comments. I could use the support of others. Thanks for your consideration.

Healing for me

I want to heal for me. My husband had an affair with a coworker and while I want to reconcile , he is unsure. I want to take this class for my own healing and my own self compassion. I believe God can heal the brokenness I feel and that he wants me to individually work on myself.

Devastated and need help

I learned 1 month ago today that my UH had an affair for 4 years. We have been married 21 years and together for 23 years and have one son who is 19 years old. I am swimming in a sea of despair. How do I move forward? How do I stop this pain? How can I ever trust him again? I am morning the loss of what I thought I had, a good marriage. Looking back now I see it was never a good marriage. Has had had emotion affairs since day 1 of dating (I just didn't realize what this was and how bad it hurt me). There have been at least 4, who knows, probably more. There was always porn in secrete, hiding files so I didn't see. The last straw was the actual affair, with "just his friend". Who by the way he hid the fact that they dated at one time. I need so much help....I am so angry, sad, hurt, confused, lost, crushed.....

Barely hanging on

It has been 3 years now since I first discovered my husband had an affair. I was willing to go to counseling, and even move for a fresh start and to get distance from his affair partner. Since then I’ve discovered he has had multiple affairs, and feel like I left my friends and job behind for nothing. He keeps saying he wants to make it work but I don’t know that it’s healthy for me to be around him anymore. The lying has created so much emotional trauma in me. I feel a shell of who I once was. I need to heal and am worried I can’t do that with him in my life.

I need my own process to heal

As I am writing this, my mate and I are over a year past D-day. Though I have to say that D-day was not one day, but rather streched over a couple of months as it took my unfaithful a long time to write his full disclosure. His confession surrounded his pornography use, inappropriate behaviour with other women in his life (pimping tenderness and lustful fantasies), constant objectification and sexualization of women and intensely critical views of my appearance. So basically he glorified every woman he saw, seeminlgy wanting to be with every one of them, while simultaniously tearing me down in his mind. He also had a drug problem for the first year of our relatioship which created severe dammage as well.
My unfaithful mate has always had problems with empathy and being reliable. Now that he has trouble apologizing for the things he has done to me or acknowledging the pain his infidelity and carelessness have created, I am feeling extremely alone. He keeps questioning if the things I need to feel safe are really necessary and if I am judging his behaviors (objectification) too harshly. He also struggles with keeping his word and consistetly following through on creating safety for me. He can't say he loves me or wants to be with me. After more than one year of fighting with him, trying to make him get it and suffering from the emotional turmoil of triggers and reminders, I need some guidance and some well-meaning company. I don't want to keep feeling so lost and uncertain. I want a process to help me work through my pain and disappointment and trauma.

I keep flooding because I feel so unsafe in conversations with my mate and this emotional pain turns me into a person I don't want to be.
I would love to take the harporing hope course because I want my own process instead of waiting for my mate to be healed enough to help me. I also want to take the course because I really wish to talk to people who are in the same place as me, people who get it and who won't judge me for staying this long. I want to understand myself better and become the partner I seem to need so much.

Thank you!

All of you at Affair Recovery are a amazing!
Thank you for sharing your stories, insight, advise and for being a virtual friend when I can't stop the tears.
Worst 5 years of my life! The lessons.....rich. The pain.....it goes on and on..... diabolically painful.
Thank you for being there! Wishing the Love of my life would join me on this journey.


