Enter Drawing for Harboring Hope for Free

Welcome to Affair Recovery's Harboring Hope Monthly Drawing. We want to know you. We want to serve you. This means we want to hear from you!

The first step is telling us what we can do for you. Please tell us why you’d like to take Harboring Hope. If you made a comment prior to a previous registration period, that comment is still good for your entry.

Remember, submit a comment of 500 words or less about why you'd like to take the Harboring Hope course. Remember, it's a random drawing so your entry won't be based on merit or on your situation. Comments will be moderated by AR staff. Drawings will be held monthly. If you'd like more information, you can also read our official rules.

The winner for December 2024 was "Michelle"
with the entry "Hanging onto Hope".
Congrats, Michelle!

The winner for November 2024 was "Carolina"
with the entry "Not a solider, just another man".
Congrats, Carolina!

The winner for October 2024 was "Becky"
with the entry "Already?!".
Congrats, Becky!

The winner for September 2024 was "SRy2024"
with the entry "It takes two".
Congrats, SRy2024!

The winner for August 2024 was "Virginia"
with the entry "Why I would like to take the Harboring Hope Course".
Congrats, Virginia!!

The winner for July 2024 was "Elyce"
with the entry "I thought we were so great ❤️ together".
Congrats, Elyce!!

The winner for June 2024 was "Malia"
with the entry "Dealing with denial of attraction/ emotional affair".
Congrats, Malia!!

The winner for May 2024 was "Navaho"
with the entry "Harboring Hope Entry".

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Feel so alone

Praying I am picked for the HH course. Today it's been 4 months since D-day and I'm anxious and hopeless. Support would be a life line.

a tiny bit of hope

In situations like these, I suppose we could all use a little hope as that is what I'm lacking the most. More than the lack of trust, safety, confidence and love, I need hope first. I'm sure this sounds silly, or perhaps a little cheesy, but I would do just about anything for a tiny bit of hope right now.
I married my husband two years ago and I found out eight months ago that he had been having an affair for our entire marriage. Before we were married, he had a secret emotional affair with another woman who anonymously bullied and harassed me for over a year because she was in love with him.
When we first met, four years ago, he had multiple "friendly" relationships with women because he could not decide who he liked best, so he strung us all along.
But here's the thing, this is all my fault. I am here. I stayed. I married an untrustworthy person. I had uneasy feelings about him yet I'm still here. I have given him permission over and over to treat me badly. I am letting this happen. He's been controlling, abusive and neglectful but here I am. I am no longer the vibrant, day dreaming, quirky girl that I used to be. I'm sad, sulky and depressed. I have barely left the house in eight months because I am so ashamed and so heartbroken.
I'm entering this drawing because I feel absolutely hopeless and I want to be better.

Trying again

I would love to win because I think this would help me move forward. It has been 18 month since the last Dday. I am just stuck. We have done EMSO and moved to married for life. We have done private counseling. My husband is so very ambivalent about doing anything but the bare minimum for his recovery. Between all we have done and the money we have spent I just can't afford to pay for anything else right now. It seems so unfair that help cost so much.

Why I want harboring hope

I have so much hatred and rage at my husband for what he has put me through with his lies hiding multiple betrayals his trying to make my children treat me hatefully his hateful words to me every time I caught him in another lie. His forcing our children to bow down and treat his affair partner as if she was better than me their own mother . Please help me to see my husband is NOT like all the other men in the world. I need to believe love is forever and love is not abuse and agonizing pain. I can't see the beauty any more. Please help me believe again.

Why i would like to do the harboring hope course

I would love to do the harboring hope course. My husband left me on very little notice and with little or no explanation october 2014 and since then I have watched and enjoyed lots of your blogs - Samuel's and Lynns blog clips in particular have been really helpful to me. At my husbands request I filed for divorce against him on grounds of adultery. He never tried, he never communicated, he just left and then got his solicitor (after about 6 months) to write to me saying "my client would like you to divorce him". The main reason I want to do the course is that looking after 2 small children and working full time I have not really processed any of the pain (and painful it is). I think the course would help so much. I have told lots of people how great this website is and i would love to win the free entry to harboring hope course. thank you

D-Day #2.

