Safety in Recovery
The hallmark of any healthy recovery is safety. Both spouses have to feel safe in order to rebuild a strong, new marriage from the ashes of the old one. Learn how to make your mate feel safe and why it is so important that you do.
Must Reads
Affair Recovery Timeline for Healing After Betrayal
Healing After an Affair: How do I Address Unmanageability?
Why Did My Spouse Cheat? A Crucial Question In Healing After An Affair
Why Couples Fail After an Affair | Part 1 - Not Knowing What Happened
Social Shame: Understanding the Paralysis of it
1053 Resources
Type Title Posted
Video Q&A How Can We Stay Safe While Traveling? 5/21/2019
Video Q&A Should We Take EMS Online Even If There Is Still Contact with the Affair Partner? 5/21/2019
Video Q&A What Would Be Considered a Relapse or Relapse Behavior? 5/21/2019
Video Q&A Why Do I Feel the One Place I Can Be Myself and Be Safe Is a Place I Now Get Attacked? 5/21/2019
Video Q&A Should Safety Override Pursuing the Path We Think Might Be Best for Us? 5/15/2019
Video Andy and Laura Mentor Video 5/14/2019
Video Q&A What Boundaries Would You Recommend upon Reconciliation? 5/08/2019
Video Q&A How Do We Handle the Affair Partner's Continued Intrusion in Our Life? 5/08/2019
Video Q&A Should We Disclose the AP's Personal Information to Our Mate? 5/08/2019
Video Q&A Is It Okay for the Wayward Spouse to Journal about the Affair Partner? 4/30/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Feel Safe with Multiple Online Accounts? 4/30/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Feel Safe from Another Relapse? 4/30/2019
Video Q&A What Boundaries Should We Set for Transparency? 4/17/2019
Video Q&A How Do You Address Your Wounds While at the Same Time Feeling Remorse for Your Mate? 4/17/2019
Video Q&A How Do We Set Boundaries When Children Are Involved? 4/10/2019
Video Q&A Is It Safe to Stay with Someone Who Hasn't Fully Disclosed the Affair? 4/10/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Get My Husband to Tell the Truth? 4/10/2019
Video Q&A How Do We Set Boundaries When the Affair Partner Has Close Family Ties? 4/10/2019
Text The Power of Small Groups 4/10/2019
Video Q&A How Can We Create Safe Boundaries with Social Media? 4/03/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Know If My Partner Is Safe? 4/03/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Show My Positive Change in Spite of Relapse? 4/03/2019
Video Q&A What Steps Should I Take after Relapse? 3/20/2019
Video Q&A How Can We Create Safety in the Workplace? 3/20/2019
Video Q&A How Do You Enforce Boundaries? 3/13/2019
Video Q&A Should I Set Boundaries with Friends during Recovery? 3/13/2019
Video Q&A Am I Asking for Too Much? 3/13/2019
Video Q&A If My Spouse Relapses during EMS Online, Should We Start Over? 3/06/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Set Safe Boundaries in Our Recovery? 3/04/2019
Video Q&A Am I Being Unreasonable with Accountability? 3/04/2019
Video Q&A What Boundaries Should We Set with the Opposite Sex? 2/22/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Get to a Place of Safety and Intimacy with My Mate? 2/20/2019
Video Rodney and Angela Mentor Video 2/14/2019
Video Q&A What Steps Do You Take to Find the Right Accountability Partner? 2/13/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Get My Mate to Create Safety? 2/06/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Come Back from a Relapse? 2/06/2019
Video Q&A Can I Every Truly Be Safe for My Spouse? 1/30/2019
Video Q&A Where Is God in All of This? 1/30/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Find Better Accountability and Create Safety? 1/30/2019
Video Q&A Is His Explanation Probable? 1/28/2019
Video Q&A Should We Set Boundaries with Masturbation in Marriage? 1/28/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Apply Boundaries and Reconcile? 1/23/2019
Video Q&A Should My Wayward Spouse Find a New Career to Create Safety? 1/22/2019
Video Q&A What Boundaries Should We Set around Our Emotions? 1/22/2019
Video Q&A Should I Give My Mate a Second Chance? 1/16/2019
Video Q&A How Do We Manage Safe Boundaries with a Child from the Affair? 1/09/2019
Video Q&A How Can We Create Safety When Anonymity Is a Requirement in 12 Step Programs? 1/09/2019
Video Q&A Is Mentoring Another Form of Pimping? 12/14/2018
Video Q&A Is ‘Rubber Necking’ or Blatant Attention to Other Flirtatious Women Part of Infidelity? 12/12/2018
Video Q&A How Do I Make My Mate Feel Safe After All of This? 12/05/2018