D-day was 08/2020. I found out that he had been having an online affair with my best friend for 6 years! Shortly after he and I had started seeing one another in 2013 he created a fake Facebook account. He created a completely different life for himself that he lived for six years. My best friend, his AP, had no idea it was him. He refused to meet her in person. They never spoke on the telephone. She admits that they had an emotional relationship. He admits to having feelings for her. She sent him explicit pictures of her. They would sext. He was attentive, caring, supportive, and encouraging towards her. She admitted to me that she feels guilty for missing him. He said, in the beginning, he created the account because of his own insecurities. He wanted to get inside information about me from the one person who knew me better than anyone else but eventually, it became something more. I am crushed. I thought the relationship we had was great. He never made me feel unimportant. All the things he was towards her, he was towards me but in person. I only found out about it because I happened to pick up his phone one day and saw that he was logged into Facebook but it wasn't his page. I found the evidence. He did not deny it when I asked him. It took me about 7 months before I was in a place to really talk to him about the affair. He apologized and I said I forgave him. I tried. I tried for almost a year to suppress the voice that was raging inside. I kept telling myself that I forgave him. Why am I still feeling this way? It all came crashing in on me on New Year's Eve 2021. All the pain that I had been pushing down. All the rage, bitterness, and brokenness came spewing out of me uncontrollably. I rage out of nowhere. I hysterically sob at any given moment. My body feels like it is shaking all the time. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I am lost even typing this and I am sure it doesn't make a lot of sense because nothing makes a lot of sense to me. How do I trust someone who can be so manipulative? Why do I feel such shame in wanting to work things out with him? What is right? What is wrong? I feel like I am lost in the woods but instead of moving and trying to find a way out, I am standing still. I feel like I haven't even realized how lost am I yet. Who do I talk to? My best friend since middle school and all of our memories are triggers. I can't just cut her out. She is a victim too. I don't know what to do. I am afraid to go out anywhere because I do not have control of my emotions and I am afraid of losing it in front of people. I haven't gone to work. My voicemail box is full because I can't even take phone calls right now. He is doing everything he can to make me feel safe and help me deal with the trauma and says he is committed to working things out with me but how do I trust his motives? Am I just the next challenge? I have a special needs child that is on a ventilator and many other different types of devices and I can barely focus on taking care of him. Most of the time I am on autopilot. How do I trust myself to make the right decision?

We need more hope

We want to believe all the stories of redemption. We want to see redemption. We need help

I want to ease my husband's pain

I am the wayward spouse.

Harbor for hope contest

I’d like to enter. My husband and I have been married for 20 years. Sprinkled throughout has been multiple instances of emotional affairs, one physical (I know of), sexting and also cheating before we married. We’ve been working through it and things are better but with so many painful betrayals it’s hard to heal. We signed up for the couples therapy with AR but had a family tragedy and baby born that delayed it and it’s been hard to start.

Please Help Me Find Personal and Relational Healing

My husband and I are currently trying to overcome his infidelity and sex addiction (mostly porn). I do not believe he has slept with anyone, however his addiction to porn has affected our relationship since we started dating back in 2004. We completed the First Steps Boot-Camp together, are currently on Week 13 of the EMSO course, and we are also enrolled in a program with Cinema Therapy to help couples communicate. I am seeing a counselor, and we are have a couple's therapist also. My husband is actively participating in SAA calls, and he is awaiting a session with a personal therapist. My husband was laid off earlier in the year, so we struggled to pay bills, and ended up borrowing money from friends and family just to pay the bills, because my husband's secondary job, and EI benefits were not enough to cover everything. We were lucky when our counselor took us on for free to help us recover, unfortunately they were not very helpful. We have watched numerous videos from Affair Recovery, and are so grateful for all of the help we have received from your programs, videos, and resource library. I am definitely struggling to work through my flooding and emotional trauma. Thus, I humbly request to be considered, and hopefully granted either your scholarship, or win the free offer, in order to complete your Harboring Hope course, so that I can move towards my own healing. Thank you so much for everything Affair Recovery has done for my marriage so far, and I truly hope I can continue on this path.

So many layers of betrayal

I found out about my husband’s affair from his mistress’ husband. Sitting at my desk at work when I received a text that said, ‘your husband has been sleeping with my wife for over a year’
Of course it couldn’t be true - he was always home. My hardworking husband who was so committed to his family business was leaving work during the day to meet her.
What makes it worse is that it was with the woman i hired to clean our house. She came into my home every other week for 3 years. She befriended my teenage daughter and my mother. We considered her a family friend. Everywhere I look in my home I think of her. She touched every surface. I want to move.
This started at the beginning of the COVID closure following the murder/suiicide of my ex husband, my daughter’s father, and his troubled son. So when I needed my husband the most, he turned away from his family and betrayed me.
I am stuck. I can’t get these thoughts out of my head.
It has been 4 months and i am still crying every day. He is not showing much remorse but says he loves me and wants us to work it out. Four months of therapy has not provided relief. The color has drained from my life and i wonder if i will ever be happy again

Harboring Hope Drawing

Heaven help me...