Was doing better after EMSO, then 18 months after the first awful D-Day, I found out nearly everything my wife had told me about the affair was a minimization and a lie. Hard to keep going working on recovery. Maybe Harboring Hope would help?

Harbouring Hope

Please help me, I feel dead inside. I feel I have no emotion or thoughts as the flooding takes over any reason.
I do love and care for my H, I just don't think he really understands how much pain he has caused me. Just last night he came home an hour later than he should have - he works in a shopping center that closes at 5pm Saturday's, we live 25mins from. He claims he was still at work. He refuses to talk about his 13 month affair, and when he does, if I asked a question about something that happened, he will point out the way I treated him, and that I don't care about his feelings. I have been reading AR since November 2014, and I have come a long way since then, but I am stuck moving forward.

i feel your pain

Please keep reading articles at AR. Find a counselor if you haven't already that specializes in infidelity. All of the accusations about how you treated him is all part of what your husband has to do and say to justify his behavior. He has to rewrite your history together so that he doesn't have to look inward. Keep praying for God's will in your marriage. Do what you have to do to stay healthy. Look inward at your own issues and work on those; remember that there are two people in a marriage and not one is ever fully to blame for a breakdown. So own your part in the marriage issues but know that the affair is NOT part of the marraige breakdown. You each have 50/50 in that, but the affair is above and beyond- he chose that. He chose to go outside of your marriage instead of looking inward and doing the hard work to repair what was broken.
And here is something that I learned late in the game, draw a line in the sand. Put up your boundaries and stick to them. That might be the catalyst for him to turn back to you- when he sees your strong enough to draw that line, stick to your boundaries and not put up with being treated disrepectfully and lied to. There is something bigger going on with an affair- your husband is running from something. By drawing a line, it doesn't mean you're giving up. You can still pray, work on you, and be loving and respectful to him, while keeping your boundaries tight.
I will be praying for you and healing.

It's so complicated that it seems impossible

The nature of my husbands affair, his loss of job, threatened legal proceedings, lies, church conflict and his immaturity has left me feeling completely ripped off for something I never deserved nor did. I have been tarred through the circumstances of this and am finding it hard to want a life with him because of all the trauma he has caused me. I have always been an Independant and strong woman, but this has broken me and I don't know if it is fixable.

I'm just losing hope

It's been just over two years since D day. My wife doesn't won't to leave but doesn't won't to work on us either. With my continuing flooding, and reminders every time I see her AF partner I'm just losing hope.

Just hanging on

I need hope! My husband's been having an affair for 18 months. I've done everything possible - love him, offer to heal with him, forgive him, I've believed him when he said it was over, I've extended so much grace. When "she" gave him the ultimatum of wanting to see divorce papers 3 weeks ago, he moved out, leased an apartment and filed. Ten days in to his moving, he called and wanted to talk. He told me of the sexual abuse he suffered in 4th and 5th grade by trusted adults, he said not in his family. I always suspected this but now I know for sure. He also admitted he's a sex addict- all stemming from the abuse and shame as a child. There is just so much to this story- so much healing to do, first for him, then for us if that's our path. It's so hard not being able to comfort him during this time when he's now reliving this childhood trauma, but he's not here, the kids don't know which way is up- I'm not sharing that news with them, and I feel stuck in this unknown place of moving on in a different direction without my husband or healing with him. He doesn't know where he is either, dealing with the trauma and the addiction that he's admitted to living with now for most of his life! I really need help. I have a wonderful counsleor and friends but I need people that have been here, are here, have healed in one way or another.

