Strengthening Marriage
Nurture your marriage with positive steps towards maintaining a healthy recovery. Use these articles to find security on your pathway to wholeness.
Must Reads
Social Shame: Understanding the Paralysis of it
Dealing with Infidelity: How to Get You Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling)
Healing After an Affair: How do I Address Unmanageability?
The Power of Small Groups
Why People Cheat: The Fog of Self-Deception (Part 1)
346 Resources
Type Title Posted
Video Q&A How can I Regain Positive Feelings Towards the Man Who Betrayed Me? 2/08/2017
Video Q&A What Would you Suggest for Us to Reconnect Emotionally? 2/08/2017
Video Q&A What can I do Now that I Feel Doomed to an Unfulfilled Married Life? 2/08/2017
Video Q&A Should I Actively Fight my Apathy Towards my Husband or Will it Break Down Naturally? 2/08/2017
Video Q&A Do you Plan to Update the Married for Life Curriculum Soon? 2/02/2017
Video Q&A How can I Stop my Victim Thinking and Take Ownership for my Issues? 1/24/2017
Video Q&A I Want Sex but Not with my Spouse; Will a Separation Help? 1/18/2017
Video Q&A Can We Find Fresh Love Again? 1/18/2017
Video Q&A How do we Start an Accountability Group? 1/11/2017
Video Q&A What can I do in the Mean Time to Change how I Feel? 1/11/2017
Video Q&A When is the Best Time to Bring up Hurt Feelings? 12/20/2016
Video Q&A Why is she Acting this Way? Should we Work on the Marital Issues Instead of the Infidelity? 12/20/2016
Video Q&A There was Infidelity Prior to Marriage. How do we Best Prepare for Marriage? 12/16/2016
Video Battling Intrusive Thoughts and Physical Intimacy After Infidelity 12/13/2016
Video Q&A How can we Heal if we don't Talk? 12/07/2016
Video Q&A Is this as Good as it Gets in Our Recovery? 12/07/2016
Video Q&A Will there be a New Course Offered to Help Us Find that Next Level in Marriage? 11/30/2016
Video Q&A Can you Give me a Vision for a Healed Marriage I Can Work Towards? 11/30/2016
Video Q&A What are Some Signs and Symptoms of a Marriage Healed After Infidelity? 11/30/2016
Video Q&A What is Protocol for a Couple in this Post Affair Scenario? 11/30/2016
Video Q&A How Can We Get Past Our Difference of Opinion With Reconciliation and Forgiveness? 11/23/2016
Video Q&A Any Way to Encourage Progress in Our Recovery? 11/23/2016
Video Q&A How do We Deal With Chronic Pain, Medication Addiction, and Affair Recovery? 11/23/2016
Video Q&A Any Advice for Us After a Huge Backslide? 11/23/2016
Video Q&A Is it Possible to Stay in My Marriage With Fear Based Motivation and Find True Happiness Eventually? 10/24/2016
Video Q&A How Can I Communicate With My Spouse After Her Affairs? 10/11/2016
Video Q&A I Stopped the Affair. Will I Cheat Again? 10/11/2016
Video Q&A Is Recovery from an Affair Possible if My Mate Can't be Empathetic? 9/28/2016
Video Q&A What's Appropriate in Terms of Sexual Needs for the Betrayed? 9/28/2016
Video Q&A After Harboring Hope, What Resources Are Suggested to Continue Healing After Infidelity? 9/28/2016
Video Q&A How About an EMS Weekend Part 2? 9/22/2016
Video Q&A Which Anniversary do We Celebrate After Infidelity? 9/22/2016
Video Q&A What Can We do to Reconnect and Gain Happiness? 8/24/2016
Video Q&A When Does it Become Harmful to Want to Be Wanted? 8/24/2016
Video Q&A Can Marriages Survive Mismatched Personalities and Sexual Differences? 8/03/2016
Video Q&A When Will the Loving Feelings Return? 8/03/2016
Video Q&A Does He Want Me or Are the Words Empty? 8/03/2016
Video Q&A Why Doesn't He Respond to My True Self? 7/26/2016
Video Q&A Can I Love Her Again? 7/19/2016
Video Q&A How Do We Prepare for Vacation Now? 7/13/2016
Video Q&A How Do We Bring Purity Back to a Defiled Marital Bed? 7/13/2016
Video Q&A Shouldn't He Be Wooing Me Back? 7/12/2016
Video Q&A What is Expected After Grieving the Loss of Love? 7/01/2016
Video Q&A How do We Talk About it Now? 6/28/2016
Video Q&A Advice for 'Getting it'? 6/21/2016
Video Q&A How Do I Convince My Mate That I'm Sincere? 6/14/2016
Video Q&A How Can I Love Him Again? 6/14/2016
Video Q&A How Can I Feel Her Love When She Does This? 5/10/2016
Video Q&A How Can We Overcome Our Tendency to Withdraw? 5/10/2016
Video Q&A How Can I Get My Spouse to Show Initiative? 5/03/2016