I still don't understand

I'm so lost. I'm in love with my husband but it hurts so much that most days I wish I hated him so I could leave. I want my family to stay together. I want the 6 years back that were stolen from me. I want to not be mad every moment of my life. I can't believe I'm capable of the thoughts I have about what I want to do to his AP. And that makes me even more made at him because I have lost myself. I feel like I'm ruined. I'm not happy, bubbly, or naive enough to believe that people are inherently good anymore. I'm bitter. And I wonder if I will ever think what he did is forgivable. I hate that I view the world this way now but I can't seem to see it any other way regardless of the amount of therapy, brain retraining, hypnosis, and other modalities that I try. I want to be me again. I want to be happy. I want to smile. I want to want to get out of bed in the morning.

Helping the unhealthy

18 years ago I was unmarried and unexpectedly got pregnant. As I tried to tell the father, I was met with rejection. A few weeks later when he found out, we decided to give it a go. Within a year, our first born was gone. 2 yrs later we got married and 4 yrs later we had another child. Now 15 yrs after marriage, my husband left and is/was having an affair. I don’t think it’s his first one. I am devastated. My defense mechanism has been to not speak or see him in person. All communication is through email or lawyers. I know he is unhealthy and is justifying his actions and blaming me. I am seeing a counselor but how do I get him the help and why do I want to help him. He’s defense mechanism is avoidance and blame the other person. I have watched him do it to family over the years. I just need help healing myself-and figuring out how to help him regardless of our situation and outcome

Numb,Fury, Crushed

It has been 1 1/2 almost since I found the text to a 31 year old escort. It was only the beginning of the betrayal I found on his phone. 13 prostitutes 23 times, to my knowledge, thousands of dollars later. We were married 35 years then. I am still working through the holocaust of my life. I am still working on this with him with counseling , but I know I have severe PTS so bad ! I know I am detaching emotionally to survive. I need support from all of you and this course to survive this. Please help

Will it ever end

We have been married for almost 40 years and whilst my husband doesn’t have affairs he uses escorts to cover up his pain things go wrong. It happened more in our earlier marriage and with two very young children and no way to support my self I stayed in the marriage. I guess I had a fear of being on my own. Also we always manage to get through the situation and move through. Apart from this we had a great marriage he was always thoughtful and loving and true to our children. Take this behaviours out of the picture and we had a great life. Then it would happen again, there were always large Gaps between his falls. As we were always able to come out from this rubble I continued to stay in the marriage and as the children grew I didn’t know how to leave, I didn’t want them to know what he had done. Again we would work through it all and move on. At one point it began again and it happened on a very regular basis. I did leave for a short time he got help and his behaviour was recognised as an addiction, he had a lot of councelling and lots of things things from his childhood came to light, he was sexually abused among other things, he everything into recovering and marriage moved forward. Though he still couldn’t completely heal. It happened again and he was able to recognised his triggers. He worked deeply with God but he battle and succeed regularly, he felt he was getting stronger fighting this. But every year or two there would be a fall. Maybe I became desensitised, I’m not sure. I often wonder where would I be if I had left him in the beginning. We have spent the last years tracking really well. But it has happened again and we were directed to Affair Recovery by a couple who have completed the courses. He really wants to know why he dies what he does he has done so much work with God and wants this pulled out by the root, he hates what he does and hates that he works so hard with God to resist the temptation only to fall again. As for me I don’t know if I can do this anymore, I feel numb and don’t know what to do after all these years.

He's moved on but I am still struggling

My husband and I were together for nine years when I found that he had been having a secret relationship with his former high school girl. He had been talking to her every day after dropping our daughter at school and while I was working. He went into business with her in addition to having the affair. I thought that I could handle it if we just confronted everything honestly, but he could not leave the AP alone and vice-versa. The lies continued for months until I told him to get out or quit, demanded counseling, etc. While he went through the motions, it seemed that the anger and resentment from him kept coming out in other ways. I was the one who was responsible for all of his unhappiness. After just a few months of counseling, he was done with it and wanted to take a break from it. Three months later, I found that he was back in contact with the AP and finally learned that he was viewing porn 3-4 times a day most days, even on breaks from work. The last fight was awful and the only I could continue to live was to separate. I still held onto hope that he would take some positive steps to seek help for himself and some evidence that he loved us as he said he did. I have been doing my best to recover and take care of my daughter. He immediately went back to the AP. Regular therapy does not really seem to help with the grief. I have come to understand that I most likely will be moving on by myself which is not what I wanted, but I want to return to my happy, healthy self, full of love, light, and joy. The grief is like nothing I have experienced before and this is the only place that offers the help that seems to heal my heart.