An Answered Prayer

Affair Recovery and Harboring Hope is truly an answered prayer. My husband revealed in November 2013 that he had a year long sexual affair with a person he met in an online chat room and lied about it for nearly 5 years. It has been just under 2 years since I learned about all of this. I have been praying during these 2 years for God to send me/us the resources that He wanted to provide for us to begin healing for me/us and the restoration of our marriage. I have not told any family or friends any of this, nothing. I finally decided just last month to finally (very cautiously) look online to see if there was anything that could begin to make sense of this entire mess and, low and behold, the compassionate people of Affair Recovery came my way. I am so hopeful to have found the invaluable information found throughout the articles and videos provided here. Why did I wait so long to search out help? I don't know but God does and I trust His prompting me of now, rather than sooner. I believe that God brings help when it is the right time for that help to come and not any sooner. Harboring Hope would be the "official" beginning of the healing process for me/us. I am not certain that our marriage can be saved but I am certain that I want to heal. Thank you for all that you do!!

On my knees

My unfaithful husband and I are just getting past the 1 year anniversary of our initial Dday - Oct. 18, 2014. It has been a rough month. A rough fall season. Really, all told, a rough year. A year of absolute hell. By the grace of God, we attended the EMS weekend in April, which was outstanding. After a 5 month separation and an eminent divorce looming, my husband was able to begin to crack his self-deception and I was able to believe that there might be hope to resurrect our marriage and keep our family together. We have both matured and healed a great deal, but I feel we have much farther to go and I think for me the Harboring Hope program could be a critical part of this growth.

When will this be about me?

It has been 8 months since my husband's affair came to light, and I am still walking around with a gaping wound left unchecked. He says he will do anything to save our marriage, he says he is ashamed and it will never happen again. But I live in fear of the rug being pulled out from under me again, and I have no outlet for the turmoil I feel. He will answer questions -- but berate for my reactions. He says he will make me feel safer -- but how much longer do I need? Everything is about he feels -- sad, ashamed, frustrated. What about how I feel? My life has been shattered and I don't know what to do!

I think I'm alone

My discovery day was 3 months ago. I know many betrayed spouses feel alone and think no one could understand their pain, but searching through countless websites and reading so many unfortunate stories helps you see that you are not alone, your thoughts and feelings are normal, you were not the first and probably will not be the last person that is faced with infidelity in their marriage. So what do you do when you can't connect with someone's story, when you can't find someone out there in cyber world who understands exactly what you're going through, when you can't find a success story of a couple that made it through the dark experience that you are facing? That's where I am today. My story is so unreal that it sounds more like a Lifetime movie or an after school special. I even had a pastoral counselor tell me that I needed "professional" help because what my husband did was too much for him to handle and he could not help us. The funny thing is I agree. It IS too much to handle and I wonder everyday why I'm still here. I don't know if my husband is a sexual addict or just a serial cheater, if he's broken because of an abusive childhood or if it's genetic because he's the result of an adulterous affair. I do know I love him and I believe God would not allow this to happen if he did not have a plan to get me through this, and ultimately a testimony for me to share when it's all said and done. I believe God uses everything and nothing goes to waste. But, boy, I sure wish I had somewhere to go, someone to talk to, someone who could understand and tell me I'm not crazy for staying and believing that my husband could change, and someone to say even though my story is extreme there STILL IS HOPE.

I think I'm alone

You are NOT alone. I resonated with a lot of your words, I am 5 months out from discovery. We are finding so much hope on this website, and our knowledge that God does not make mistakes. He put us together, as He did you. This is a LONG, slow process, and I find it's often one step forward and two back.
Stay in today, in the present moment, and take heart. You are NOT alone.
God Bless.

How should I wait for my wife

It's been 2 1/2 years since I discovered my wife's affair. There is still no physical contact or desire by her to work on use. We get along fine as housemates and parents, but I just fall into deep depression some times. I have hope and faith but it's so hard. I have committed to myself till both kids go to college but that's three more years. I know God can us thus struggle for good. So I just need to focus on my faith and hope.

Want to hope, but don't know what to do

I have been separated now divorced for two years. I believe I am receiving designs to remain hopeful. Whenever I am determined to move on, something alwAys happens to renew my hope. I want to learn if I am handling my situation properly, or if I should be doing something different.

Still feel this is my fault

We are 10 months out from D-Day and working hard to repair the damage of my hsband's 5-year affair. We are finally to the point where we have more good days than bad, and I am beginning to have a glimmer of hope that we can survive this.

