Strengthening Marriage
Nurture your marriage with positive steps towards maintaining a healthy recovery. Use these articles to find security on your pathway to wholeness.
Must Reads
Infidelity Counseling: How Effective Is It?
Dealing with Infidelity: How to Get You Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling)
Social Shame: Understanding the Paralysis of it
Surviving Infidelity Part 1: What Do You Need to Know?
Healing After an Affair: How do I Address Unmanageability?
346 Resources
Type Title Posted
Video Q&A When Will It Start to Get Better? 9/06/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Best Decide If I Stay or If I Go? 9/06/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Help My Husband Become More Romantic? 8/18/2017
Video Q&A Is It Normal for the Betrayed to Feel Indifferent? 8/18/2017
Video Q&A Is It Possible to Not Get Annoyed or Impatient with Your Spouse? 8/18/2017
Video Q&A Should My Husband Be Transparent about His Relationships? 8/16/2017
Video Q&A Can You Explain EMSO Week 7 in More Detail? 8/16/2017
Video Q&A What Do You Do When Your Spouse Is Withholding from You? 8/10/2017
Video Q&A When Can We Focus on the Affair Rather Than Problems in the Marriage? 8/10/2017
Video Q&A Is This Co-Dependency? 8/02/2017
Video Q&A How Do We Break through Poor Communication Habits? 8/02/2017
Video Q&A When Will My Husband Visualize Himself with Me Instead of Seeing Me with the AP 7/26/2017
Video Q&A How Do We Move beyond 'Pretend Normal'? 7/19/2017
Video Q&A What Do You Mean by 'My Mate Is Never My Problem. My Mate Only Reveals the Problem in Me'? 7/19/2017
Video Q&A Is His Affair Too Big for Us to Overcome? 7/19/2017
Video Q&A Are My Requests Unreasonable? 7/12/2017
Video Q&A How Do We Handle All of Life's Issues without Losing Focus of the Infidelity? 7/12/2017
Video Q&A How Should Intimacy Look for a Couple after Infidelity? 7/12/2017
Video Q&A How Can I Get My Wife to See Me in a More Positive Light? 7/12/2017
Video Q&A Is It Therapeutic for People to Know about My Affair? 7/12/2017
Video Q&A What Is a Reasonable Expectation When I Share a Wound with My Mate? 7/05/2017
Video Q&A Is It Beneficial to Read My Mates Journaling during Hope for Healing? 7/05/2017
Video Q&A Since I Cheated on Her, Will My Mate Ever See Me as Committed? 7/05/2017
Video Q&A How Can I Explain What the Word 'Safe' Means to Me? 7/05/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Move past Him Not Telling Me He Loves Me? 7/05/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Know If This Is Progress or Pretend Normal? 6/28/2017
Video Expert Q&A Preview: What Is Hysterical Bonding and What Does It Mean for a Relationship in Recovery? 6/28/2017
Video Q&A How Important Is It for My Husband to Choose Me versus Need Me? 5/26/2017
Video Q&A Is It Possible to Fall in Love Again with Your Mate after They Were Unfaithful? 5/24/2017
Video Q&A Is It Necessary to Confess My One Night Stand to My Unfaithful Spouse? 5/10/2017
Video Q&A When Does a Betrayed Spouse Find Sexual Desire for Their Mate Again? 5/10/2017
Video Q&A How Do We Combat Triggers for Upcoming Events? 5/10/2017
Video Q&A How Can I Hear His Heart? 5/03/2017
Video Q&A How Can I Feel I'm in an Ideal Marriage If I Can't Expect Sex to Be Ideal? 4/25/2017
Video Q&A What Should I Do Now That I'm Finished with EMS Online? 4/25/2017
Video Q&A Can you provide examples of larger lives developing after recovery from betrayal? 4/05/2017
Video Q&A Can You Help Me Understand Our Counselors Process? 3/22/2017
Video Q&A Have We Traded One Self Centered Lifestyle for Another? 3/08/2017
Video Q&A When Do You Know It's as Good as It's Going to Get? 3/08/2017
Video Q&A Why Would I Choose to Stay with Her? 3/08/2017
Video Q&A How Do We Make It through the Course If It's Been Bad for the First 5 Weeks? 3/08/2017
Video Q&A What is Reasonable to Expect in the 18-24 Month Timeline? 3/08/2017
Video Q&A Should I Consider Visiting Our Children without My Husband? 3/08/2017
Video Q&A Is She Finally Choosing Me or Is It Something Else? 3/08/2017
Video Q&A What Other Steps Should We Take to Work towards Reaching a Full Recovery? 3/08/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Get My Mate to Give Our Marriage a Chance? 2/22/2017
Video Q&A Will My Husband Ever Recommit to the Marriage? 2/22/2017
Video Q&A Can Pop Psychology Predict Our Compatibility? 2/22/2017
Video Q&A How Do I Combat My Feelings toward the Unremorseful Affair Partner? 2/22/2017
Video Q&A Should I Stay for the Kids and Just Deal with His Online Struggles? 2/08/2017