overwelmed with grief again

I need stability. I lost my 26 yr old daughter four years ago and swore I would never have to feel such loss and agony ever again. But I have. I found out my husband, who held me and held me up through the loss of my daughter, has been sexting. I also discovered this 8 yrs ago and now realized through watching the Youtube video I forgave too soon. I am back in the PTSD and have no one to hold me this time. I am only talking to a few about this due to my shame, isolation and confusion. Why has my life become so agonizing I always thought I was blessed. I have to again face life from before her death and after and now before the infidelity and after. it is paralyzing.

Much needed

We went through a couple of consolers and we were never able to reconcile. After 10 years we split up. Advice I would give to anyone in this situation is spend whatever you have to , to get the best treatment. anything else is foolish.

Help for husband

I would love to get help for my husband. In 2020, I had an affair and ended it when I couldn’t be that kind of person anymore. Months later, I told my husband. He basically deals with PTSD symptoms daily and I hate seeing him in this kind of pain. I want us to begin a new chapter with complete transparency. I have changed the way I interact with everyone but it may take him a long time to see or even look for the signs that I am a faithful wife and will continue learning how to be a better person.
I would do anything to have a new version of my marriage back. We became best friends after I ended it and put that attention and effort where it belonged. My husband has his own demons but I would never want to spend my life with anyone else. I want my best friend. I want to be a wife he can be proud of. I want that for us and my son. He deserves parents that love and respect one another and are great examples of a happy marriage. He deserves to see us both everyday and not have a broken home. My husband loves me but needs help with forgiving me and trusting me again.

It comes in waves

Married 24 years last year. Thought he learned from his indiscretion during year seven. This time it’s different. It’s Midlife with all of its monstrous tides. This time he tearing apart the kids too. He won’t commit to anything. He’s afraid he’s going to die soon. He can’t see how much he’s hurting us.

I’ve been a homemaker for 20 years. Please help. I don’t think my strength is going to last.

Last ditch chance for help!!

It was a year and a half ago that I discovered my husband was being unfaithful, not in the traditional, sexual affair way, but because on the one hand, he was maintaining a secret, flirtatious friendship with a woman, with whom he met with secretly for lunch, lying to me about where he was going and who he was with, and on the other hand, he was creating false identities and "following" literally thousands of women with pay-for-view social media accounts, and even maintaining one-on-one conversations with them, involving explicitly sexual fantasy-like exchanges, and going so far as to set dates to meet up, where financial arrangements were being made. He denied that he ever met with anyone and to make a long story short, we began seeing a couples therapist a month after my discovery, because I threatened to leave him if he refused to go. I thought that was enough to fix things, and I even got him to read (after I translated to Spanish) some of your Affair Recovery material. A year and a half has passed, and I was certain, because of his reassurrance whenever i expressed doubt, that he was "over" his "contact" phase and had not seen his "secret friend" since I discovered their relationship a year and a half ago. But just a month ago, after confronting him and telling him I suspected he was back to his social media habits and having him deny it all, I found out he was "at it again", and quite possibly never stopped way back when. I feel like couples counseling is useless because he goes through the motions. I want to support him as though this is an addiction he has, and I desperately want to save our marriage, right now, for the sake of our young son. But I need help. I feel lost, uncertain, defeated, and I feel like your program might give me new perspective on the problem, and support through others who are experience similar disappointments with their partners.

Harboring Hope course

My name is Apryll and I’m interested in the Harboring Hope course. My husband and I have been married just shy of 14 years. The marriage had been rocky lately and we separated, with him moving to another state due to work. After a few months, I swallowed my pride and confided in him that I wanted to save the marriage and fix the ways in which I contributed to the downfall of the marriage. Shortly after we began to reconcile, he disclosed that during the separation he had slept with multiple women. To say I feel devastated doesn’t even begin to explain the depth of my feelings. I have tried to explain my thoughts and feelings to my husband but he just doesn’t seem to get it. He literally told me that I’m not blameless in this situation. I really feel like he is minimizing the hurt I feel. I don’t know where else to turn.