But I can't get over the feeling that I did something wrong, something to make him unhappy, something that drove him to do this. I know everyone says this, but my husband is the LAST person I would have suspected. For him to do something that goes against his moral character -- I just feel it must be my fault.

It would help so much to talk to others in my situation.

I need help

I have been trying to recover from multiple affairs that my husband has had, We have been to counsellors together and alone, but they have all left the agency that my work pays for and we have been unable to find them. I now have no one to talk to about what happened, and how to move forward. It has been 2 and 3 years since the DDay discoveries. My husband didn't tell me about one till a year after I found out about the first one.

I would be very grateful to win this course. I need a place to learn that can help me rid myself of all the anger and hurt I am still feeling.

I would also like to thank Rick and this site for giving us information, and hope. It was one of my first resources and is still helping me 3 years later.


I could really use this resource. I'm learning so much just reading comments from all of you here, listening to the short videos, and doing the 7 day boot camp on my own. My spouse betrayed me over one year ago and though we have had some counseling, we are still struggling. I am not sure whether to quit or stay. We've been married 31 yrs. and have grown children who also know and are suffering just watching us try to make things work without having a lot tools to work with. I'd love to do whatever program I can here because whether I stay or go, I need to get healthy so that I don't feel as though I can't make it on my own, which is sort of how I feel now. I want to chose to stay because I love my spouse and both of us want to stay and work on our marriage not because we are needy.

Why I would like to be part of Harboring Hope

In June I found out about my husband's several year long affair. I would love to be part of a group with other women who have experienced the same sort of betrayal. I have nobody that I know of in the same situation. We have been married almost 30 years. We have five kids.

1 year anniversary of D Day is coming

My husband and I have been together for 12 years, we were high school sweethearts. We had a very rocky and dramatic relationship since we were so immature. After I had our son I had postpartum depression for about 6 months. I enrolled in full time school and full time job. Had no time to spend with my husband the little I had I spent with my son. I am not trying to excuse what he did or blame myself no, HE cheated not me, but I am at a point in the recovery process where I can see no one is perfect, yet yes he made the mistake and I've made him pay for it this year. I was paranoid and questioning all his moves and he had to show me his phone and explain everything he did to me at one point, I lost the love I had for him, and he prevailed through all of it something he would have never done before knowing him how impatient he is. Yes it's nothing compared to what he made me, made us go through, but he chose to come clean and take whatever I brought to the table come what may. There is hope. I would love to take the Harboring Hope class though because I think it would help us over this hurdle of the first year anniversary of disclosure, 2 days after Valentine's Day, it is ruined for me.

Harboring very little hope

I find myself harboring very little hope these days that the feelings of sadness and despair will ever get any better. I would love to take with class but with all the money we have already spent on classes and therapy we just don't have the finances. I am a full time college student and work full time. We also pay for my daughters college. So I am prayerfully submitting my entry again. If this is God's plan my name will be drawn.

Need a blueprint for healing

I found out about my husbands affair almost 9 months ago. We are in counseling but I feel like I need more help in healing my heart. I think HH would help me tremendously and I'm praying that I will be picked to receive this huge gift.


We're going on 3 years since Dday. We've had some counseling but no official infidelity counseling. They want to work on communication and other issues. I feel like this could help us get over the hump and start down the other side to the great marriage ahead. All the infidelity retreats or courses are so expensive, the web sites help but I feel personal help would be so much better.

Surviving the Pain of Dbl betrayal

My spouse carried on a 16+ Long Term Adulterous betrayal with a 30+ supposed friend of mine and the family. The majority of their adultery was carried out in our house and in our bed. This has caused so much pain, and my spouse claims not to remember when it started or a lot of the detail. Not sure if he's covering his cheating backside or truly doesn't remember. I discovered their adultery and he lied about the length and using our bed. he finally confessed after many lies and denials at a marriage intensive in MI, that it had gone on (supposed 1 or 2 times a year) for much longer. So much pain, since our families were very entwined and our children were also friends.

i just want to be healthy

we've made progress since d-day; but have recently moved and are no longer in counselling. I have more hope than pain these days; but know there is more healing ahead. I am sure this would help!

Needing Hope In My Healing

Hoping I'll be chosen for the HH class. The sadness and exhaustion from infidelity is pulling me under.

My heart is lost in hurt and sorrow

Betrayed, almost two years ago. Husband left with AP, after almost 10 years of- what I remember as a very good, happy marriage. Two daughters are with me, suffering immensly, because they have problem understanding why their loving father left them. Just writing about it provokes physical pain, even after so much time-since it was a complete nad utter shock to me, when my husband told me about the affair- the pain that makes you breath difficult and feel actual heartache. For days, for months...The pain of my children suffering-because of their own father...The hurt of thought that he did not loved me, he did not love our children enough to stay, to at least try to make things better.....that he was just thinking about himself...I am struggling each and every day to look at it from the positive side, to comfort my children and reassure them all will be fine...but I know nothing will ever be fine...It just feels like my whole world togehter with my heart and soul is crushed. So, how one can recover after this?

Harboring Hope

I am about 3 weeks post D-day #2. Original D-day was August 26,2015. We immediately started individual therapy and couples therapy to address the issues related to my husbands affair with a co-worker. He said it was over when he got caught the first time. He started doing and saying everything to make me feel "safe" again. Then just a few weeks ago I discovered he went back to her again. He says it's really over this time....that he now realizes how horrible and stupid his actions had been. He didn't realize this after he got caught in August? Anyway, I am struggling everyday to make sense of how after over 20 years of marriage and 3 kids he was willing to throw away our marriage not once but twice. Fully knowing the trauma he inflicted on me the first time I found out...I'm bitter, angry and flood/trigger all day everyday. It's not healthy and I need to get a handle on my emotions. Hoping this class would be a start to figuring out what I need to do to move forward...

I need to do it on my own

Its been over six months of a steady down hill decline. We have stopped couples therapy and had to switch to another most recently. We are going to our first joint this Saturday. I have tried the Mort Fertel approach for the first 6 weeks. When her AP sent me a text and said would it be helpful if i stopped responding to all communication with her. Well, the repercussions to me we intense resentment and loathing for interfering with her "Friendship". No more mort. We have made every mistake that we could have emailing and calling from work. trying to talk after 11. marathoning. We have committed to try to do one activity a week together other than counseling. i agreed to let her go on a personal retreat to get some time away from the 4 kids and the affair. I asked her to send me a small note or text each day to let me know she was thinking of me. She didn't. Again she was going to work on anything but the affair and getting away from the thought of my pain was also part of her retreat. She says she has gotten over shame for having the affair. But she really has never been there to give me comfort when I am grieving. The words of remorse and regret and responsibility are not what she can express openly. I do get an occasional touch and hug but it is when i need to seek them out. I have come to the conclusion I must do this on my own. I have asked her to join me but she refuses to go she knows why she had the affair. Its all clear to her. I have tons of questions that most likely will never be answered because she doesn't feel safe when I flood. I need to feel I can get through this to some point where I can move forward and not look at what i have lost.

What to do now?

Although the betrayed right now, I was the unfaithful 17 years ago. I have come to realize that we never truly went through any of the right processes to heal.

My husband had been involved with Pornography from the earliest parts of our marriage - which diminished our intimacy dramatically. From that, coupled with the 'right person' at the 'right time' and a very slippery and quick slope - I had an affair. Through my husband's efforts to 'not tarnish' my reputation - we tried dealing with it on our own - no true outside support - only he and I. Let's just say - that wasn't effective in any way, shape or form. He says he forgave me - but I now know that is not the case.

Fast forward to this past year, he 'fell in love' with another woman - one who doesn't even live in our country that he had met on a business trip and hasn't even been alive as long as we've been married. Although I knew he consummated the relationship, I was still willing to work things out - I knew how easily it was to be on 'his side'. My only requirements - 1. He commit to rededicating his life back to Christ and 2. He eventually give up all contact with the AP through extensive counseling. His response was - he would never give her up - as she is a lost soul and 'needs' Christ. He is deceived - just as I was.