This started me on my mission to understand myself, my relationship with God, and whether this marriage is something that can be saved. In watching YouTube videos I ran across the Affair Recovery channel and the videos really resonated with me. That led me to the website where I saw the courses. I would like to start my journey of healing. I want something that is faith-based and challenging. This course appears to fit the bill. I look forward to learning and growing.

Harboring Hope Free Month Contest

My husband and I completed EMS). I would like to take Harboring hope because I need to work on my own healing. I feel stuck in pain and feel that this course could help move me in the right direction.

Im broken

Hi every1
Dont know where to start. I am married 23years and foundnout on christmas eve last year that my husband has an affair over 2 years..we have 3 kids and 2 of them say he is dead for them..they avoied him whenever he comes around..he is in love with her but dosent know if he really wants to leave me..i dont know how to cope and many times im pushing him more away...im doing so much wrong, i now started looking atnmy own faults.... i am at a point where i say..why should indo this..he loves some1 else...im broken

Harboring Hope

I would really like to take this course so I can continue to heal and grow. D day was 5 months ago and since then my husband and I have done the bootcamp and we are now participating in the EMSO. It has helped us transform our marriage but I still feel that I need more help to get to a place of total healing. I have found tremendous support and encouragement from other women who are going through similar experiences. No one can really understand this unless they have been through it. I feel it's an important part of the process to share with others the pain, fear, confusion and frustration along with all the other emotions that we struggle to navigate every single day since our lives have been turned upside-down. I feel like AR has helped give me the tools that I need to strengthen myself and my marriage and I would like to continue to learn and grow. Thank you.

Numb to this marriage

I’ve been married 11 years and we have 1 child of our own and 4 stepchildren from other relationships. I want to gain hope in this marriage that seems hopeless. The infidelity happened 1 year after our marriage and I even mistakenly agreed to have other people in our relationship in an attempt to try and heal it but it only caused more damage. I found out 5 months ago that my husband was trying to have sex with random women on a dating app for over year. He said he only met one woman and from the conversations I saw it didn’t seem like he had much luck trying to get sex from these women. He did all this while we were attending marriage re-engage at church. I feel sickened by this and I can’t trust him and on top of everything else I’m so numb to this relationship. Like I really could care less about him. I hate that I feel this way. I feel like I have no love for him anymore. This is the 4 time that I’ve known of that he’s strayed and wanted to be with another woman behind my back.

Affair recovery

My D day was Jan 7th and my story is very different than most that’s why I’m contemplating taking this course. It’s very hard for me to find support for my situation, I find in almost every affair situation either the offending spouse leaves for the affair partner and continues the affair or they stay and fight to reconcile. In my case, my husband left us and also left her. I’m dealing with extreme abandonment and confusion. It’s been 3 1/2 months now with no end in sight. I need all the help I can get.

I would loved to meet other

I would loved to meet other women in this journey of recovery. It's been a long road for me and I am so tired....

Meet others

Hi JanineS,
I would be happy to meet with you and share our stories. There is healing when we know others are going through the same thing. It's been very hard for me as none of our friends (except 1) knows of our situation. Feel free to send me a pm; not really sure how to contact each other...

Unfaithful and deceitful spouse

Twenty years ago, I discovered her being unfaithful, having an affair with her boss. At that time, she insisted to me, to her friend that she confided in, and also to our marriage counselor that the affair was only emotional and there was no physical aspect. We completed counseling and our marriage was healed. We both agreed that she could continue to work with her affair partner with the promise from her and the affair partner that they would limit contact as much as possible. I agreed to this plan thinking that since the affair was only emotional that limiting contact would eliminate their emotional connection and the desire to continue the affair. I do believe that over the past years since the discovery and during the time she continued working with him, she did follow through with that promise. I thought our recovery was complete.

Two months ago, she admitted that the affair was also sexual, which brought back all the pain and mistrust that I thought we had rid ourselves of before. Now I am dealing with all this again. She has been answering all my questions and we are working through the situation, again. I am struggling with the fact that 20 years ago, had I known the affair was emotional and sexual, I certainly believe I would have left her. Now, 20 years later and me in my 60’s and retired, the option of leaving seems so less desirable since our financial situation as well as family situation with grandchildren would suffer greatly. And, we do both still love each other tremendously.