So - now as I try to move on with my life I have a great church family and support system. I voraciously scour the affair recovery web site for information that would be helpful and listen regularly to the Vlog's. I would really appreciate being able to take the Hope for Healing course as right now, financially it is impossible as I'm not sure what my finances are even going to really look like.

Anyway, I appreciate being able to see the free resources as they are incredibly helpful as they come to my 'inbox' on a regular basis. Thank you so much for your ministry - it has helped and I'm sure will continue to help as I stumble through my recovery.

Blessings to you all.


2 months in from dday - I need sisters WHO UNDERSTAND!!
I live with a person who I believe was literally insane.
28 years of marriage!
Worship leader!
Bible study leader!
Extremely intelligent and wise!
2 beautiful children after years of infertility!
Great dad!
Scrupulously honest!
Yet he commits adultery!
I will never understand why.
Will someone please wake me up from this nightmare?


Harboring Hope

This week will be 1 year since he told me all of the truth. I'm continuing to struggle with intrusive thoughts and triggers and need help healing myself. I am hopeful that Harboring Hope can help, although I'm not religious at all.

Can you help me?

Hi, A little over a year ago I was sitting at my husbands computer with his Facebook page open. I received a private message from his AP. She not realizing it was me said she needed to go into another room. Her husband was aparently home. When my husband saw what is was doing he came an immediately took the computer from me. From there after being confronted with the me being falsely diagnosed with an STD he finally came clean. My husband has admitted to 5 affairs over a 6 year period. We found a LMAF counselor that we saw weekly for almost 12 months. His advice has be only marginally helped and sometimes been harmful. Our therapist thought you ahold just draw a line in the sand and move on. He told me that looking at what had happened in the affair would only increase my pain and would further harm me and the relationship. In spite of all of this God has been faithful and I have offered my husband forgiveness. We would like to get past this but I am so hurt because of the trickling out of truth over the past year. I hope that the additional damage caused since d day over a year ago will be something we will be able to overcome. We both love our children who have had chronic medical issues for the past decade and I don't think they would ever get past a divorce. Please help us.

Need new hope

Our 1 year for D day is coming and I feel like I'm alone. All my friends who used to check on me have stopped, my husband and I are just hanging on and I feel like I need more support and a blue print for moving forward.

a new start

Since my husband confessed to his affair (and after a few setbacks); we have truly worked toward building new ways of relating. We recently moved across the country for a new job and there is no support network here. I am grateful for the new start; but often fear that there is more to heal from, more to wound to clean out, more patterns to change. Harbouring Hope would be a lifeline that I need at this stage in our lives....

need this!

2.5 years post D-Day and praying for hope and peace. I cannot seem to get over this and husband appears to be doing all the right things. I am so sick of feeling empty and sick inside. I'm tired of wondering and trying so hard. I pray daily and want to do what is best but my heart hurts so badly. I am open to anything and will try anything. I need help.

I am desperate to heal

I found out my husband was having an affair about 8 months ago. I am devastated. He has told me several times that he "cut it off" with her. But, then a month after he would tell me that, he would then tell me that he was still in a relationship with her. He now says it is definitely over with her. I don't know what to believe. But, at this point he refuses counseling and he doesn't want to do the EMS online course. We have a toddler and I have been staying in the marriage because I want her to have her mommy and daddy together and I keep thinking his heart is going to change. I am finally to the point where I need to leave him because I can not trust him. I really want to take Harboring Hope because I want to work on my healing and I want to stop waiting for him to help me heal.

Trying to stand

My husband and I are currently in the process of divorce, yet living in the same home. He has been unfaithful on and off for the past nine years and on and off with the same person for the last 4 years. I believe that God can save anything, but I am currently stone-walled by my husband who doesn't seem to know what he wants from day to day. I have tried to let go and let God, but I am in His waiting room as well. My children and I feel like we are waiting on the death of our family. I don't know what to do.

Surviving the Pain of Dbl betrayal

Trying to survive a Double betrayal by spouse and supposed friend that went on for 16 plus years. Pretty sure they are both sex addicts. He is and it started by supposed friend letting him know she was available and no strings out of the blue and available at his beck and call for years.