I had hoped that with my retirement and with her soon-to-be retirement, we would enter into the best time of our lives. Now all that is in question. We both want to recover from this and to make our marriage better than ever, but I am struggling with the constant feeling a 20 year old lie and the visual images in my mind of their behavior. Although I am working with a counselor (not the one from 20 years ago) and making some progress, I am thinking that I might need more help and the Harboring Hope program just might be what I need. Thank you for what you have already provided me on the website and for consideration for your program.

infidelity support group

We have been married for 47 years last August. When we had been married 15 years or so my husband had and affair with a co-worker. Then a couple of months later had a one night stand with a girl he just met that day at the jewelry counter, (he said he was looking for jewelry for me. )
For the next 35 or so years he hid the affair and one night stand from me. He confessed to me May of 2020. He had put it behind him, tried to forget it and felt God has forgiven him, he has moved forward and It tears him up anytime I bring it up/. I have been in shock and then depression and still after 2 years I still feel like I am in a pool of confusion and despair. He is loving and kind and has been faithful, the last 35 years. I still have a hard time thinking I have been deceived the last 35 years. This husband I trusted all these years betrayed me. I want to get out of this cycle and move forward. I don't know what to do.

I'm tired of wondering whether this will work out.

My wife and I separated for a period of time, but the commitment was always that we would continue to work on our marriage. During that period of time because we had had contention in our relationship about my daughters from a previous marriage it continued to be an issue. When I became a full-time father for a period of time my wife pretty much checked out. I found out via phone records that she was having an affair with her former best friend's husband.

I have tried so hard during this process to be forgiving and to show grace. And everyone including her has said that I've been extremely gracious, but recently I find this anger creeping up. And hopelessness as it relates to my daughters. She's re-engaged with them in a virtual level via text and and the occasional zoom call but we're 6 months into the process and it's been almost 2 years since they've seen her face to face and I'm losing hope. The girls were a point of contention during the relationship because she had never been a mom and in hard situations would always choose her needs and desires over theirs. So I'm just wondering at this point whether there's real hope for full restoration. My kids have been through ridiculous trauma as it relates to their bio mom and I just can't keep subjecting them to these broken relationships.

My greatest desire to see it all work out. I don't have a whole lot of Hope at this point. And little arguments seem to be getting blown up. I just don't want to live with this anger and resentment. I've been working with a fantastic counselor and multiple prayer teams. And yet this anger creeps up out of nowhere. I started a new job 5 days after I found out about the affair and that has been a challenge and impacted me as well because my performance has not been good at all as we've been going through this. I'm just tired and I want to have some moments of joy I don't feel anything brings me joy anymore. The name of the course is significant to me because I don't feel like I have much hope. I've tried not to involve people that can't carry the weight of this with me so that I don't have people speaking death into our marriage. But I don't have a real big support group to try and go through this with.

I Need Hope

We are currently taking the EMS class. The curriculum, content, staff, and group members are amazing. However, I am still at a loss of hope. Like everyone else here, we, my wife and I, are suffering from the trauma of affair in our marriage. My wife has disclosed to me, a history of physical and sexual abuse that I never knew from her past, as well as stories of self-inflicted pain she caused herself before I met her. Most of our recovery time has been spent unpacking this abuse, and how it brought her to a helpless place where she felt she had no voice to refuse advancements, that she didn't matter, and that I, like everyone else in her past, would leave her, because she assumed she was so undeserving of love. I want to see her heal for our family, our children, and herself. I have hope that she will. Where i do not have much hope, is that trust can be re-established, that my feelings of worthlessness, and our marriage will not heal, as there is simply so much pain and trauma. I need help, I need to heal and...and I need more hope.


Devastated and Making things worse

Found out a month ago and husband can't tell me why. He knows that I need to move past his affair with his sugar baby. He's not happy and I feel like I lost him. He doesn't resemble the man I married. He loves her, but she is married. They have been together for three years. He cheated in plain sight. The cell phone bills. I never checked them. I paid them. I never had a reason to review them. When confronted, he said he believed that the relationship would fizzle out and no one would ever know. I asked him which relationship he was referring to. I know now, that it's me and I should act my age and move forward. He wants to leave. He won't go on his own, which I don't understand? He wants me to throw him out. How many hints about moving out, do I take action? I'm so confused and sad. He's no longer emotionally attached to me or our marriage, but I keep telling him that it's worth it. I can tell. He's given me every reason why he wants to leave me, and our marriage. I feel like he is going through the motions of counseling. He is just no longer interested in me and is ready to go. I'm making it worse because I asked questions, he cares not to answer. I am to give him space so he can decide if he can love me again. I'm not sure what to do except decide to stay married each day and pray for him and for me. He does not know why he decided to move through his affair, but he is hoping that counseling will help him get a better understanding of his decisions. I'm in the holding pattern, and after three years with someone else, and feel like I am being re-interviewed for my place in his marriage. I can't compete with her because she is 10 years younger and far prettier then I will ever be. He still wants her. I am alone.

not approved

I am seeking my chrysalis - my chance to not just rediscover who I was but to transform into who I can be healed and whole. To not just find my identity again, but to build on that identity by healing from hurtful words that cut me to the quick, made me think I was crazy (gaslighting), beat down my self-esteen and sense of self. Who was I? Who am I? Who can I be healed and whole? Please, help me to answer these questions. Thank you for the opportunity.

Drawing for Harboring Hope

I found out about my spouse's infidelity, and we have been on an emotional roller coastal ride ever since. I forgave him and we worked hard for the first 2 weeks but then he admitted he was still in love with the mistress. He left to be with her at the same time asking me if he decided to come back to the marriage, would I accept him. I was able to contact the woman's husband and then things got real. The husband contacted my spouse and said to stop all communication, so my husband decided to come back. He walked out on our family for good but now he walks to try to make things work. My kids are hurting, and I feel like I am his second choice. I gave him so many opportunities and he dashed them all to run to his fantasy world. All trust is broken, and I am at a loss. The women kept emailing him wanting to talk. He shared one email with me and I gave a definite "no" response. the second email he hid from me because he said he was afraid it would upset me. I need some guidance and I thought this 13 week course would help me get back on track. I need to harbor hope rather than pain and betrayal. I am throwing my hat in the ring for this drawing.

Losing Hope

My husband and I were middle school sweethearts. Needless to say no one really believes such relationships can last. But 14 years later I am grasping for hope. We became pregnant at a young age and split after our son turned a year old. We were young and both from broken homes. After 4 years we finally decided to give it another try and married shortly after. But now, nearly 7 years later, I find out he has been unfaithful for the 2nd time in our marriage. From a very young age I battled with depression and low self esteem. This time it happened all mean while I was pregnant with out 3rd child. Needless to say THAT was the last drop. I moved out along with our 2 children and 10 days away from having our third. Additionally, I had found out he had a pregnancy scare with the women he was involved with. I was sure I wanted nothing with him ever again. But When I realized she was in fact not pregnant I begin to think maybe just maybe there is a chance. But it’s been 2 months. Our son was born and we have been living at my mothers home. And everyday I wake up thinking today might be the day he does something extraordinary to win us back. He says he wants to reconcile. But all I see is him being comfortable with his lifestyle now. I left to not be half a person. To try and be present for my children. But each day I find myself having a little less hope. And a little more broken. I know it’s all part of the pain. All I know is that I can only work on me. So if that means working everyday to loving myself I need to do that. If that means working everyday to be ready for the truth and the whole truth then I need to prepare my heart. If that means I have to work on knowing I can truly forgive him then I must do that! But if that also means accepting he only speaks words and not actions then I still want to be able to look back one day and see I healed for my babies I must do that as well!

Another D-Day

After discovering my husband's affair 6 years ago and taking the couple's online course, I thought we were on the road to recovery. We have had a few setbacks but I quickly forgave and choose to move on. My husband has had a couple serious health issues and I was his constant caregiver; now 6 months past his last major health issue, I find out he's been emailing his AP for over a year. Even asking her if she wants to see him! I discovered this a couple of days after we got back from a fun vacation together. I'm just shocked, deeply saddened and don't know if I can live this way. Forgiving, good times, betrayal, shock, etc. Over and over. I need somewhere where I can go and talk and share what I am going through. It's been going on for so long, I don't think I'll ever be able to trust again. Please help.

I'm just suffering really bad

I'm just suffering really bad. I want to take this course but can't afford it. We received a emso scholarship which is wonderful but u only get one. We cannot find a couples therapist nor a ptsd/ptid therapist or hardly anyone for that matter. We need sliding scale because we are on pandemic medicaid... I just want help. It's been almost 3 months and I still feel so stuck. I know this is random but that's what I have to say. Thank you for the opportunity.