Harboring Hope

I was ready to walk away from 30 years of marriage because of the trauma I felt from his affair. Finding the affairrecovery.com website and resources have given me hope of a new and different marriage relationship with him.


We are in the 7th week of discovery. My husband has been unfaithful for our entire marriage, with different people. We have just marked our 28th anniversary. I am overwhelmed with loss and grief and my husband is broken open. He sobs with remorse and regret. We need all the help in the world. Please..

Hello, how are you doing? We

Hello, how are you doing? We have some similarities. I'm happy to see you won the course. Is it helping?

Two Years - It Still Hurts

Maybe it still hurts because I truly believed he would never do that to me. Maybe it still hurts because there were two. Maybe it still hurts because of the STD I now carry. Maybe it still hurts because I carry this alone - we haven't told our families or friends (with the exception of 1 couple). Maybe it still hurts because that's normal.

Free Class

It has been 14 mos. since D day and 11 mos. since we attended the EMS weekend. The EMS weekend was very helpful in beginning my process of forgiveness and helped me to realize that I was suffering from PTSD. Since then, I have continued to go to therapy, seek information from the recovery library, seek out a prayer partner, and have drawn closer in my relationship with God. My husband on the other hand has pushed way from the table and does not work any type of recovery on a regular basis up less I suggest it. My hisbamd and I have been living desperate for 4 mos. This week he returned home. He is still ambivilant and I feel as though he is looking for a reason to leave. I have realized that I do not have to participate in an emotionally unhealthy argument. I am working on becoming a stronger individual. The fact that our last child moved out at the same time husband did and now I am feel all alone has been such a challenge. Though I can not make my husband do the work necessary for recovery I can work on myself. I need to take the focus off of him and my children and figure life possibly by myself. I would love any extra support from attending Harboring Hope.

still needing help

I am 3 years out from D-Day and I feel stuck. I am still hurting deeply, angry beyond words, and scared to give my heart and soul 100%.
I feel some days I am just in limbo. My husband has healed, and is trying everyday to love me and make things safe and right, but I sometimes feel like I am just existing. The counselling help we had has changed and we would have to start all over and hope they were a good fit. We have no help groups where we live so it would be a real blessing to win this.

What Does Me Time Look Like?

Spouse and I are a both. I've been with him for 12 years and as a Mexican American, I was brought up to shut up and serve your husband. I'm a Christian too. And at church, I was brought up to please God and therefore serve your husband. I ended all my friendships and any social life I ever had prior to being in a relationship with Sal. I became a stay at home mom. Had four kids. One of which is autistic. But since day one, I had a nasty gut feeling. I knew he was hiding something. Sure enough, I would end up finding littl things here and there throughout our entire marriage! I thought I was doing the right thing by letting it go and continuing to be a mom and wife. But this deception ate at my core and I became depressed. Not realizing it at the time. Until I discovered his affair. I really wanted this to work. But seeing little to no effort. I became distant and disconnected. By then I was already a victim of pimping tenderness. And that's when I acted out. We ended up going to EMS weekend. But I am just seeking help for myself. I am not used to me doing anything for me. So it feels weird. A tid-bit selfish. And I need help to feel perfectly ok to seek out all the help I can get. For myself! Not for Sal. But for me! Right now, it's not important if the marriage continues. I would be ok if we were simply co-parents. I feel that I need to find a steady ground to plant my feet and start this recovery process. Especially since he's a sex addict. Which is very new to me. I don't even know who he is. And I especially don't know who I am. I need help.
Thank you.

In need of healing

Married 4 years. Have a blended family of his, mine and ours children. I learned on November 27th 2015 that my husband had a 1 1/2 year affair. I'm not sure what to do. I just want to stay because I haven't left or filed for divorce. He ended the affair immediately upon discovery. I can't make since of how someone could both love me and rip my heart out at the same time. I don't know how to ea from this or if it's worth giving a second chance. I'm working towards acceptance of my own powerlessness to change the situation. I'm hoping that answers will present themselves as I keep doing the footwork. Thanks.
